Wurm Online

Working away on Xanadu

wurm.20140616.0129_2The new deed is coming along very well. So far I have terraformed the portions that I want to work on, have the starts of a great mine (exposed 8 iron nodes so far), have 3 animal pens and begun breeding horses, started a workshop, and roughed out my dock. I also decided to start up another Fo priest, completing the alliance with one of each priest. Yetian has a Magnaron priest, Vannin has the Vynora, and I’m back with Fo. I still feel as though Fo is an under powered priest compared to others since they don’t really do many enchants without requiring a link, but c’est la vie. At least I can charm, and enchant mailboxes. The priest does require quite a bit of work, they have no skills at all, so I’ll want to get going on some nature skills eventually. Farming, cooking, and those sorts of things.

I’m really enjoying the server so far. It’s enormous. I can’t see myself ever getting bored when there’s so many places to explore. I have started to wander out from my deed quite a ways, headed west, which is the “mainland”. Though the entire continent is broken up by smaller islands it seems. The map has been useful, but it’s quite hard to judge the size of everything so far.

I don’t miss the place on Pristine at all, even though I left many things behind (including my rare forge). Hopefully everyone else stays as interested with it as I have been. Wurm Online is still one of the most relaxing games I have ever played, and I think that’s the major contributing factor to me enjoying it as much as I do.

As always, happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself!

Welcome to Xanadu


One of the best parts of Wurm Online is that they bring up new servers every so often. The latest server was Xanadu, which has a few unique features that other servers don’t have. First of all, it’s gigantic. It’s the largest server currently available. That means there’s LOADS of room for you and all of your neighbours without stepping on one another. Of course that doesn’t stop the shoreline from being completely pillaged by landgrabbers, but still, lots of room.

You also don’t need a settlement form in order to place a deed on this server. Instead you can create a deed stake with a carving knife and a shaft. You do still need the silver in the bank to place a deed, so it’s just like purchasing the form without having to run to a trader.

Of course I wanted to check out this glorious new server, so I decided to re-premium my “old” main, Stargrace, who I have not played in quite some time. It felt good to be using the character again. She has been neglected ever since I decided to play on Pristine. Speaking of which, with Xanadu, the servers of Pristine and Release finally get connected to the rest of freedom. Granted they are on the far side of Xanadu so it’s quite a sail, but the option is there.

My new deed is 31 x 23 which is quite a lot of room for me, and I’m excited about it. I haven’t decided yet what I’m doing with the space, but I did open a mine (utmost iron, yay) and start a ramp that leads from the water up to the top of my property which is on a moderate hill. It’s surrounded by mountains, and two alliance members also made the move, so there’s a lot going on. New servers are always great for bringing in new blood.

As always, happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself!

New Deeds, New Excitement

deedLast week I decided that Bitgum was too far away from my main deed to maintain both. Especially since Bitgum deed upkeep was over 6 silver a month but I only visited the place 2x a month give or take. I made the decision to close Bitgum down and disband it. I packed everything I owned into a wagon, loaded it into a corbita, and decided to set down a second deed on the Pristine server, not too far away from some alliance members, and on the mainland.

The new place is called Carrara, and it’s filled with marble. Above is a map of the current mine system. The bright pink are areas that I have yet to mine, the grey represents marble nodes, the black iron. There are also a few silver and zinc nodes thrown in. As you can tell by the map, there is a lot of marble uncovered (18 so far). Ore is regional, but it still seems like quite a bit to me. A fair amount of iron makes the place the perfect mining operations, and the land had already been worked quite a bit as a deed must have decayed there at one time or another. There was some enchanted grass, 5 forges, a few ovens (I bashed those since I don’t need them), and a handful of coffins for storage. I built a brand new smithy as well as a wooden cottage, and began a guard tower. The deed rests right on the edge of the desert which is typically teaming with creatures but at the moment it’s pretty quiet due to a bug. While it does rest on the edge of the desert, the deed itself is covered with lush trees, and is up against a mountain with a pretty nice view. There were plenty of lamps already placed, so the location is already well lit without me having to do any extra work. All in all I’m quite pleased with the spot, even though I have my priests over at my main deed still. Since there’s not much to do at that main deed I enjoy having a second project.

As always, happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself!

Keeping a Vynora Priest Busy



Priests are great to have around. They cast useful spells, and take care of the deed (typically). Since they can’t improve items but they CAN create items still (they can’t attach items that have multiple steps) it’s a delicate balance of finding out what to work on. What is my Vynora priest working on?

  • Woodcutting
  • Farming
  • Casting spells for Channeling
  • Animal husbandry
  • Hot food cooking

I’m looking to raise my soul depth for better casts, and one of the best ways to do that is through hot food cooking. I don’t currently have a lot of veggies stored up, so I’m thinking about making a WTB post and ordering a few thousand. Vynora is a big fan of woodcutting, and animal husbandry and farming also help raise soul depth (nature skills). Plus these are things that are relatively easy for a priest to work on.

I’m also going to work on making yoyos which means creating shafts and string. A boring task, but again something a priest can do with relative ease. Channeling lets you succeed at casting your spells, and the higher you can raise it, the better. So far I’ve caused a few items to explode, and I’d like to get to the point where I’m not constantly failing. Right now I’m at 32 or so. 40 would be a great level. My casting method so far goes like this:

  • 1-15: Bless
  • 15-40: Opulence
  • 40+: vessel

It’s a really easy way of leveling channeling, although now that I’m at 32 opulence is starting to give less in the way of skillups. I’ve been saving up my gems, and that should help nudge me a bit further, once I get there.

The Fo priest works a bit different as far as leveling goes, but I’m also working on the same basics (minus woodcutting) to raise soul depth. Her channeling is already almost 50, so there’s not too much to work on there at least. One is more than enough.

As always, happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself!

It’s a Wurm Online Sort of Life


I took Blesse back to Release to work on her latest deed, Bitgum, for a bit. The deed has four mines, one of them being large but there’s still a lot of room for progress. One of the mines is located in the animal pen area, and has copper. Only four tiles had been mined, so I completed a door and then proceeded to expand the cavern. I’m hoping to find more copper there. Ores tend to be regional, so there’s a good chance I’ll find another one or two.

The deed is pretty much ‘done’ but I do want to add a few more buildings to round it out, and complete the dock area. I want to revamp the stables with new gates, and add an area for farming. There is some basic clean up that needs to be done (involves me cutting a lot of trees) and some general tidying up, but the place is looking pretty good. Now that I’ve removed everything that was on the perimeter I’m slowly letting it decay. I could spend time removing it all by hand, but I’d rather just let nature take its course, and keep my tools in good condition (bashing tends to take a lot out of them).

Sadly some neighbours to my West decided to tear up the highway that I used to get to the sea, which is a shame. I’ll have to find a new rout if I want to load up a wagon with ore to bring over to Pristine. It’s just one of those things that happens, and they have GM permission so there is nothing that can be done about it. Bitgum is on the edge of a lake that doesn’t end up at the sea, so traveling over land is my only way of transferring goods.

On the home front, my Vynora priest is back at work on Pristine. I’ve been working up her hot food cooking, praying, working on channeling, and doing other priest related things. I’ll be putting in a small tree farm with that character later on today. The Fo is living with a friend, taking care of animals and doing other “Fo” things. We managed to link up and get a few casts of Lifetransfer done, nothing especially high but since the spell requires linking (120 faith) it is better than nothing at all.

There were some great changes in a patch today that reduce the cast time between spells:

  • Spell cooldowns were removed from Rotten Touch, Bloodthirst, Aura of shared pain, Web armour, Blessings of the Dark, Circle of cunning, Lurker in the deep, Lurker in the dark, Lurker in the woods, Fungus.
  • Casting timer was reduced to 30 seconds for the spells Libila’s demise, Animal’s demise, Selfhealer’s demise, Dragon’s demise, Fo’s demise, Magranon’s demise, Human’s demise, Fo’s touch, Vynora’s hand, Magranon’s shield, Libila’s shielding, Dark Messenger, Courier

These are important changes. The timer between the first group used to be 5 minutes. The timer for casting Courier used to be 2 minutes. I never saw the use for having such long timers, and I think the changes are welcomed.

Hopefully I find more copper today. We’ll just have to see! As always, happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself.

Nomadic Gamer