Meet The Girls: Velours #WoW #WorldofWarcraft

I love my characters in every game that I play, and I have a LOT of characters. They all come with their own story and history, along with ‘memories’ of when I’ve played them. I decided I’d go through and introduce a few of them (my ‘mains’) starting backwards from creation. First up, Velours, who is a human paladin, and the last ‘main’ I created. I say main but I don’t really have any one character I play more than the others, I gave up settling on one ages ago.

Velours is a retribution paladin most of the time (that’s a DPS spec) and her off spec is holy (healer). I actually leveled her up as protection, thinking I wanted to learn how to tank. See when I play a game I pride myself on learning as much about it as I can, and the only thing I’ve never been comfortable with in WoW is tanking. It’s just not in my nature to be a leader that way. So after months of trying to convince myself that tanking was what I wanted to do, I gave in and went back to what I’m comfortable doing.

Alchemy is her craft, and it’s come in handy. I’ve enjoyed making trinkets for her to use that don’t cost me an arm and a leg, and in fact tonight took her on her first two Cataclysm raids via the LFRaid finder. I happily walked away with a new pair of pants and gloves, which is already more raid gear than my warlock and shaman have acquired. While gear is NOT everything, obtaining new pretties IS a lot of fun, and it made me giggle and excited that my brand new 85 had managed to win. I won’t lie, her DPS is abysmal, but with MOP just around the corner I was hoping no one would grief me too badly over it. So far, so good.

As far as a back story, Velours grew up in a house just outside the gates of Stormwind. Her father always wanted a son, but Velours’ mother was unable to grant him that one wish. No matter how many times they tried (or how many years) she just wasn’t able to provide him with any more children after Velours. When she came of age and her parents started discussing her future (which involved her being married off and a lot of little babies thumping around) Velours decided to move to Stormwind proper, and enlist in with the Knights. There she found the home she had been looking for almost all of her life, though it certainly didn’t come easily and she was teased mercilessly. She ignored the comments she would get while walking to the temple and instead focused on her training. After years of practice it paid off.

P.S. I don’t think her sword is nearly big enough.

Healing Polaris #TSW #TheSecretWorld

I’m still making my way through Kingsmouth, it feels like I’ve been there forever now. I’ve actually been having issues with the ‘feeling’ of The Secret World, and no I don’t mean the game play but of course once again, the genre. I decided that the best way for me to play it would be to turn off as many sounds as I could, leaving combat on because it’s really difficult (I find) to battle if you can’t hear anything and are used to. Thankfully there are usually visual clues on what you should be doing for each encounter if it requires it.

With most of my gear upgraded to quality 3 (a few pieces still at 2) and a decent supply of AP under my belt, I decided I was ready for my first run through Polaris. Ogur provided me with a pretty handy guide about Fist healing – while I am working towards the Exorcist deck, let me mention that it’s because of the outfit, and not because it’s the ‘greatest heal spec’ or anything like that.

The path I’ve been taking for healing so far was written up by Escalith on the TSW forums, and it’s very clear and easy to follow. The instance itself was a lot of fun and thanks to Ogur having already run it a few times before he was able to explain to the group what was going to happen. Actually I think I was the only person who had not been there before.

[Early Game – 69 Points] – Able to heal Polaris

Actives1. (Fist Tier 1) – Nurture
2. (Fist Tier 2) – Surgical Steel
3. (Fist Tier 2) – Empathy
4 ?
5 ?
6 ?
7 ?


1. (Fist Tier 1) – Nurturing Gift
2. (Fist Tier 1) – Out of the Woods {E}
3. (Hammer Tier 1) – Brawler
4 ?
5 ?
6 ?
7 ?

Very basic; that’s all you really need to keep your team alive in the first Dungeon.

I still enjoy the game play and the world as much as ever, but just can’t seem to wrap my head around the genre. I suppose being afraid of my own shadow doesn’t exactly help in this case. Because I’m reluctant to give up on a game that I do enjoy (at least the basics of) I’ve been trying this and that to get ‘comfortable’. So far it only works for brief stints. There’s just too much of a heavy feeling to the game for me to feel light and care free as I play it, which is how I tend to play. Turning off the gnashing of zombie teeth and the slurps as they devoured a meal certainly helped briefly, but it doesn’t take away the shadow of “something is out there.. waiting.. FOR YOU!” I understand that it’s the entire point of The Secret World, but I find it hard to see the game as anything but niche because of that fact.

So will I keep playing after my 30 days is up? Undecided. Unless I can find a way to be ‘comfortable’ with the genre, I don’t think I will. I’ve been known to change my mind (many times) before, so we’ll just have to see. After all, I didn’t think I’d even play the game or enjoy it either, and here I am.

On the brighter side of things, Guild Wars 2 does release this week, and MOP is not that far away. I’m also still playing EVE Online, so it’s not like I don’t have a nice round selection of games to choose from. What a great time to be a gamer.

Baradin’s Wardens and Other Factions #WoW #WorldofWarcraft

The next WoW expansion is sneaking up on us, and preparations have already been taking place. With the pre-panda-patch that is going live on the 28th also comes the transition of currency, all of your valor will be downgraded to justice, and conquest to honor. The gear that used to be sold for valor will be sold for justice (and same with conquest). There will be no new tier of gear introduced until September when MOP goes live, so it’s going to be a bit of a waiting game. The pvp season will also end and I have to admit I did very poorly this run. I still managed to snag myself a few pieces at least but I missed a lot of AV weekends (my favorite).

In the mean time I’ve been working on achievements. I finally hit exalted with Tol Barad and the Baradin Wardens, which allowed me to purchase their companion, a cute little sea gull. I’m a few tokens short from picking up the mount, but when I have dailies available I’ll be working on getting more.

I’ve also been working on my Netherwing faction, eventually I can get some pretty neat dragon looking mounts. So far I’m only honored, and I defeated Captain Skyshatter which was a lot of fun but also VERY frustrating. It’s a race you participate in (a number of them) and the NPC flies around the sky dropping bombs or skulls or rocks at you that stun you (or damage you, or kill you etc). It took me a few tries but eventually I got there.

The guild is still moving along, we’re all basically waiting for MOP to come out and working on alts and old achievements in the mean time. I’m at 505 archaeology and am hoping to get it to 525 later on today. That will be the last profession I need to cap before the expansion goes live. Next I’ll start tracking down tradeskill recipes for tailoring and enchanting, I own most of them but there are still a few I would like to collect.

Still no mounts from the two Burning Crusade instances I run daily, but with a 4% and 1.8% chance at dropping, I don’t expect to see either of them for quite some time.

As always, happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself!

It Takes Two To Tango #TSW #TheSecretWorld

Well, it looks like the fates aligned for me when it came to The Secret World. I had held off purchasing the game and was making my way through the free trial when Amazon put it on sale, 50% off. That dropped the price down to $25 USD. As it would happen, I had $15 in Amazon coupons, left over from a Christmas gift so the entire game cost me roughly $11 total. Unwilling to pass up a deal that was less than even one monthly subscription, I of course purchased it and am now enjoying the 30 days the base game comes with. Enjoying it quite a bit more than I ever thought I would.

I’m still working my way through Kingsmouth, and have managed to get myself geared for Polaris, the first dungeon in the game. I haven’t been there yet but I do hope to some time this weekend. In order to be ‘geared’ for the first dungeon you’ll want to be wearing QL3 in most slots (or at least this is what general channel has told me). I’ve got mostly QL3 and a piece or two of QL4. I purchased some vendor sold gear for little tokens that you get while doing missions which has helped me out a lot.

I’m working towards my first deck which is the exorcist deck I believe (I may have the name wrong, I’m not in game and I’m not looking right at it) which is a blood magic / fist healer deck. Combat and skill sets and gear is pretty easy for me to understand, so I have been able to simply enjoy the game which I really like. I also love how minimal the UI is, I basically only need my offensive target, defensive target, and instead of having 6-9 hotbars jam packed with crap I have 7 buttons + a small bag with consumables to use. The game really makes you pick and choose which skills you want on those 7 hotkeys, and it’s just refreshing not to have to worry about which skill out of 50 I want to use during a fight.

So far I’ve loved every single NPC interaction I’ve come across. The cut scenes are fantastic, each character has a story and a history and it’s just amazing how much I feel a ‘part’ of it. Though I am wondering, if the church is ‘free’ of zombie ghouls, why doesn’t everyone just hole up there. I suppose those who are incredibly opposed to religion may not want to even if it’s safe from zombies. I’ve also noticed pretty much everyone in the town has blue eyes. In fact one NPC I was speaking to at the airport had orange eyes and it caught my attention – until I spoke to them in the next clip and they had blue eyes too. Weird. Probably some sort of graphic glitch but I still noticed it.

I’m not sure what my favorite parts have been so far. I really liked helping out at the Scrapyard and the Airport. I’ve gotten used to marking my map filled with little “Q” icons, for quests I find that I don’t have time / space to pick up when I run by so that I can return later. I haven’t done any stealth quests yet but that will be my goal for today I think, to attempt at least one.

I’m STILL not a giant fan of the genre. I have to take a break every so often because I find it very dark, and playing while I’m alone at home in the dark is just not fun. So long as I’m with friends, or my house isn’t empty, or it’s day time, it’s not so bad. For $11 you sure won’t find me complaining at all.

As always, happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself!

Wayfarer’s Reverie #GuildWars #GW

ArenaNet added a new festival to the world on Friday, the Wayfarer’s Reverie. This is a celebration of exploration (and in preparation of GW2).

The Wayfarer’s Reverie honors the traveler inside each of us, encouraging revelry and revisitation. The world is yours to explore—again or for the first time. Join the celebration!

  • For those looking to walk the Wayfarer’s path, festival coordinators have been added to Lion’s Arch, Kamadan, Kaineng Center, and the Eye of the North to offer festival quests for their respective regions.
  • NPCs will be dropping by the major towns—as well as a few locations off in the wilds—to share their insights during the festival.
  • Special drops and bonuses will be in effect throughout the Wayfarer’s Reverie, which will run through August 30th.

I picked up the quest in Lion’s Arch to explore Tyria, and set out to explore. The lower level areas were quite easy, and I had no issues soloing my way through them, picking up some spare crafting material and money. I had a lot of fun wandering through areas I had not been in for quite some time. Of course, it got harder. Much harder.

Before I knew it, it was 1:30am and I was practically falling asleep at my keyboard which never bodes well for my heroes (or myself) so I gave up on the location I was trying to get to, and called it a night. When I had logged in to play I was pleasantly surprised to discover that it was my character’s 4th birthday, and I had a new miniature to add to my Hall of Monuments, the miniature Nian, which is an uncommon. Looks pretty good in my collection, too.

There’s no way I’ll get anywhere near 30 points by the time Guild Wars 2 releases, but I’m not going to stop trying, and might be able to eek out another point or two here or there. We’ll just have to see. In the mean time I’m still in awe at how beautiful this game looks, especially for its age.

Happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself!