Epic Progression

This is the 6th epic for one of my characters I’m working on, since I own both the troubador and dirge epics (in lue of me betraying again). So far the templar one has not been too bad. The easiest epic I’ve done has been the coercer one. The most difficult was probably the troubador. Or the longest in any case. The templar requires a lot of running around, looking for components to save people of course. I dislike how some epics make you pay a hefty sum of coin to an npc (it was 4p for the templar one) while others do not (the coercer paid nothing). Some of them reward house items (the templar gets a book, the troubador got a musical instrument that has a graphic effect) and others get nothing (the dirge got nothing, nor did the coercer). 

After running around talking to people, and gathering flowers, I needed to kill the mucus in Chelsith. This is where I ran into problems. Kasul and Shadowgeist were around so technically we had a group, but aside from those two not a single person offered to help when it was put out on both channels and in some alt guild channels. 

Well. I really wanted the update, so we decided we would trio Chelsith. We avoided the Leviathan named, but killed the mucus (after one wipe due to some adds) and killed each one of the Yah’li named which I’d never killed before since Petites had never been to the zone before. 

After that we managed to string a group of 5 people together to head to Unrest for one of Kasul’s epic kills. As you can tell by the screen shot above, Petites is looking so utterly cute, how could anyone kill her?! We almost wiped on that mob, I swear *grins*

We headed to Lesser Faydark for another of Kasul’s epic updates, and I would have headed to the third kill he needed, but apparently it’s two 85’s and I was unsure of whether we could trio that or not, Kasul had to get some sleep for work the next day. I headed off to Jarsath Waste to harvest some smoldering material (next portion of my own epic) and talk to a bunch more NPC, saving someone in Greater Faydark. Now I need to obtain 35 hides from drake which are an ‘uncommon’ drop, and I’ll need to kill approximately 130 or so of the creatures. Reminds me of doing my cleric epic in EQ1 and going after pearls or whatever those were (I forget the exact names). Good times. 

I stopped there for the night, figuring there’s no way I’m going to solo those creatures. I’ll wait until I get a few people to help me out so it goes by faster. 

I did get a new neck piece upgrade from Chelsith which was great, I was still wearing my Mark of the Awakened. The templar is slowly getting on par in gear, and I’m really happy about that. Love playing the class, and once I get a few more pieces of TSO gear that reduce my casting times I’ll be set. Hopefully this weekend I’ll make some heavy progress on my epic, and perhaps even finish it. We’ll see!

Templar hits 80, with LOTS of instances!

Up early yesterday for a family get together and then spent most of the afternoon napping (I wasn’t feeling too well) so when I finally got up around 7pm I wasn’t really expecting to do too much before heading back to bed for the night. Turns out, I was wrong. 

My ‘usual’ group was around, Kasul, Albrta, Eyenstein, and Shadowgeist, so we decided to do some instances. The daily double was Najena’s Hollow Tower, and none of us felt like doing it. So instead we headed to Scion of Ice in Everfrost. Before doing Scion I had done a quick maidens run in Jarsath Waste, first time running Petites (templar) through there so the experience was fairly good. Finished off the weapon quest from the zone too. Anyhow, Scion of ice hurt. Plus our second shadowknight was apparently fairly drunk and left unable to continue part way through the instance. I was the only healer, and everyone seemed to be getting pummeled by AoE’s and my templar (yet) is not exactly geared up for solo healing. But we managed it, cleared the zone. I picked myself up a new healer cloak, as well as a new ring. 

I was a little reluctant to solo heal, but some times you don’t always get the perfect group. After we finished with Scion we headed to Crucible which has always been the easiest of the Everfrost instances, for me at least. We picked up a swashbuckler who was LFG – and for the first time ever I had to ask someone not to use a particular piece of gear. Not because of them, but because of me. 

I was still 79 at the time, solo healing, without very good gear (my own fault I know, but what was the point of upgrading everything when I was wearing the EoF set gear and I’d just be wearing void shard gear before too long) my spells were all adept3 but I didn’t have any illusionist with TC or any of that stuff. Anyhow, the item in question is the Bloodthirsty Choker. If you’ve never heard of this item before it’s the one that quickly drains your health as you dps to boost your attacks with a proc. It drains about 10% health (at least on the swashbuckler) every tick or two. 

Being the only healer, I didn’t feel as though I could effectively keep my heals concentrated on both the tank, and this swashbuckler in group without letting someone die. If I were on my warden, I’d have no issue at all with this. Afterwards, I did learn a few tricks in regards to the bloodthirsty choker. For example, apparently shield of faith which is a magic ward / buff will work on the choker. Apparently so will a few other things, like shield ally. 

Was it unfair of me to ask them to remove the piece? Well, I’m not sure. It really did make me feel like a crappy healer, but I know my limitations, and I wasn’t about to risk heals because someone wanted to boost their dps. Not to speak down about them, but pet peeve of mine is someone posting the dps parse every fight into group chat. It’s fine to want to know your dps, but posting (and they’d only post the ones where they were on top) like that just rubs me the wrong way. Maybe even more so because I play a healer and I’m always at the bottom of that list, with big fat 0’s by my name. 

The fabled healer / mage item from Crucible dropped and Petites won it, all in all it was a very nice day for the templar. That also makes my 5th level 80 character which means my account has a 50/50 bonus for both tradeskilling and adventuring (which is the cap). I started the templar epic, which has been fairly smooth so far. Lots of running around, which seems to be the case for every epic. 

Next? Not sure. I’d like to work a pure DPS class up to 80 simply because I don’t have one. I have two healers, and 3 utility (two enchanters and a bard) and then of course there’s the paladin tank I have at 70. Still on burn out from that one though. So what do I have left? Well, there’s the 61 bruiser, the 61 necromancer (who I’ve had since 2004 and just never leveled), I have the 58 swashbuckler, the 70 paladin, and a 30 warlock, as well as the 74 defiler. It may sound like a lot, but keep in mind the experience from 1-70 was drastically increased, there’s mentor bonus, and there’s experience potions, AND there’s the account bonus I have. It really takes no time at all these days to level up a character in EQ2 and honestly as long as I’m having fun that’s all that matters. 

Hope everyone has a fantastic weekend, and had some great holidays no matter where you game!

Happy New Year

I’m not exactly a big fan of crowds or large noisy parties, so last night saw me in EQ2 for new years eve talking with online friends as I drank some sparkling wine (which was really good, the empty bottle attests to that) and today I’ll be doing the family thing and finish up putting together a plate of appetizers before I head out. Even under the influence of a little wine I still had good fun, and managed to do a few instances. 

Petites headed to Deep forge to complete the daily double and I was really pleased to learn that I can obtain the shard quests at level 79. I thought they started at level 80. So now she has four shards in her bags waiting for her first piece of TSO gear. I’d never been to the deep forge and the group blew through it with no issues at all. It was a Shadowknight, Dirge, Troubador, Wizard, some scout DPS that I forget at the moment (I want to say Swashbuckler or Assassin) and myself as Templar. 20% experience later, we headed to the Obelisk that you find in the Moors. I needed it for my signature quest anyhow, and the chest within that zone drops a few plat for everyone in the group. Plus it was quick and easy even if there are no shard rewards unless it’s a daily double location.

After that we headed to Commonlands to help the coercer out with a quest update for the book of Thex heritage quest. You have to zone into an instance and defeat a named who spawns adds – without killing a single add. There are a lot of them, too. Apparently it was supposed to be difficult, but we had no issues. The coercer rooted the adds that spawned far away, and mez’d the ones who spawned close by. We had a lot of dps and that helped take down the encounter. 

Earlier in the day I completed a tradeskill instance on my tailor with Kasul from guild, his carpenter hit 61 I believe. My tailor managed to slug her way to 67, three more levels and it’ll be back to writ grinding for me. I also logged in the alchemist late last night before bed and inched her to 66 and part way through. Made a few adornments to put on the broker, I’ve been holding onto the shards and dusts for a long time now stock piling. 

All in all the evening was spent exactly as I had hoped. I wish everyone a Happy New Year, and may it be as wonderful as the previous.