Two years since the release of Vanguard: SOH. I’ve played off and on since the beginning, and I’ve always said that I love the game – despite what a VERY rocky launch it had. Things are far better now, bugs have been fixed and content has been added. There’s still bugs, it happens. But if you were around at the launch and around now, you’ll see definite changes. 

In celebration the folks at SOE are hosting a “it takes two” contest. You can check out the details on their official site here. Pretty neat prizes, I can’t partake because I’m a resident of Canada but I hope some of my friends to the South get a chance to enter. 

The people who do play and who have stuck by the game for the past two years are some of the most passionate people I’ve ever had the pleasure of meeting. They care about their game on a very deep level and they’re not afraid to stand up for their beliefs. The channels (especially in Thestra) are filled with people reminiscing about EQ1, and almost daily you can hear people walking down memory lane. 

So happy 2nd birthday Vanguard! I look forward to seeing what comes in the future, and how things continue to change.

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