Wurm Online

That Summer Burnout


It happens every year around this time. I can’t figure out what I want to play and so I spend the majority of my time bouncing in and out of various games, hoping one will catch my attention for longer than 20 minutes. Then I feel bad when it doesn’t. It could be the amazing weather, stresses from work, watching friends and family all do their thing while I’m across the country, or something else. I have no idea. I just know that normally when I have a bit of free time (and I’m at home) I think nothing of what game to play and I just do it. These days though I’ll log into 4-5 games only to wander around aimlessly and then decide they were not what I wanted to ‘do’ after all.

I managed to resist every sale on steam – even though there are quite a few DLC I’d love to own on my wishlist. I just didn’t think I was gaming enough to justify the cost at the moment. I’m tired of Early Access games. While I understand that crowdfunding and EA games are a fantastic way to get indie developers into game releases, I’ve just been burned and frustrated too many times. The latest is with Windborne, which sat on my wishlist for over a year before developers announced that they just don’t have the funds to continue.

I can understand that. I understand that we live in an age where there are lots of games out there, and to create something that’s going to be profitable is hard. It’s still frustrating as a player and as a potential investor in these games. I miss the day when I could purchase a completely finished game (or at least what I would consider ‘finished’). There are some great Early Access games out there, but the chances of me being interested in them when they finally release are pretty slim.

What have I been playing lately? Well. The list isn’t that long, but like I said I haven’t been doing a lot of gaming.

  • Wurm Online: In summer my Wurm interest flags a bit, but I’ve still got two active accounts and deeds, and I still check in daily to take care of crops and animals. I know my interest in this one will pick back up after summer, it always does.
  • FFXIV: I keep trying to be interested in this one, and it’s just not happening. I still have 44 days active on my account but something about the game is just not appealing to me lately.
  • WoW: I still have time left on my account, but honestly I just haven’t been playing. Garrison grind is a thing, and I just don’t like it. Not even pets are able to keep me entertained these days.
  • WildStar: I play daily, and I still enjoy it quite a bit but I limit my time so that I don’t get burned out. Since I work for NCSOFT on WildStar it’s also pretty much a given that I’m playing it daily.
  • EQ/EQ2: As much as I love the Ragefire server, it’s hard to get into if you’re not already in a community or with established friends. I was hoping it would be more like the communities of days gone by, but so far it hasn’t been and that bugs me to some degree. Instead I’ve been playing EQ2, my old haunting grounds. I’ve been clearing out older heritage quests and playing in my guild on my own, we’re level 78, and I’m having quite a bit of fun with that. My defiler is still only level 96, but I’m not really in a rush to reach level 100. I don’t even know what is available to do at level 100.
  • EVE Online: I don’t play nearly as much as I should / could / want to, but I do have an active subscription for a year, and in the meantime my skills are training up. I know this is a great game to pop into when I can here and there, so I haven’t been concerned about my lack of playtime.
  • GW2: Still working on my mesmer, on a new account. Right now she’s 49, which is great but I’d still ideally like to reach 80 before the expansion hits, and maybe get another character or two up there on the new account. We’ll see how that goes. It’s hard when I don’t really have any inclination to play.

Hopefully I climb out of this rut I’ve found myself in before too long. I imagine when fall rolls around I’ll be back to my ‘typical’ gaming self, whatever that is. In the meantime, happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself!

Bridges, Stairs, and Ships – Oh My


Bridges, stairs, and revamped ship models are finally in game. There were the usual expected bugs during the initial release, but developers have been working very hard on getting them squashed. I didn’t get a lot of time to play this week, but I did get enough time to add three new staircases to my homes, and I have to admit, I adore them. I haven’t looked into bridge building yet, that step seems far more complicated. I have one building to complete at the South most deed, a tailoring shop. Afterward, I think I’ll begin a knarr. I have a corbita and a sailboat, but a knarr can carry more, and still move through shallow waters. Plus I’ve decided to leave the sailboat up at the Northern deed for my priest to use. Never know when she may want to get around.

Aside from the building that needs to be completed and perhaps another staircase or two, I’m not sure what skills I want to be working on. The priest just reached 57 channeling, which I am very pleased about. I still need to work on Soul Depth, but but I’m happy with how things are progressing. Her casts are still not that great yet, I’m hoping to improve them over time. So far she can get steady 30-40 casts. I’d like at least 60 or higher. I know it takes time and a lot of work though.

Other than that, this week has been filled with work. I’m very excited to hear that the EverQuest progression server will be live on May 20th, I’ll be playing as Stargrace, though I haven’t settled on a class yet, I THINK I’ll be going gnome shadowknight. What has everyone else been up to? Let me know in comments!

What Do you Need in a Deed?


I’ve owned more than my fair share of deeds in Wurm Online over the years, and there are some very specific things I look for when it comes to setting up a new one. Some things you want to keep in mind for a generic deed include how far away clay is, what about tar, or peat. Clay is typically the more important of those three, but if you can be in proximity to all the natural resources you might need, that’s obviously better. What about mining, is your deed low to water? That could create an issue with mines being under water once you open one. You’ll want to make sure that you can mine above the water level. How much work do you want to put into your deed? This will depend on your play style. Some of my alliance members are incredibly ambitious and have designed a deed right into the face of a mountain side, where as others (like myself) prefer a less intensive design.

What interests do you have? This will help decide what sort of deed you’ll want to create. Do you want to spend a lot of time working on your farm fields? Tending to animals? Maybe you want to be a hermit who lives inside of a mountain most days – or maybe you want to spend the majority of your time exploring, so becoming a villager in another town is best, that way you have a bed to come home to but you don’t have to worry about building a deed from scratch.

How is your fight skill? Are you going to need to hire a guard for those first few days or can you hold your own? What about a guard tower? How close do you want to be to other players, or to an active market? Do you want to start building ships? Thanks to ship transports being near to water isn’t quite as important as it once was, but it certainly doesn’t hurt.

Some of these things you may not even realize you’re taking into consideration when placing a deed, but you do on a subconscious level. Of course how the area looks is pretty important too. Do you want to live in the middle of a forest, or way up on a mountain cliff? Take the time to find the right deed for you, there’s so many areas to explore and there’s no need to settle down at the first place you tumble into (unless of course it is the perfect spot for you).

As always, happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself!

Wurm Online, WildStar, and FFXIV


Wow, I haven’t made a blog post since April 7th! I just haven’t had the time, as much as I wish I did. Most of my days are filled with work, and when I’m not working I’m sleeping or getting a few household chores done. I do still fit in some gaming here and there, mostly to regroup and relax after the things mentioned above. I decided to create a new alt in WildStar, to start. I love my Chua Spellslinger, but I decided I wanted to see how the other side lives (a common occurrence with MMOs, especially for myself) so I decided to create a human medic. I know, it’s not that exciting but the character is quite fun to play. I created a little back story, and so far she’s level 18. Still a long way to go. I picked the soldier path this time, my main character is an explorer. It’s a lot of smashing of things which is fine by me.

In Wurm Online, well. It’s exciting times there. I picked up a new priest (Vynora), a new deed (up North) and a set of drake. I set up a merchant at one of the markets up North that seems to get quite a bit of players passing through and made my first 5 silver in a very long time. Granted it was because I sold some rewards I had been given ages ago (a breastplate and some ore) but a sale is a sale, and it was nice. Of course I promptly went back to the market to restock and to do a bit of shopping. I walked away with a new leather at that looks like Indiana Jones wore it, a bassinet helm because my drake didn’t come with one, some Mol Rehan banners, and a Mol rehan guard tower that I’ll have to complete some time. I spent about 1.5 silver which I’m quite pleased with. Oh and I picked up 8 source crystals which will no doubt come in handy. I think people underestimate how awesome karma is (though I do wish I could port between alliance deeds with karma).

I’m also still playing FFXIV though my time in that game has been quite limited this week. I’ve been working up my crafting and harvesting skills because it’s just so relaxing. The guild I’m in (well, Free Company) is going strong, and it’s nice to see so many people around. I’m quite pleased at the come back that FFXIV has made, it’s a huge change from when I played before the re-release.

All in all being busy isn’t exactly bad. It just takes away some (all?) of my game time but I still manage to log in here and there. I hope everyone has a lovely weekend, and lets hope that I don’t go quite so long before my next update! As always, happy gaming no matter where you find yourself.

A Second Deed in Wurm Online (again)

wurm.20150405.1531My main deed is pretty much completed these days, with only 1 building and some fencing still needed along the upper most tier. I recently downsized two sides to free up a bit of the monthly upkeep I was paying, and to allow me a bit of freedom in creating a second deed with my alt. I decided to re-subscribe with Blesse, and I’ll probably be making her a Vynora priest once I get enough faith. Right now I’m hovering around 22, and I need to reach 30 in order to have another priest change me into one.

The second deed is nothing fancy, just a mining outpost along an enormous mountain side. My own mine is quite small, as my deed didn’t extend that far into it. Plus I just like having a little outpost to hang out at. I’ve designed a small 2×2 home with a 2×2 pen attached to it for my horses. I brought two horses over from my main deed, along with a handful of supplies like nails and barrels so that I didn’t have to create things quite from scratch. Still don’t have a hunting lodge, but honestly I haven’t seen that many areas on Xanadu that actually have any creatures. Makes things a bit difficult. I don’t know if they’re just bunched up together on some sections of the map or if other hunters are coming out and clearing everything. Either way, it make for some pretty barren lands.

Now that the deed is mostly completed, and the second deed is under way, that gives me time to work on some skills. I’d like to continue leveling my weapon smithing, but I’ll have to find something on Netflix to watch as that is probably one of the most tedious skills I’ve ever attempted to level. Besides that I’d like to continue working up my JC, and maybe branch more into HFC (hot food cooking). That of course requires me to actually work my farm, for vegetables, and maybe even fishing since meat has become scarce. Or I could take a wagon and go on a massive hunting trip. Either way, I’m never short on things to do.

Happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself!

Nomadic Gamer