All about the Look

How important is the way your character looks to you? I know to some, it doesn’t matter. They’ll wear whatever they find and be happy with it, others are more particular. No matter what your fashion sense is, after five years (or more) of playing the same character I bet almost everyone enjoys some sort of change.

This is one of the main reasons why I enjoy the appearance gear of EQ2 – especially in a place where everyone looks similar. With set pieces being common (be they T1 or T4) these little ways to be individual are important to us. It’s also fantastic around holidays and it works as a marketing ploy (station market anyone) in order to sell these bits of ‘unique’ appearance gear. My only qualm with it is that the cloth wearers get the shaft in their appearance, but you can find ways to work around this (station market clothing as well as some sold by the city faction merchants).

I love looking for appearance gear. I could spend hours at the broker searching from levels 1-80 trying to find a piece to add, or looking at everyone I encounter to see what they are wearing. I wish every game out there had appearance slots – although I suppose some games just look so awesome there’s no need.

Last night I headed back to Obelisk of Ahkzul and the shield that I have been trying to get for months and months now did not drop. I wasn’t surprised. I’ve done this zone every day for at least three or four months and I’ve never seen it. A guild mate of mine has it though so I know it’s out there, some where. I’m tired of wearing the RoK shield my healer currently has. I suppose I could try to get the shield from WoE but knowing my luck it wouldn’t drop then either.

Are you going to be playing Champions Online? Starting today I have access for 90 days, so I’ll be giving it a whirl. While I have kept up with the news and other blog reports of this game I have not actually played it yet myself so all of my opinions and views will be brand new. It may also make me a bit slow to grasp things in the long run but I’m looking forward to it none the less. If you’re going to be playing let me know and hopefully we can meet up in game some time.

I also plan on taking advantage of the remaining days I have in WAR, I moved to a new quest hub and have been doing a few public quests. Surprisingly enough all of the zones are highly populated when I happen to be wandering around, with pockets of battle scattered all over the place. Maybe I can get in on some of it without having to worry about turning into a chicken. We’ll just have to see.

Aside from that, my play style has been fairly sparse, something I hope to remedy this weekend with the cooler weather (fingers crossed) but again we’ll just have to see!

Happy gaming no matter where you find yourself!

Hunting those Elusive Shiny

I love the island of Mara. It was an adventure pack offered to players for $5.99 (at the time, and free to those with station access) that eventually became free for everyone picking up one of the newer expansions (RoK, TSO). There are a handful of quests that involve this zone, though it’s also known as a crafter hub due to the Far Seas taking up residence in the buildings by the water front.

I spent some time this morning running through the Forsaken City (which is a zone just off of Mystic Lake – off of the Village of Shin) and collected pages and shiny all over. The zone is gray to me now but I still really love walking through the hallways and just exploring. Being able to auto mentor down to the appropriate level will be very nice.

Yesterday was a mixed bag of activity. I spent some time questing on Antonia Bayle with Wpus, on his berzerker Ibeogur (yes, he’s an ogre) and we ran around Kunzar jungle trying to get our footing. I haven’t quested there in quite some time, well not since the last 8 times I did the zone at least..

Later on in the day I did a quick Obelisk of Ahkzul run on the mystic (don’t ask) and then headed back to OoA again as well as Anchor of Bazzul on the illusionist. Nothing of note dropped but it was fun to get a few shards.

I spent the remainder of my evening relaxing, and harvesting shiny bits to sell on the broker. I finished off the TSO ‘epic’ shiny quest which allows you to see the blue shiny in instances, which is fantastic. It also cost me 200p to finish that collection though. Yes, it was worth it to me but it put me a little lower coin-wise then I’d like, so it’s time to make that back. I could always just go try to solo or duo shard of fear and get a choker or two to sell. Those are still going for anywhere from 50-100p depending on the time of day the sale occurs.

Unfortunately I’m in a lot of pain today, so I don’t know how much gaming I’ll be able to accomplish but  I should be able to dip in a little later on. We’ll just have to see how it goes. The week has gone by fast at least. Lets hope the weekend decides to slow down a little!

Happy gaming, no matter where it finds you.

Obelisk of Ahkzul (again)

Things have been going fairly well in game (out of game is some times a different story) even though I haven’t been talking in great details about it all here. The illusionist is now sporting three pieces of her T4 set, bracers, gloves, and boots. I find it a little frustrating that in order for non-raiders to obtain T1-3 it costs a LOT of shards – but for raiders it costs a few plat (which is nothing) and a very tiny amount of shards. Plus you don’t need T1-3 in order to get T4. I suppose much like raids are ‘work’ to those doing them, obtaining shards is ‘work’ for those who don’t raid. Not to mention you actually get a lot of shards while raiding. Ah well.

Apparently illusionists are not happy at all about the six set bonus they’re given. Since I only have my two set bonus (one piece away from 4) I don’t have any idea how it compares to other classes.

Last night I did a quick Obelisk of Ahkzul run in the hopes that I would get lucky and that shield would drop. No, it didn’t drop. I imagine that the day of the new expansion in February if I were to do the zone, it would drop. That would be my luck.

I’ve been outfitting an 80 defiler I have now with gear (she’s still mostly naked) and contemplating doing yet another epic. Taking a look at the defiler epic though almost made me not want to do it any more. Compared to other epics it looks annoying. It involves multiple zones, epics, instances, and encounters, not to mention 40,000 Reet faction, and at this exact moment I’m sitting on -44,000 faction. Ouch.

I’m still working on getting at least one (or multiple) characters to 200 aa. It seems to be moving very slow. I’m looking forward to the September changes, but in the mean time things are a little slow.

I need to get back to a little decorating, and I also forgot to post a book of the day (BoTD) on Saturday, so I’ll have to remind myself to do it this week. I just had so much to talk about last week, hehe. I hope everyone has an amazing Wednesday, no matter where you find yourself.

See you in Norrath!

BaKawk! Questing as a Chicken

It’s been a few months since I’ve played Warhammer, I gave it a try when it released and I enjoyed the game (much as I enjoy most games) but as time went on and my friends moved on I decided I could no longer devote $15/m worth of time to it, and crossed it off of my list of active games. I entered a contest at Bio Break last week and was pleased to find out yesterday that I’d won a few goodies for the game, and just as my contest entry said I decided to activate it (even if only for a short while).

I have a small selection of destructi0n on Gorfang and one Arch Mage on Badlands (I think?). I had to reinstall the game to my new drive, and spent a few hours patching but it was no worse then any other game. I have kept up with the updates on a very small scale, so any chances were still pretty much new to me. When I reactivated the account I qualified for 10 free days, so I’m playing through those first.

I wasn’t sure whether I wanted to start over or try to pick up with one of my current characters. I’d only made it to level 11 on the zealot – I hate starting from scratch (especially since I had numerous low level characters and have played through those areas before many times). I logged in, found myself in the Inevitable City, found some new recruit quests which I promptly picked up and headed to Nordland (I believe). Surprisingly enough there was some major oRvR going on – which destruction was losing badly. We were out numbered and out maneuvered but it was still neat to mouse over the map and see 4-5 pockets of 10-25 people in battles.

I completed a few recruit quests, killed a few players – and along the way I dinged 12 which apparently crossed me into the “ack you’re too big to be here” line and I promptly turned into a chicken.

I remembered (though I’d never actually been one before) that turning into a chicken happens when you’re too high level for the pvp in the area – but I actually had no choice, my quests all required me to be in pvp areas exploring and checking on scouts. I was a little peeved that the quests required me to go to areas that I was too big for, but I decided I would just keep an eye out for mob encounters as well as pvp encounters, and try to finish the new recruit quests before moving on to a harder area.

Chickens don’t have much health, and they can’t use any of their spells. Since most of my quests were about scouting an area, I managed to complete them. I slowly remembered commands and how to play – even though I haven’t done a lot of actual casting yet, since I was a chicken the entire time.

Once my quests were completed I deleted a few other lower level ones and decided to head to Ostland, which I believe is the next quest area for my level. I picked up a few new zealot spells and made the long walk (as a chicken). I’m sure the people on the road who were walking with me were amused by my random clucking.

Will I stick with the game for any length of time? I haven’t decided but knowing my history I won’t. I’m still having a blast in EQ2 and passing time away until GU53 when achievements come out and auto mentoring. At least this gives me something to do in the mean time.

You Just Never Know Where You Will End Up

This day in age it seems that no matter where you look, you will find people talking about the negatives of gaming. Who became addicted to what and what the results of that disaster were. How someone lost their friends, family, job and even life over a video game. How we’re all making ourselves unhealthy with our play times, how being secluded in the basement is detrimental. We’ve heard all of this doom and gloom for years now and for those of us who actually game, it’s nothing new.

Everything is bad without moderation. It doesn’t matter if it’s playing a video game or reading a book or eating cheese. Do it to the point that it over takes your life and you’re going to find yourself dealing with unwanted side effects.

Instead of talking about all of this doom and gloom I’d like to focus at least for today on the positives of gaming – because there are certainly some good things about it, especially a few specifics that affect me. This post won’t apply to everyone out there as a direct example of how gaming can be good, but it should at least represent ONE example – and there are a lot more.

First of all lets get the basics out of the way. It was through gaming that I met some of the most incredible people I’ve ever known. People who are smart, passionate, and who I would not have known other wise. I have been able to learn about other cultures through these people and have come to have a deeper understanding and appreciation for all of the differences that are out there in the world. I have been able to learn through them and shared in some fantastic memories that won’t soon be forgotten. I have heard discussions over the years ranging from politics, religion and acceptance, to tv shows and movies. Opinions from the youngest to the oldest, from every walk of life. When I sit back and think about everything people discuss, and how I have been able to be involved in those discussions even in the smallest way, it’s astounding to me. These people are not just online strangers to me, they are friends and family who motivate, inspire, and awe me every single day of my life.

Gaming has given me the ability to branch out creatively, creating massive stories in my mind (and on paper and other media) as much as any book or movie would have. Games provide a setting for these stories, where I am not the only character involved. I have read creative works written by some amazing and talented people, I have seen artwork, heard music, and so much more that all derived from these video games. That motivated them. Spurned them on because it is something they feel passionate about.

On a personal note – video games have opened up a door to me that I would have never been able to get into other wise. I have the ability to share my thoughts to others through publications in a magazine, and online on this site. It is through this work that I have found some of my most memorable moments. There was the trip down to San Diego just last April to visit the people at Sony Online Entertainment. If you had of asked me two years ago if I thought that I would be interviewing the dev teams, I would have laughed. Then today came another such moment when Eric Bloom from Blue Oyster Cult called me to talk about the finer details of Wizard 101, and we talked games for a good 30 minutes. What a great way to get to know people when you have something in common that you are both passionate about.

We talked about old games, how people moved on from them, how they seem to be scattered now that there are so many choices out there. We talked about the early days of EQ2, WoW, AoC, WAR. We talked about how the term ‘gamer’ instantly bonds you as friends with strangers because it’s such a powerful connection. Even if you haven’t played the same types of games. It was just one of those moments I had to think about afterward and think to myself ‘wow, did that really just happen? Did I really just hang up the phone with Eric Bloom after we talked about pips and crafting in a video game?’

Are there nights I stay up a little too late to accomplish some pointless goal that no one will remember 5 years from now? Of course. There are. Are there days I think to myself that I’m wasting my time away playing a video game – no. Not a second. Being able to play in these worlds others have created has opened far too many doors for me in my life to think for a second that I wasted time while playing them. Of course none of this has come without a lot of hard work. I can’t JUST be playing video games, I balance it as anyone should with work (which happens to involve gaming, I realize I’m lucky that way), friends, family, and every other mundane thing out there that has to get done (as well as a few non-gaming related passions). When I look back and think about what I have accomplished through gaming, or because of gaming, or that is related to it in some way even the smallest – I am proud. Proud to say that yes, I am a gamer. I’ve played for years now, and I’ll continue to play for years – I have managed to do some amazing things in my life because of these opportunities.

Everyone has the same ability, it just requires the motivation and perseverance to get some where with it. The fact that games have inspired me to make something of myself is not offensive to me in the least bit. I just hope that the future years of playing are as exciting and profitable to me as the ones up to now have been.

Nomadic Gamer