January 22, 2009

Heirloom Tag in EQ2

There is a fairly big debate (and a few of them at that) going on in EQ2 about the new Heirloom tag that’s being tried out on the test server. You can read the 7 pages (and counting) of comments over on the official site here

Basically this allows players to trade items tagged as heirloom between their accounts to their alts. A fine example of this (and the one in question) is the void shards that people can currently quest for. These items are no trade – and can be seen as completely useless if you’re a hard core raider. There’s no reason for you to collect void shards, the gear is of no use to you. 

Allowing you to trade them between your own account, lets you have a purpose for those shards. You can trade them to alts and gear them up while your main does the instances. 

I’m actually for this change (for now at least). I think giving people a purpose to do those instances is a good idea. I think that if people get any more bored with running them (lack of reason to go etc) then it could prove disastrous for those of us who NEED that gear upgrade. 

Just my two thoughts for now. I’m sure I’ll have more to say about it as it gets tested and changes. It’ll be interesting to see what else is given the heirloom tag. 

(As a note – these items can be placed in your shared bank)

Everyone into the Pool

Screen shot is myself and three guild mates splashing around in a froglok pool that I added to the guild hall yesterday. The kerran is Craw, halfling is Egon, and the mouse is Wpus with his best friend Smiley watching from the back. Center is my little defiler who managed to ding 78 last night – and – brought her Tupta faction high enough to purchase the recipe book that allowed me to craft such a fancy little pool. I really do love those craft books. 

Just so people don’t think I’ve forgotten, I do still have big news in the works. Town Crier even mentioned it which surprised me (and flustered me even more). I haven’t wanted to release too many details yet in case I jinx it and it doesn’t end up working out. I should find out the remainder of the details either today or tomorrow – the suspense has been causing many a restless night and inane ramblings to my close friends to say the least. 

Wpus wanted to work on his conjuror epic a little bit last night and had very little left to go. I am always eager to get the group killed help out so off we headed as a duo to Sebilis. We actually made it quite far in our ‘barely a group’ group and when Craw (bruiser) had some spare time he came to help as well. The update was from researchers, though we did try the dreadmages in the blacksmith area first. Update obtained, that was the end of my evening. 

I’ve been thinking a lot about what a wonderful group of friends I have in game. How understanding they can be, how they listen (and how I hope they can say the same about me) and the entire support network. I’m so thankful every day that I have been given the opportunities in my life that I have, and I really appreciate what everyone has done for me. 

I do have two smaller projects on the go (or just starting off I suppose) that I’ll probably write about here as time goes on. We’ll just have to see where they go!

See you in Norrath!