January 2007

The diferances between girls and boys (or, girls rule and boyz drool!)



My computer desk, note the kitty cat desktop!

So, I was looking at the two computer desks in my livingroom. I live on the 11th floor of an apartment building, so there’s really only two choices, put them in the bedroom, or have them in a corner in the livingroom. Taking a look at my desk, well, it’s not the neatest of desks, there’s a bottle of multi-vitamin there, cute teddy bears, some pictures along the top, a candle and pens and pencils in a glass. the ever-present water glass.

Shadowgeist’ desk, just missing the pop cans

Note the WoW desktop (though he plays EQ2 mostly) keys, wallet, cell phone, house phone, boxes of kleenex… nothing as personal or soft as my desk. I have the biggest desk, but he has the brand new monitor (which makes me drool, I’ll admit). So it’s only safe to assume that when it comes to gaming habbits, there are differences. In play style, in attitude, and countless other things. There are times when I tend to be a little more… bloodthirsty, and times when I’m content to sit back and just heal. It’s finding a balance between the gaming styles that makes things work (or not work, as the case may be). Unlike a lot of couples who play MMO’s, we typically don’t play together at all. We’re in the same guild for the first time in five years, I want to craft, quest, and explore, he wants to squish things. I squish too, but at a more.. lady like pace.

Anyhow, I just wanted to point out some differences in play style. A small break from the every day MMO comments I post here. I’m heading out to see if there’s any copies of TBC left in Ottawa, I bet $5 there are none, Best Buy’s online merchandise check thing says they’re sold out, Future Shop claims to have some left, so we’ll see!

Mr. Steamsworth feels the burn

Some times, you’re just glad you follow sol ro

Actually got some quests done yesterday that I’d wanted to do for a while. One of them in Lesser Faydark had me kill a level 67^^^ who came with a 67^^ and that means, they were blue to me. Now, I’m a cloth caster, without masters of my pets or nukes. Wearing a few fabled pieces but a lot of treasured. So of course I had my doubts. I mez’d the ^^ and decided to take down the ^^^ first because I figured he’d update my quest (I was wrong about that as it turned out, I needed to defeat both and loot a shovel they dropped). I was very thankful I follow sol ro. Not only do I wear a cloak that gives me +65 damage to all of my spells, but I also get a miracle called incinerate. It does (with my current intelligence) 17,000 damage or so. Of course as you can see from the picture above, it can also crit. That’s on a mob with no debuffs. Toss it on a raid mob and it’s hittting anywhere from 28,000-32,000. If I had any heat based spells sol ro has a better miracle I’d have chosen (I have it on my fury, who can crit for about 45,000 or so) but for now, that’s not bad at all.

I keep my God happy by feeding a few pieces of spare gear to them every day, and those blessings and miracles don’t only come in handy on raids, but for my every day adventuring where I need a sudden boost of dps in order to win a particularly tricky encounter that I shouldn’t be soloing (but I am).

I finally completed my poets palace access. I’ve never needed it, I farm the zone with friends and haven’t ventured in solo yet on my illusionist. I wanted it mostly because the house reward is a carpet that ports you to the citadel (convenience is great!) and to up my very small quest count of course. I also did the access to ToS (Tower of the Sky, it’s an epic instance in shimmering citadel, and completing that zone gives you a scale, that lets you inside of the Djinn master’s prism, another raid zone with one hell of a script to run through). no house item for that one though.

Also a huge thank you and shout out to Mrrx, he’s been working on the Ashen Order faction and posting about it, I decided (since I collect titles, it’s a quirk of mine) that I’d go after “The Jade Tiger” title, and am now sporting it. Slightly annoying to get simply because I was at -20,000 faction with the order to begin with. After raising the faction to +20,000 in the sprawl, I headed over to pillars of flame – where there are large encounters of level 55 heroics that I can aoe madly away at and die in a matter of seconds. It was great. I also made about two plat from all of the stuff they drop after killing 10 groups of these. Each group netted 1,000+ faction each, plus a few quests I did to boost it a little higher. This was the first time I’d actually quested at all in DoF with the illusionist, I pretty much skipped the content in my mad grind to 70. It was nice to start working on it again. I’ll have to work on courts faction one of these days too I think, and there is silent city access I’d like to obtain, and a few other quests (of course I did my carpet quest already, who wouldn’t want a free mount!).

Mark of the Awakened (third time’s the charm)

Dasie frantically beating away at the Droag for MoA

Learning the raid strats for EH (emerald halls) has been challenging to say the least. Three hours on a single named encounter. Learned a lot though. When you zone into EH you have the chance to have a few random named up at the time, other times you’ll zone in and they won’t be there. So it was fun to see something new at least. Went to Deathtoll after that, but I was feeling slightly under the weather after 5 hours of raids, so I called it early. Deathtoll is a stroll in the park now anyhow and doesn’t require a full raid force any more.

TK is apparently going to be making a quick MoA run (the final quest is a x4 raid) for a few members who need it, so I figured I should get Dasie (my level 70 templar) caught up to that point. I’d already completed the major parts except for the solo trial. I was level 65 at the time, and any one who has ever played a templar knows they are not the most dps efficient of characters. The solo trial was impossible for me to beat at that time. It was a whole different story at level 70 though. I stocked up on some thornskin potions just for some extra dps, slapped yaulp on, and a 2handed weapon, and mashed away until everything finally died. I remember doing the quest with my warden, as well as my (at the time) coercer. So this’ll be the third time I’ve gotten my MoA for a character of mine. It’s a pretty significant piece of gear and I remember how pleased I was the first time I got it.

I was thinking back to the last time I was really impressed with an encounter and a guild kill, the last time I was so very excited and happy about raiding and the game in general, and I pin pointed it to the first time TK took down Chel’Drak, I screamed in the teamspeak channel when we did, lol. I also won a pair of the druid boots that night. I’m not sure what the game seems to be lacking lately, maybe (probably) it’s just me. Raid schedule’s changed a little bit, fri-sat-sun-mon and wed are the new days, instead of tue-wed. Makes for a long run, fun none the less.

Today – hopefully I’ll get Faydai a few more sage levels, at least two. I’d love to quest some more with Stargrace as well, we’ll see how it goes. I’ll probably dip into warcraft today as well.

Mayer Mayong says a painful hello

Stargrace standing in front of Mayong Mistmoore, in Inner Sanctum

A good weekend of raids so far. With a few blips of course. Friday night we headed to clockwork, took down the crazed mecha dragon with no issues, headed to Chel’Drak (which is by far one of my favorite fights) who we downed first shot, then we headed to Freethinkers Hideout, where things started to fall apart slightly. Downed one name with no issue and then two healers had to leave. That’s never fun. So after a few more attempts we called it a night, and I continued on my way working the “To Speak as a Dragon” quest line that I’ve been exceptionally lax on doing.

Saturday’s raid consisted of Inner Sanctum. Another zone I like quite a bit. The zone itself is a challenge, though it’s quite easy to kill the named in there – up to the final boss Mayong Mistmoore, who we’ve yet to down. We did get three pieces of class gear though, and I walked away with the little pretty pictured below

A item that’s clearly an enchanter one, since the majority of our spells are mental and magic and all that good stuff. Now I just need to find a pretty adornment for it. Apparently we may be getting some cross server transfers as well, that’ll be interesting. A guardian, dirge, and wizard from unrest came by the server looking for a raiding guild. I’m not sure we actually needed any of those classes, though maybe Jraxl (our current main tank / guild leader) is looking for a back up (we only have him as a guardian, though our shadowknights and bruisers can also tank quite well) and of course a lot of the time no wizards are around, though our dirge is exceptionally regular, the other dirge.. is not quite as regular. Anyhow, enough rambling from me for now, we’ll just have to see how it goes. I think the plan today is to head to Emerald Halls.

Casualties of the War of the Fae (Raincaller)

Level: 60

– This quest starts from Master Bowyer Mossberge, in Kelethin. Evil aligned can still do the quest, you may need to sneak past the guards though.

– The first step is to head to loping plains,and find the mouth of the Long Drawn River. It’s up north, there’s only one River in the zone. A level 52 Heroic wounded werewolf will be there, and close by Ranger Oast will spawn. Hail him for your update.

– Head to Lesser Faydark to the Wu encampment, Captin Trueshot will spawn there (940,-179). He sends you off to collect a few supplies to help create the bow.

– A spool of dwarven wire can be bought from Mender Horon Bronzethumb (-260,90) at West Fort Irontoe in Butcherblock Mountains. He won’t sell to you unless you have 10k+ faction with the irontoe, if you haven’t already gotten this from doing the level 17 HQ, you can slay kobold, or work some easy quests around the zone. To buy from him, right click him and when you open the repair window you’ll see a tab for “buy”.

– Two perfect micro servers, are semi-rare drops off of the clockworks in Klak’anon. Only the higher level ones will update the quest, and you won’t see an update as you kill them, but keep working at it, and eventually you’ll get it.

– Moonlight wood, comes from a harvestable tree in Greater Faydark, head towards Felwithe (New Tunaria), and up a cliff (1000,430), you’ll find a tree. The tree only spawns at night, and you must have a skill of 245+ to be able to harvest it.

– For the gold Fairy dust, Princess Saphronia will help you. She’s found in Kelethin and wants you to get a powersource for Sir Gearheart. It drops off of the last mob in court of Innovation (inside Klak’anon). Give her the powersource, and she’ll give you the fairy dust.

– Head back to Master Bowyer Mossberge, and he’ll send you to get it enchanted, go to Fethinal the Enchanted in Greater Faydark (inside the tree, -835,540).

– Take the bow back to Captian Trueshot in Lesser Faydark. He can’t use the bow though, and wants you to kill dragoons to help him out.

  • Dragoon V’Riv (-300,700) near the Estate of Unrest in butcherblock
  • Dragoon K’Geth (200,280)
  • Dragoon Captian K’Venx in lesser faydark, head towards the obelisk, heading around the left edge, you’ll find a climbable root that leads to a ledge where the captian spawns.

– Head back to Captian Trueshot.

– The Captian ends up being a vampire himself, kill him, and Huntsmaster Viswin shows up, and sends dierwolves after you. Kill them, and head to loping plains.

– Head to the steps of Castle Mistmoore, and an epicx2 level 60 encounter will spawn. Can easily be defeated with one group, he’s got a very small magic type dot. Defeat the encounter.

Reward: Raincaller bow

Reward: ??? Status points