At level 38 my cleric is now a 300 artificer. Thanks to doing dailies in Meridian I also had 3 artificer plaques that I was able to use to purchase a few epic recipes. I mentioned in a previous post that I think crafting is far too easy and thus it makes it a little useless for profit, and I hold by that fact. The gear is amazing, and is still better for my character then my quested gear. I know that will change as I hit 50 and want specific gear in order to queue for T2 heroic dungeons, but in the mean time crafted gear > all. Especially if you take the time to imbue it with the special stat shards you get. Anyhow. I hit 300 crafter, and then promptly picked up my first weekly crafting rift quest. It requires a few items that are difficult for me to get, including some semi rare mined items. I’ll either need guild mates to help me acquire these items, or I’ll have to wait until I can harvest them myself. I’m excited about being able to spawn (and complete) my first crafting Rift, although I am a little disappointed they can only be spawned once a week (per person). I really wish players had more methods of being able to earn the tokens required for recipes, after all you can run dungeons for plaques all day long if you want, but you can only do your crafting quests as a daily.
Speaking of dailies, at level 38 I made my way to Stillmoor (pictured above) in order to turn in my Master crafting daily. It was a dangerous walk since I was surrounded by level 45-48 mobs but I made it in one piece, and got to witness more of the beautiful zones that I’ve come to appreciate. While I was turning in my crafting daily my little hub came under attack by an invasion, and even though I was far too small to actually participate I threw a few dps attacks out here and there and walked away with an enormous amount of planarite (for me at least, the average from a regular rift is 40 or so, for this tiny invasion I managed 65). It was fun to participate and I got a lot of experience even if I was well under level. Perhaps I’ll have my guild mates drag me around to random high level Rifts so I can experience some of those (although I dare say I will get my fill of them once I hit level 50).
I’ve been questing in Moonshade, which is a lot of fun. I appreciate that there are more options for my 30’s and I’ve been spending all of my time in this one zone. I’m incredibly eager to hit 40 (probably today, if I work at it in any case) and then begin the final climb to 50. I’m already planning which alts I want to level up next and I imagine when all is said and done I’ll have one of each class. As well as crafters, of course.
I hope everyone is doing fantastic on this glorious Wednesday, no matter where you find yourself. Happy gaming!