Ouch! That hurt! Ouch! That Hurt!

That was my introduction to Wurm Online, once I had completed the tutorial. I’ve been meaning to play Wurm for a really long time but hadn’t actually gotten around to it until.. well, tonight. I’m a huge fan of games where I don’t have to spend all of my time attacking things and being violent. I enjoy creating items to use, exploration, and puzzles. I love taking in views, doing quests and everything else. That’s not to say I don’t also enjoy a good hack and slash filled evening, but I just don’t like how ALL of my time is dedicated towards that while playing. That’s why games like A Tale in the Desert and Wurm Online really appeal to me. Sure, they’ll never be your AAA title, but they’ll always have a niche market.

Once I had learned about different types of terrain, collected some peat, dug in a cave, hacked down a tree and collected logs in order to make a mallet (failed the creation twice, the game took pity on me and gave me the materials for my third attempt) I was plopped down in the middle of a village with a backpack of goods and sent on my way. To do what exactly? I’ve got no idea, I haven’t decided that far ahead yet. I decided to explore and found myself falling down mountain sides before too long. That’s where I got the bruises pictured above from.

Then I spotted an “Aged Fat Clipwalking” in the distance. I believe that’s a type of horse. I armed myself with an iron sword and – completely failed at attacking it. You would think that the first thing I’d want to do in my non-violent game would be to plant a tree or see about fishing for food, but nope, my little avatar tried to hack and slash her way into a meal. I tried to kill some wolves that I saw first, but they were all already dead and I was unable to do anything with their corpses. So I decided to rest up against a tree, mend my poor wounds, and leave the horse for another time.

I’m excited about exploring, and perhaps even setting up a little place of my own in the future. I know a few friends of mine who are playing and hopefully I can join up with them eventually. If I can find my way to them, we’ll just have to see. More posts coming about my attempts at building things when I am not leaning against a tree half dead (hence the cloudy red vision posted above).

As always, happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself!

One thought on “Taking Care of my Bruises – Wurm Online (Day 1) #WurmOnline”
  1. I’m excited to see your progress! I love Wurm Online so much, even with its issues. I stopped playing earlier this year and logged back in a few months ago to find all of my stuff plundered because I stopped paying the guards to protect it. Oh well, it’s a really fun sandbox, though.

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