August 12, 2011

Expert Dungeons and Daily Raids #RiftGame

There’s no doubt about it, Rift changes at 50. Suddenly there are daily raids, expert dungeons, and other ‘things’ that need doing. This morning I was able to partake in my first daily raid, which took place in Shimmersand. At least I think that’s where it was. It’s a sandy place, although you can’t really tell by this screen shot. I do love the dragon flying over head that would be our eventual target. The raid was smooth and most of the technical bits are things I’ve learned from other MMOs. Don’t stand in anything that spawns under your feet. Dragons should always be flanked. If you see an emote with your name move out of the way, if you see an emote at all, move out of the way. Cures are important (for those classes that can cure) purge is my best friend.

Nothing dropped that I could use, but I was happy enough to earn my tokens (anyone besides me wish the currency tab held a few extra things like, oh I don’t know, dragon tears? Mountaineer plaques?) for the day. Last night also saw me in my first T2 expert dungeon, and queuing a second time brought me back to the same random which made things easier. It also helped that I had healed the regular version of the zone the night before, and what are experts but harder versions of the same zone.

Saving up money has become a small issue, as at this level everything is expensive, especially crafted goods. I’m hoping to figure out a good dungeon heal spec before too long, and then another spec as a raid healer. I don’t imagine I’ll be purchasing the level 50 mount any time soon, although I have been leveling up the event mount that I believe is a mossy turtle or some such creature.

I’d write more but honestly today I feel pretty crummy so I’m going to leave it at that and go curl back up in bed. As always, happy gaming no matter where you find yourself!