May 2012

Flag Purchases and Other Tales #WurmOnline

My apologies for the lack of posts lately, but these things happen I suppose. I’m going to try to post date the days I forgot to write on and catch up. Not that I really have anything exciting to say, but I’m sure I can come up with something.

I bought some flags off of Rudie (who is leaving the game apparently) that you can no longer get on Deliverance (or any of the Freedom servers). They look nice and hopefully (since I can not repair them) they take their time in decaying. I bought three in total, two more are at my deed Thorin’s Bay, sitting on the docks. I wish there were more decorative items available in Wurm Online, there are a few, but not enough to really personalize an area. Sure you can terraform an area to personalize it, but working the land is not really my thing (which is why I bought Thorin’s to begin with, it was already mostly ‘completed’ and then I could work on adding my own personal touches).

I’ve been doing a lot of thinking lately on what I’d like to do with Les Reveurs. The deed currently has three houses, and a nice fenced area for horses. That’s about it. Well, a fountain too and an extensive mine area. I don’t want fields or animals kept on the deed because it’s my ‘get away from it all’ deed where I quietly work on skills and some times I don’t visit it for a week or two – it would be no good to return only to see all of my crops (or animals) dead.

The area with the houses and fences are not exactly flat, I’ve left the land as ‘natural’ as possible that still enabled me to build on it – which means the over all effect is a bit wonky when you first look at it, but then it sort of grows on you (at least it does on me). It has ‘country charm’ which I really like, surrounded by massive trees on the top of a mountain (also makes it difficult to get to which I enjoy for privacy sake). It does require a few more double doors I suppose. My main craft building is still made of single doors, where as my ‘warehouse’ has double. I wish we had the ability to create lakes on mountains, but digging down to the water line would take forever, and create nothing but an ugly pit in the middle of the hill. Ah well.

As always, happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself!

Caught In A Web #WurmOnline

Wurm Online has been going through a lot of pretty neat changes lately. Due to a hacking incident the forums and web site have been revamped, and the wiki is now back up and running. Everything is smooth on those fronts at least. Kelp, reed, and papyrus sheets were added, along with ink and octopus to make it. Bison, hell hounds, hell horses, and hell scorpion were added, along with inner walls and new graphics for stone houses.

One of the latest additions to the unstable client (you must have experimental packs enabled) has been spiders. Now, as a gamer I am pretty oblivious to most types of creatures – but this updated spider graphic is actually causing a lot of stress for some players. Those with arachnophobia, in specific.

There have been forum posts made by these players, requesting some other method of enjoying the game that doesn’t involve looking at these incredibly well detailed (with amazing animation might I add) critters. If they can not find a way to play the game without avoiding these creatures, a handful are threatening to quit and leave the game for good.


Well. I haven’t really decided. I think it’s a bit much to change graphics based on a few peoples fears. On the other hand, these graphics were not in the game when these players started, and if they were, they probably wouldn’t have started or stuck with the game. Alienating players is never a good thing. Is there an issue with graphics being TOO realistic? Just some of the thoughts in my head. I’m staying out of the debate aside from making it known that there IS a debate, simply because it is something that I can’t really form an opinion on.

If you’re not afraid of spiders, I highly suggest you download the unstable client and make sure experimental packs are selected and take a look at them. The way they approach during combat just makes my skin crawl (not a bad thing) and I personally applaud the developers for such fantastic work.

As always, happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself!

They Call Me A Soldier (and a Caterer) #WurmOnline

Determined to reach 50 fighting skill, I set off with Stargrace to find some creatures. I took my trusted steed, which ended up being a mistake (and was very amusing the first time, no so much the second time). The first mishap occurred when I was wandering into a cave. Normally I can see what I’m fighting, but this time things were dark and I wasn’t really paying attention. I killed a mountain lion that was lurking down at the bottom and then clicked around some. I heard my horse being attacked by something and figured another creature must be hiding so I left the cave. When no creature followed me out I was a bit surprised but things still didn’t register. Finally when my horse hit the ground dead I realized that it had been me who was attacking the poor animal the entire time. Whewps.

The second time was also my fault and it could have easily been avoided. See, when you have an animal tamed, mobs tend to hit them first and they also help you out in combat. With a horse this is very dangerous, as soon as they get wounds to their legs they start walking incredibly slow. I had tamed a horse in order to add some gear to the animal (the only way you can equip it) and forgot to tame something else after so that the horse would wear the gear and not follow any of the tame rules. I ended up getting attacked by a few spiders, and I stopped for a moment to regain my stamina – the horse quickly fell.

Despite the fact that it was a bad week for my horses (and they were 5-speed horses too, yikes) I did manage to inch my way to 50 fight skill, which I’m very pleased about. It came with a new title, ‘soldier’ and while it’s not THAT impressive, I’m still proud.

Speaking of titles, I also managed to reach 50 hot food cooking on my Vynora priest, which granted him a title of ‘Caterer’ and he now supplies delicious meals to my characters who reside at Thorin’s Bay. Not bad for a long weekend!

As always, happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself!

It’s Never “Just A Game” #EQ2 #MMORPG

If you ever thought that video games were “just games” then you’ve never really been a part of a community like the ones I’ve been a part of over the last 10 years. A little while ago I heard about Ribbitribbitt – a 6 year old boy with cancer who was given 6-12 weeks to live. His mother put out a plea on the EQ2 forums to players, she wanted an amazing play ground that her little boy could run around in, since he was unable to do so in real life.

The players stepped forward with something that went well above and beyond what anyone could have predicted. The event was massive, and has put together a wealth of videos, screen shots, and tributes.

It was with a heavy heart that we all learned that Ribbitribbitt passed away quietly in his sleep, May 20th. Players once more poured forth their condolences, although what the family is even going through I can’t begin to imagine, having never been there myself.

Video games are never ‘just’ games any more. As soon as you have interaction with another human being – even in a virtual world, you’re leaving some sort of foot print on their actual lives. Keep that in mind, next time you’re sitting down to play.

R.I.P. Ribbitribbitt. Thank you, for showing me what an amazing community of people is out there. I’m so sorry that it some times takes such a sad circumstance to shed so much light.

Spending a Weekend In The Mines #WurmOnline

I love boat caves. There are some pretty impressive ones I’ve seen over the last six months. My neighbor Yetian has been building one to house boats that come to visit him, and Hord has some of the most impressive boat tunnels I’ve ever seen before. It involves a lot of mining, and since mines are 2D and not 3D it makes for some interesting times.You can’t build mines directly on top of one another because it will create dangerous drop shafts (there’s no falling damage in mines, but you may find yourself stuck and surrounded by creatures who are eager to chew off your face).

This weekend I had to work on fixing my mine quite a bit due to some collapsing that happened. I actually didn’t mind as there was a large portion of my silver mine that was pretty much un-useable, the floors were all crooked and you had to climb up them to get out of the pit they were situated in. A few shaker orbs later, and things were looking much better. Added some reinforcement beams and they were looking nice and secure. I even had some time to work on my jewel crafting which has been sorely neglected these past few weeks while I worked on my weapon smithing.

It’s a holiday here in Canada, Victoria Day, so I’m enjoying one more game-filled day (it’s really warm out and me and the heat don’t get along that well) before getting back to the grind on Tuesday. I hope everyone has a fantastic time, no matter where you find yourself. Happy gaming!