January 22, 2012

Fo And Me? We’re Like This. #WurmOnline

Yesterday was probably one of the best days I’ve had in game, and every day is awesome, so that should tell you something. To begin with I made the treck North to Tristan to become a follower of Fo. There is always a priest on duty in the area, you have to only request to be converted and it’s a pretty painless ceremony.

I am Fo. I am the Silence and the Trees.

The sprout is my symbol.

Silent and lonely I lingered in darkness. Look around you. I created this of love and loneliness.

You are all like, but different. You are all dirt. You are all gems. You just come in different shapes and colors.

Do my bidding. Let all things grow into the splendor they may possess. Strive after beauty and harmony with nature. Let your soul become a lustrous gem.

With the same passion by which I once created all this, strike down at those who aim to destroy these creations.

Love me. Let me love you.

That’s Fo’s inscription. The deity of gardening and farming, love for trees and nature. That’s what I spend the majority of my time in game doing, so I figured it was a good fit. While I could have gone down the list of available spells for each deity and chosen one based on what I thought was ‘best’ I decided to go with my gut feeling, I love nature,why not follow the deity of nature. Makes sense, right?

On my way to Tristan I found an old male horse wandering without an owner on the lands of wurm. There were also a  handful of mature deer, it looked like a fence had finally rotted away, freeing the animals within. Happens, when people abandon the game. I never go anywhere without two things of rope, so I led the horse to Tristan and then back home once I became a follower of Fo. You can breed animals in wurm, and although I was not expecting it to work apparently the old male and my aged female were fond of each other – and in 7 wurm weeks (approx. 5-6 days) I should (if all goes well) have a foal. Animals can miscarry, a sad but true fact. Because I’m expecting a little horse or two to be added to my collection, I decided they really deserved a better pen. I worked with the area that I had already cleared and set up a wonderful iron gate, along with a wooden fence. When my strength is high enough I plan on dismantling the old wooden fence and using that area as field.

An important aspect of becoming a follower of Fo was to create an alter so that I could pray. It’s a simple stone construction for now, but it does the trick. I also headed to Green Dog after all of that construction work, and purchased a meditation rug from a trader. I could have created one myself, but I’m very low on cotton, and I like to support the local trade so why not. I also picked up a lantern, the mine is a scary place without light, and I dread having to enter it. All in all? An amazing day in-game, and I can’t wait to see what excitement today holds.

Happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself!