November 2011

Veil of Alaris – Day One #EQ #EverQuest

Yesterday was the release of EverQuest’s 18th expansion, Veil of Alaris. The game was down for 8 hours and servers came back up on time, but that’s not to say that the release was completely flawless, there were a few issues players experienced. The largest one was that unless you purchased VoA you were unable to access your potion belt, something that’s been in game for a little while now and allows players to use potions from within their bags by hotkeying them. With the newly revamped hotkeys something in the code messed up. It’s going to be fixed in a future update though so don’t be too concerned. There were also a few issues people had with the changes to guild rosters, you can name ranks and assign them properties much like you can in EQ2 (and I am so glad to see it).

My first day playing VoA wasn’t spent IN VoA so much as exploring the features that had been added. The biggest change for me was the one to hotbars. Players are now able to open 10 hotbars at once, and customize them in a large number of ways. You can resize them into different rows and as big or small as you’d like. This makes reading my hotbars much easier, as before the lettering on the buttons was so tiny I could barely make it out. I picked up a new mercenary, one that comes with the VoA expansion, pictured above. The swinetor salver is a healer mercenary, and played just fine alongside my shadowknight in Ssra (the level 55 hot zone).

I’m really glad that mounts no longer glide to a stop, they have an instant stop-go motion, something that was released a few patches ago and had nothing to do with VoA. The games population (at least on my server) is still nice and busy, which I was happy to see.

I’m hoping that today I get to explore some of the zones and get into some trouble. We’ll just have to see. My 90 enchanter now has 5 more levels to climb, although from what I saw in chat channels last night some players already hit the new level cap. Since there’s so much to do in EQ I don’t really see it as being much of a problem, they can grind out the rest of their EQ days working on progression and alternate advancement, where it’s quite normal to see players with upwards of 5,000 aa.

As always, happy gaming no matter where you find yourself!

Veil of Alaris Excitement! #EverQuest #EQ

Today the 18th EQ expansion goes live, Veil of Alaris, and I’m REALLY excited about it. First of all kudos to SOE for putting forth the dedication to keeping this game going so many years down the road. There are a lot of great features coming with the expansion, and I think it will help update the game quite a bit.

Maximum level increased to 95.
New alternate advancements
Features a brand new continent, hidden behind a veil of mist
12 new zones as well as new content such as quests, loot, monsters and raids
New guild halls located in guild neighborhoods
Revamp of the hotbars; 12 buttons per bar
Ability to link items and clickies directly to hotbar including from inside bags!
Email items
Customizable guild ranks

I’m excited about the level cap increase, and looking forward to exploring the new zones on both my enchanter and my necromancer (both who are at the current cap of 90). The fact that hotbars will FINALLY have 12 buttons per bar is a big deal to me, and the idea that clickies will be able to be directly linked is amazing, especially since there are just so dang many of them.

What are you most excited about? Let me know in comments! Happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself.

Picking up the Strategy Guide #Skyrim

After playing Skyrim for a few hours this weekend I realized just how massive the game really is, and I haven’t gotten ‘that far’ in it yet. I saw the phonebook sized game guide that was released, it’s 655 pages and enormous. I’m always worried about missing out on things in game because number one I’ve never played any of the other Elder Scrolls games before and number two some times I just miss things. So I decided it would probably be worth it to pick up the game guide, and now that I’ve browsed through it a bit I’m glad that I did. In fact it convinced me to restart my game, this time with a better knowledge of what I want to focus on character wise.

I love the idea of archery but in practice I suck at it. I’ve been working on shooting my arrows INTO things instead of into the dirt. Little did I know that the chickens I chose as a target can’t actually be hit by arrows. I decided to test this theory by picking off a farmer in the center of the back and WOW I HIT SOMETHING WOOHO— oh noes, guards and farmer didn’t like that and hey now I’m dead.

Having loads of fun playing this game? Yes, yes I am. In fact I’m playing it just like I play my MMOs but without the whole multiplayer aspect which is just fine by me.

As always, happy gaming no matter where you find yourself!


Weekend Adventures (and a lack of posts) #Skyrim #NaNoWriMo

Many many people are spending far too much time this weekend playing Skyrim. I’ve been trying not to fall behind on my NaNoWriMo (unsuccessfully, I’m one day behind so far) but with eye candy like this waiting for me it’s been hard. I’m closing in on 20,000 words, which means I’m getting closer to the middle of NaNoWriMo. The hardest part for me to write. I’m good at figuring out what happens first, and what happens last, but when it comes to all of the juicy details in the middle I tend to stutter around. We’ll see how it goes. I’ve worked things a little different this year, planning the story out one little chunk at a time, so that I have at least a rough idea of what is happening next.

Skyrim is as good as I thought it was going to be, and I’m really pleased I picked it up. I wasn’t going to, but the hype got the better of me and I’m pleased that it did. The graphics remind me a lot of Vanguard (but better) as does the wide open world. If I see it off in the distance changes are I can walk to it. I love exploring, and I’ve been picking up absolutely everything I can get my hands on that won’t land me in jail for doing so. I’m not very far into the story yet because of these things but the point is I can play this game ‘my way’ and feel absolutely comfortable doing so.

That’s been my weekend so far, although I did also spend some time in EQ2 and WoW (Fireland dailies, how I loath thee) it wasn’t very much time. My hands have been giving me some trouble as of late so I can only spend 30 minutes or so typing / using the mouse before I have to take a break. Hopefully that solves itself sooner rather than later.

What about everyone else, how did you spend your weekend? Let me know in comments below! As always, happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself.