Happy 2nd Birthday Vanguard

Two years since the release of Vanguard: SOH. I’ve played off and on since the beginning, and I’ve always said that I love the game – despite what a VERY rocky launch it had. Things are far better now, bugs have been fixed and content has been added. There’s still bugs, it happens. But if you were around at the launch and around now, you’ll see definite changes. 

In celebration the folks at SOE are hosting a “it takes two” contest. You can check out the details on their official site here. Pretty neat prizes, I can’t partake because I’m a resident of Canada but I hope some of my friends to the South get a chance to enter. 

The people who do play and who have stuck by the game for the past two years are some of the most passionate people I’ve ever had the pleasure of meeting. They care about their game on a very deep level and they’re not afraid to stand up for their beliefs. The channels (especially in Thestra) are filled with people reminiscing about EQ1, and almost daily you can hear people walking down memory lane. 

So happy 2nd birthday Vanguard! I look forward to seeing what comes in the future, and how things continue to change.

Colourful Evening

Screen shot is a new outfit that Wpus requested, doesn’t he look stylish? It’s complete with a bright blue cloak, and his fabled epic at his side. Yesterday I was busy most of the day creating lists and emails. Lists of what to pack and various other little bits that I don’t want to forget for Tuesday, and emails to friends and family. Once all of that was finally done I had a little time to dip in game. Kasul mentioned some raids that he and Tipa were a part of, and I decided to work on my baby dirge for a little while. Satia is now level 38, quite a nice climb from when I started. Of course that’s thanks to being on my main account with the other 80’s as well as using a few of the 5 year veteran potions which last for two hours (drools). 

We went to Enchanted Lands, and Runnyeye. I know that a revamp of Lavastorm is supposed to be in the works but I’m not sure if it’s coming out this game update, or the next. I’m hoping there are plans to revamp the other shattered land zones, I’d even like to see another one of Antonica and Commonlands to bring it on par with TD and Neriak. Having multiple options of zones to level in is really important and it’s one of the things I loved about Vanguard. The sheer amount of places that you could explore and level up in was great and the fact that all of the Rift Seekers gave you quests leading you to those areas even better. 

There’s some talk of finishing up Speak like a dragon and then working on Deathtoll access, and finishing off prismatic 1.0 and even doing Godking. I’m not sure if any of that will work out but I really miss those older raids and I’d really love to start working on them again, even if we never complete them. 

Hope everyone else is having a fantastic day, no matter what realm you’re adventuring in!

Safe travels, and see you in Norrath San Diego! Tuesday!

The Emotions – San Diego Trip Part II

(( A recap on how I’ve been feeling and a bunch of mushy stuff in regards to the trip to San Diego, if you’re looking for gaming specific things you’ll have to skip this post, feel free! )) 

I mentioned in part I how lucky I am, and every single day I remind myself how lucky I am. I have such a wonderful and supportive group of friends and family, I hope they know just how much I appreciate them. I owe an enormous amount of thanks not only to the people at SOE for making this possible and Beckett for allowing me the opportunity, but to all of my friends and family for standing by me. They have such faith in me and even though I’ve been questioning myself and whether or not I can pull this off, I have not heard a single time from any of them that maybe I am in over my head. 

A huge thank you to my parents, Brenda, Mike, Nick, Brian, Scott, Tom, David, Flavius, Kirsteen, Cory, the Bulsara’s, Matt, and especially Cyrus for listening to me these past two weeks as I’ve been going through everything and for helping me out. I know there’s people I’m forgetting (and no, that list is not in any particular order) and I don’t mean to. If you’re name’s not there just substitute it in! Another huge thank you to the people at SOE, especially Kiara who helped me keep my sanity, and Katie for all of the email correspondence not to mention those involved that I don’t even know about. I also have to give a huge thank you to the readers of this site, it’s grown to over 3,000 daily hits over the past three years and while I would write no matter how many people read it it’s also motivation for me and I appreciate it so much. I truly do.

I realize that I’m going there to do work, but that doesn’t mean I can’t still be thankful for the opportunity. You have to understand that if you had of asked me two years ago what I thought I’d be doing, going on site to work and that work being writing would not have been one of the things I mentioned. I’m nervous, and excited. I haven’t flown since I was 12, I’ve never flown alone (though I have taken the train to Nova Scotia alone before, not quite the same thing). I’ve never been to the US alone that’s for sure. There’s so many ‘first times’ for me here if I sat down and wrote them all out there would be quite the list. I stop in a few places and I’m worried about finding where I need to be next, I’m hoping to run into some friendly airport folks who can point me in the right direction. The Ottawa international airport is not that large, and certainly not that large in comparison to lets say, LA (which I stop in at on my way home). It’s 10 hours of flight, and a 3 hour time difference from where I am now. The weather will also drastically change from where I am now. Today it’s -5F and in San Diego it’s 80F. That’s a huge difference and it’s going to be a shock to my system since we’ve been in the midst of winter for a few months. 

Above all of the nervousness and fear and stress is a huge bundle of excitement. HUGE. I am excited to meet people I’ve only written to or communicated via email with, I’ve done email interviews before with members of SOE for articles but never in person. It’s going to be one of those amazing experiences that I’ll remember for a long time to come and I’m hoping (personally) that it opens the doors to other things. Not only is this important as far as work goes but this is a huge step for me. An important step. I’m breaking out of a shell that I’ve had for far too long. 

Throughout everything the one comment that keeps popping up into my head is how proud my great grandmother would be. I’ve always been a family girl and when I was growing up I used to write her letters every month, and she’d reply. This is back when I was 13-14 years old (I’m now 27, almost 28). She used to tell me that I needed to do something with my writing, and that I had such talent. Very few people ever take those sorts of compliments at face value, we tend to shy away and shrug them off, underestimating ourselves. While it’s good not to have too much of a bloated ego when it comes to our particular strengths, it’s also important to realize that others will have faith in us no matter what level we personally feel our skills are at. I never really believed her, but I kept writing. 

She passed away a few years ago, and I finally understand what she was always telling me. I think I’ve finally listened and I know she’d be so dang proud of me. 

So what’s next? Packing and trying not to need an actual suitcase because I don’t want it to get lost along the way (overnight bag ftw), hope my laptop fits. I need to get some money exchanged into US currency, I need to do some shopping. There’s a million other little details I need to go over and figure out. Thankfully all of these little things leaves me too excited to worry that much about everything that could go wrong. Am I nervous about meeting people? Only slightly. 

I will be at the airport at 4am on Tuesday morning, flight leaves at 6am. It’s going to be a very long day, and I couldn’t be happier.

The Details – San Diego Trip Part I

(( This is a recounting of things I’ve been feeling since I found out I’d be flying to San Diego Tuesday – if you’re not interested in reading it please don’t! It’s gaming related but only on a very basic level )) 

Friday January 16th is when I found out about it. An email from Doug (my boss at Beckett) where I’ve been a contributing writer since August of last year asked me if I wanted (and would be able) to head to San Diego in the next ‘few weeks’ to do some on site work. I owe Tipa a huge amount of thanks as  she’s the one who got me working for Beckett to begin with. Not a day goes by when I don’t realize how incredibly lucky I have been despite any other hardships that I’ve had to face (we are human, we all have our hardships). Of course I said yes. I knew from the start that I would be foolish if I said anything besides that, even though a million questions and concerns started to swarm through my mind. There was ONE small (huge) issue – and that was I didn’t have my passport at the time. To drive to the US, one would typically not need a passport (YET) though you will need one starting this summer. As of 2007, you need one to fly. I haven’t flown since I was 12 years old and moving back to Canada from Germany and even then it was all done by the military and I was on my parents passports. I did some research online, which said that I could get my passport expedited with proof of travel (and there were various means of ‘proof’ listed) and so I sat tight for the weekend doing pretty much nothing because – I didn’t just need a passport. Newp. That would be too easy. I needed to get my birth certificate first. Government offices are closed on the weekends too, which put a wait on things. 

Now why (might you ask) would I not already have my birth certificate? I did at one point in time, when I was 16. I have other means of proving that I’m Canadian but for a passport it has to be that very specific piece of ID (if you’re born in Canada) and nothing else. I moved around a lot growing up, and I assume I lost it some where in Nova Scotia when I was 16 because I haven’t had it since. Filling out forms online I had to be as specific as I could, my weight at birth, the name of the doctor and the hospital just a few of the questions I had to answer. I’m sure my parents absolutely loved me last week as I frantically called them trying to get information. The birth certificate arrived quickly (and earlier then I thought) which was fantastic. I had it by Wednesday. Thursday I was told that SOE could not book my flights without my passport number. I couldn’t get my passport though without proof of flight. Panic set in. I spent Thursday running around doing everything one needs to do to get a passport. I have no idea if it’s the same everywhere else, but here in Canada you need some very specific things. You need a specific picture taken and there’s a lot of rules that go along with it, including two of the exact same picture, and stamped by an official place and then signed by a guarantor that you also need to sign all these forms that go along with the process. You need two other people aside from the guarantor who have known you for a number of years to sign the forms. You need lots of ID, and you have to fill everything out properly (and even print it out properly) or the passport office won’t accept it. 

I got up at 6am and headed to Gatineau Quebec at 7am to be at the office for when it opened at 8:30 on the nose Friday February 23rd. I had all of my papers in hand, and I was nervous because now that I finally had all of these forms together, I had to convince someone behind the counter that I needed the passport yesterday, and that I couldn’t afford to wait too long or I’d miss out on this trip all together. Papers in hand, the lady behind the counter told me that the soonest they could have it done by would be Wednesday January 28th at 10am. 


What happened to the 24h expedited thing that I read about on their web site?

Well, apparently that’s still there, but what the web site fails to mention is that you need to be traveling within 24h in order to get it that quickly. Other wise it could be as much as a 5 day wait. I was crushed. I figured right then and there that I’d be unable to go, because there was no way for SOE to book tickets without my number, and no way for me to get my number before Wednesday. It meant another (now second) weekend of waiting around impatiently wondering whether I would be going on this trip or not. Phone interviews were talked about and I resigned myself to the fact that I’d not be going. It wasn’t the end of the world, other opportunities would come up, and I’d still make sure to get my job done. There’s really nothing more you can do in a situation like that. I tried not to let it bother me. Up again early on Wednesday to go pick up the passport, because of course Ottawa was about to receive 25cm of snow, and there’s relatively little parking over by the building I needed. I wandered around the mall that’s attached and had some breakfast. Up to the office and had my passport in hand in less then 5 minutes. $200 later. 

I practically flew home. Emailed the information that was required and within a few hours, I was told the news that I’d be going on Tuesday (where we’re also expecting another 10cm of snow here but I am NOT THINKING about that right now). Shew. I have been through so many emotions in the last two weeks, it’s a wonder I have anything left. For those who are curious this is a completely new realm to me, I have never done on site interviews before, I have not managed to make it to Fan Faire (this year will more then likely be my first) and I am nervous to say the least. It’s one of those ‘good excited’ nervous feelings though, and not quite so overwhelming. Yet. 

Feelings and what happens next coming along in the next post!

Ah, How things Change

The screen shot on the left is one that I post fairly frequently, usually with a story (like the one that will follow) from my gaming past. It’s of lady vox, while I was helping out Allure on the Najena server finish off the prismatic 1.0 chains. I was level 45, and my character was Qutey, a templar. She’s wearing a robe there because of the saves vs. cold which were important. Since content can be out leveled it’s rare to find people who are doing those ‘old school’ quests any more. The reward from the chain (which includes four epic fights as well as the epic fight with Darathar on the isle of refuge) was legendary, and back then legendary was rare. The level cap was 50, and sub combines were a part of crafting. 

Where has the time gone.

Now it’s years later. I’ve made some wonderful friends in game (and out) and I’m thankful for so much. My web site would have started a year after that prismatic run, on both blogger and wordpress and then eventually finding my own host. So much has changed and yet the game is still there with the same basic concepts, and it’s comforting in an odd (and geeky) way. 

Yesterday I spent the evening gathering void shards with the duo I tend to hang out with on Kithicor, and working up my dirge who is now 31. It was a lot of fun, and a thanks goes out to Wpus, Ultann, and Hamal for their help. I managed to snag 13 void shards because I had some of the older quests on me, and that gave me enough to make my mystic the shoulders and get her three piece set bonus. I made some goodies for others as well, everyone seems to really be enjoying the new gear. 

I’m still looking forward to seeing what the next game update holds for everyone, even though I don’t think I’ll have the time to experience it first hand until after it goes live. Opinions on it so far (impressions from the forums) has been a mixture. Some people are quite excited to see how the changes end up, and others are… lets just call them ‘less excited’ which of course would be an understatement. I’ll wait until the changes go through before I post any solid opinions on them. I’m looking forward to the holiday goodies that are coming, that’s for sure!

Game time will (of course) be taking a little step backwards while I prepare for the trip to San Diego. I’ve got a post scheduled today about that, if you don’t want to read it then by all means please just skip it! I would typically post it on my personal site, but since it’s gaming related, it’ll be posted here. 

See you in Norrath San Diego!