Hard to believe there is only a week left of November, which means only a week left for NaNoWriMo. I have been trucking along, but due to a series of events beyond my control (ok, if I were less of a klutz they would be in my control I suppose) I’m still two days behind in my writing. I hope to make that up between today and tomorrow, but we’ll have to see how it goes. I’m sitting on 36,000 words to my NaNoWriMo novel so far, and I’m closing in on the last bit of writing a lot quicker than I would have expected, even taking weekends off. The story is one I’m quite happy with and while it does need some work, that’s what December is for. I will hopefully have exciting news regarding this whole adventure some time around the end of December / beginning of January. We’ll just have to see.

When I’m not writing I’m still trying to sneak in some time here and there for gaming, but that time has been less and less these days. I FINALLY finished doing all of the Fireland quest chains, and today obtained my mount. It’s fire-filled, and great. I’ve also been playing Glitch here and there when I can, and I wish I could say that I’ve been playing Skyrim but I just haven’t had the time.

I hope all of my friends who are celebrating Thanksgiving tomorrow have a great time of it! I celebrated mine already here in Canada, but that doesn’t mean I can’t live vicariously through all those people enjoying turkey this week! Many hugs.

Remember, if you want to participate in the 2011 Gamers Secret Santa, you only have until DECEMBER 1st to register!


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