June 14, 2012

Product Review: UnoTelly

Note: It should be noted before I go forward with this post that I was given a review account to test this product out with, and I did not purchase it with my own money.

One of my biggest complaints living here in Canada (in regards to the internet and entertainment) has always been that I can’t access shows in other countries without having to resort to VPN changes or some other work around in order to watch some of my favorite shows. Even shows I pay for on Netflix differ from US to Canada. When I was approached in an email asked if I’d like to test out UnoTelly, I was only too eager.

The web site claimed that UnoDNS was easy to set up on every device you may possibly own, so I started out by installing their ‘UnoHelper’ on my PC, it was quick and painless and I had it up and running without any troubles. I was able to watch Hulu and Netflix.com without any interruptions in my speed, and if it were not for the small icon on my desktop I probably wouldn’t have even known it was running at all. I used it for a few hours without any of the noticeable slow downs that I’ve experienced with other VPN services, especially in prime time.

I did attempt to also get this working on my ipad, but ran into some login issues, so I wasn’t able to test it further. My only concern is that occasionally I would get a message saying my IP address had changed and I should refresh it. Being the non-tech savvy person that I am, I’m guessing this has to do with my ISP and not with UnoTelly. It was a bit distracting but nothing that wasn’t solved by hitting the refresh button. ** edit ** I just have to say again, what great and prompt service I was given during my review. I emailed support, found all my questions answered, and have no more difficulties. Works fantastic!

The product comes at a great price (thee tiers with different pricing depending on what you’re looking for) and they include channels for you to use which I found really helpful. They are right on with the speed, and I experienced no slow downs. Over all, I’m really pleased. The contact emails I’ve received were pleasant and helpful, and prompt which is something I really value in customer support.

It’s a great system, and so far I have no complaints. I’m looking forward to using UnoTelly more in the future, and hopefully it continues to work as well as they’ve suggested. Anyone else out there have any experience with UnoTelly? Let me know in comments, thanks!

Decorating In Glitch (again) #PlayGlitch #Glitch

In October 2011 I was playing a little browser game called ‘Glitch’  – I wrote about it a time or two here on MmoQuests. The creators decided that the game was not as magnificent as they wanted it to be, and so they put it back into beta and changed a whole bunch of stuff with it. That’s the short story, at least. It’s been quite some time now, but my character is still there and today I was looking for something light and easy to play, and Glitch fills that desire quite well.

It took me a few minutes to catch up with some pretty important changes, most noticeably, I no longer owned a house in a neighborhood. It looks like I was refunded the cost, and all of my house items were placed in my inventory, including my pets, so that’s handy. I do miss the way my house used to look, but it’s FAR more customizable now. You place the furniture yourself, design the walls, ceiling, and floor, expand the yard (and the house) and where the neighborhood used to be outside is your own personal street that you can cultivate. There’s even a sign post at one end where you can add the names of your friends so everyone can port easily to their humble abodes.

You can customize each item in the house, some are free, some with a subscription, some with purchased currency. It seems like there are three types of currency now. One is currents, one is .. I’m not sure what it’s called but they’re purple little clouds with i’s in them, inspiration maybe? Then there are also credits, which is the currency you purchase with real money. You can use credits to purchase house furniture and clothing for your little avatar.

There are still quests, still a LOT of crafting, and I had fun just wandering around getting familiar with things once more. If you’d like to add me to your friends list you can check out my profile (I’m Stargrace in game, of course) and while I can’t promise that I’ll be playing a whole lot, it does give me something different to do, quickly, when I’m in the mood for that sort of thing.

I’m working on fox brushing right now. I don’t even know what that is, I just know it’s an animal skill that I don’t have yet. Once that is done, it’s time to move on to crafting furniture! I’m always a sucker for housing.

The subscription costs to Glitch is quite steep for what it offers you (imo), with three levels of subscriptions. Tin is $5 a month, which is a pretty good price, but comes with very little (you can view the plans here). If you’re REALLY a fan of the game I suppose the $14.99/m plan may be something you’d want to look into, but I can’t see myself ever spending that much on a browser game, even with the 400 credits and 50 teleportation tokens it comes with. There’s nothing stopping you from playing for free or even just purchasing some credits to help support the game. Buying a year subscription for $50 (the lowest price range, you save $10) is not bad, and it does grant you access to all subscriber only options and customizations. The problem is when your subscription runs out, so do those options. It’s still a great little game to check out and I highly suggest people give it a try.

Happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself!

From Yak’s Bend to Grooble’s Gulch #GW #GuildWars

The learning never stops – today I finally figured out that each map icon that is a shield is actually a mission hub, and if you complete it your shield gains a sword icon – if you complete the mission and the bonus, the shield icon has two swords crossed. An easy reference to figure out what I’ve completed and what I’ve not. Unsurprisingly my previous character has many of these shields revealed on the map, but absolutely none completed. The monk / warrior combination is doing far better. There’s only one mission where I didn’t complete the bonus, although I wish I had (it’s a LOT of experience).

I’m now level 10, and the story has taken me into Grooble’s Gulch, where I’m seeking shelter for the Ascalon refugees (being lead by Prince Rurik still). In the mission previous Prince Rurik sort of went crazy running around and it was really difficult for me to keep up with him. Thankfully he seemed to handle himself just fine (while I lay there dead waiting for Ninga to rez me) and we still completed the mission. I’m having a bit of difficulty with the camera angels, it’s really annoying to keep it centered on my character, but the longer I play the more I get used to it.

I’ve also discovered the joys of identifying gear (and weapons). I’ve broken down a few really nice pieces where you’re able to strip the enchantments from them and use those on other pieces. Then you can eventually strip down the weapon itself and use the base components to craft better gear later on. I had gotten salvage items before, but nothing magical or impressive, so you can imagine my squeals of delight as I was able to remove + dmg from a hammer and apply it to the weapon I was currently using.

Now that I’ve reached level 10 I can begin (once more) working on Eye of the North tapestry collections, although I know this will throw the story out of order it’s still my main ‘goal’ and my primary reason for playing through the game right now.

As always, happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself!