January 28, 2009

Big News Finally Revealed

It’s finally been confirmed. After a week of waiting, braving snow storms, dealing with the passport office, and numerous other things, as well as HUGE support from the people at Sony, I am going to San Diego Tuesday. That’s right, this Tuesday I’ll be leaving behind the negative digits and headed to California, a place I’ve never been to before, and have only had a chance to visit via the weather network. 

I am beyond excited. In fact, I’m so stunned and beyond excited that this is the most coherent thought you’ll get from me for the remainder of the day. 

I’ve set up a couple of journal type posts that will talk about the entire process I’ve been through this past week and a half (yes, that’s how long I’ve known about this trip) and all of the emotions and feelings involved. It’s been absolutely incredible and the trip hasn’t even begun yet. 

Oh, and of course why am I even going to San Diego? Well, you’ll have to wait for the details on that but it’s Beckett MOG related, and you’ll be seeing a fair amount on my site too.

So if you live in the San Diego area, lock your doors and hide away on Tuesday, chances are I’ll be the bug-eyed one wondering where all the snow is at.

I’ll post more information at a later time, for now I’m still stunned that it worked out (fingers crossed).