Things have been going fairly well in game (out of game is some times a different story) even though I haven’t been talking in great details about it all here. The illusionist is now sporting three pieces of her T4 set, bracers, gloves, and boots. I find it a little frustrating that in order for non-raiders to obtain T1-3 it costs a LOT of shards – but for raiders it costs a few plat (which is nothing) and a very tiny amount of shards. Plus you don’t need T1-3 in order to get T4. I suppose much like raids are ‘work’ to those doing them, obtaining shards is ‘work’ for those who don’t raid. Not to mention you actually get a lot of shards while raiding. Ah well.

Apparently illusionists are not happy at all about the six set bonus they’re given. Since I only have my two set bonus (one piece away from 4) I don’t have any idea how it compares to other classes.

Last night I did a quick Obelisk of Ahkzul run in the hopes that I would get lucky and that shield would drop. No, it didn’t drop. I imagine that the day of the new expansion in February if I were to do the zone, it would drop. That would be my luck.

I’ve been outfitting an 80 defiler I have now with gear (she’s still mostly naked) and contemplating doing yet another epic. Taking a look at the defiler epic though almost made me not want to do it any more. Compared to other epics it looks annoying. It involves multiple zones, epics, instances, and encounters, not to mention 40,000 Reet faction, and at this exact moment I’m sitting on -44,000 faction. Ouch.

I’m still working on getting at least one (or multiple) characters to 200 aa. It seems to be moving very slow. I’m looking forward to the September changes, but in the mean time things are a little slow.

I need to get back to a little decorating, and I also forgot to post a book of the day (BoTD) on Saturday, so I’ll have to remind myself to do it this week. I just had so much to talk about last week, hehe. I hope everyone has an amazing Wednesday, no matter where you find yourself.

See you in Norrath!

5 thoughts on “Obelisk of Ahkzul (again)”
  1. Heh. I only have 3 toons to 80. 2 of them are in full T1 now, the 3rd has 2 T1 pieces. I have my fabled epic on my coercer, my SK has done the fabled line as far as possible solo, and I have picked up the starter for my warlock, but haven’t actually done anything with it yet. I’ve been thinking about logging in more often, and with the AA slider coming in the next update it’s pushed me to play my 80’s instead of my alts again, but… I’ve been distracted by RL stuff and Vanguard actually got me trying it. I’ve got an almost level 14 Paladin now, a couple of others to 8-10… nothing really grabs me about any of the characters, yet it’s oddly compelling all the same. Weird.

    Someday I’ll get some T2 gear, but at the rate I’m going, probably not before the next expansion, and then it’ll be time to level up, not farm shards, ya know?

  2. yeah the defiler epic is a pain, involves lots of group questing and then that reet faction is the worst. its one of my favorites though, once you get the extra heals to all your wards.

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