A Few of My Favorite Things #GuildWars2 #GW2

Ah, another beta weekend come and gone, and the last one before Guild Wars 2 goes live in August. What a long time it seems from now! Of course, that’s more than likely because I’m incredibly impatient. I thought I’d name some of my favorite things that I’ve discovered about Guild Wars 2 so far. Keep in mind I’ve been reading very little about the game, and while these things may not be new to you, they were for me (and brought about a lot of joy). Hopefully some of these things will also be news to others out there, and they’ll bring you just as much pleasure.

1. Vistas. These are Super Mario-esc jumping puzzles that players have to figure out how to reach and I think they’re brilliant. How many times a day in your average MMO do you see people jumping all over the place for no reason what so ever. People love to jump! These vistas are marked on the world map by a set of triangles, and what you’re looking for in game is a hovering map surrounded in white light, typically way up high some place. You’ll have to figure out how to reach it, and then jump to it without falling. Once you’re up there you’ll be granted some experience for finding it, as well as the achievement for finding it, and a remarkable video depicting the area you happen to be in. Beautiful AND fun!

2. Guilds. I learned this weekend no longer are we tied down to one guild! Have a guild of RL friends? A guild of roleplayers? A guild of hardcore raiders that only meet once a week? Now you can be a member of ALL of those guilds at once. You can only ‘represent’ one guild at a time, that is, talk in guild chat – but I still think this idea is fabulous.

3. Dye. I mentioned this before, but I love the way dye works in GW2. You’re no longer collecting bottles that stay infinitely in your inventory or in your bank, but you’re collecting bottles and then unlocking a colour. It does work per character and isn’t account wide, but you can trade / sell the bottles so your alts can unlock them. You can customize colour from the get go with the default palate, and I think that’s fantastic.

4. Crafting. In specific the ‘collections’ tab which holds all of your crafting supplies (well, the raw materials in any rate). This tab will also hold all gems you find (gems are used to socket your gear, basically) and miniatures. I love that my inventory is rarely ever full, because I can just instantly send all my crafting supplies to the collections tab no matter where I’m at. Thank you ArenaNet for letting me play and have fun without the hassle that comes from a full inventory!

I had a blast this weekend, logging in almost 15 hours of game time between Friday and Sunday (I decided not to play Sunday because I knew it would be shutting down in a few hours). I still haven’t decided what I’m going to play at launch, but the beta weekends (the two I’ve participated in) have been an absolute blast. I can’t wait for it to go live! I hope everyone else had a great time playing too.

As always, happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself!

Beware, Serpentis! #EVEOnline #Tweetfleet

As much as I enjoy scanning sites in Eve Online, I rarely give it the patience it requires, and have fallen behind in my ‘skills’ for probing (har har). I take a lot of pleasure in finding sites of my own to explore, so last night I decided to do a revision on how scanning works, and I took my Helios out for a spin.

It’s always hit or miss when it comes to scanning, some times you’ll find things, and some times you won’t. That’s where the patience comes in. It also takes a lot of time to narrow down the search, but there are some pretty awesome tutorials and videos on how to do this. I didn’t travel far from home (because I was expecting to need another ship or two depending on what I found) and in my first session I narrowed down a Serpentis Den. I flew back to my ‘home base’, switched out the Helios for the Dominix, and headed back. It was a bit messy because I was still getting back into the swing of things, but I didn’t do too badly, and before long all of the bad guys were dead. I spent a bit of time salvaging the wreckage (I could have switched out for my salvager, but didn’t bother) and then switched back to the Helios.

My second run resulted in a radar site, I took my codebreaker (I have my Helios fit for radar sites as well as probing) and opened up the containers with glee – no NPC to defeat here. Inside I was rewarded with an item that boosts manufacturing stats, and is worth a few million ISK. YAY!

Continuing on (I was actually looking for mining sites) I found a Serpentis Lookout, so I once again switched out from the Helios to the Dominix, and proceeded through the acceleration gates. This time things went much easier – except that I completely forgot that when I removed the inventory from the Dominix on my last combat round, I also removed all of my ammo. Before I could pass through the second acceleration gate I had to head back to home and pick some up. Not being able to attack anything was proving to be difficult, especially since my drones were the ones getting aggro and it was going to be expensive to replace them all. I scooped them up, flew home, grabbed ammo, and back out to the site where I finished up killing the NPCs. I didn’t get the bonus spawn, but that’s alright. I still got a lot of bounty for killing and I also came back with a lot of salvage material.

All in all it was an incredibly productive night. Before I went out probing I also put in some production runs for invention and manufacturing, turned my PI runs on, did a few mining missions for faction, and picked up some datacores that my R&D agents have been holding for me. Now, all of this may not sound exciting to the dedicated long term EVE player, it just sounds like yet another night – but for me, it was incredibly exciting. It was my first time actually scanning down a site and then defeating it on my own. Hopefully tonight I have better luck with mining sites though, as that’s what I’m really after. I did also find a few wurmhole entrances, and I may check them out in the future, I do love wurmhole exploration, it’s just not something I typically want to do all by myself without a corp to back me up.

As always, happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself!

Aurora Glade and Battling the White Mantle #GW #GuildWars

I’m still happily working my way through prophecies, and the story has gotten pretty interesting. As the story progresses, the missions become a lot harder as well. So far I’ve managed to complete every bonus stage, but I’m only on 12/25 missions so there’s plenty of time to fail.

Right now I find myself in Aurora Glade, I started out helping the White Mantle, and then found out that they’re actually the bad guys. It was actually amusing because in the first cinematic with the White Mantle I didn’t think anything of them, they seemed pleasant enough. You know when you meet a ‘bad guy’ in a game there’s usually a sign that they’re evil. Their voice is deeper, they cackle, they’re dressed all in black. That sort of stuff. It wasn’t until after I discovered the truth about them that the cinematic suddenly changed to incorporate their new evilness and I thought to myself ‘wow these guys are evil!’.

One thing that truly has been a life saver while working through Prophecy is the fact that I have access to four heroes from Eye of the North (due to me jumping around in the expansions to unlock the hall of monument). I think had I not picked up these heroes the missions would be MUCH harder, which is saying a lot because they’re not always a cake walk to begin with.

The latest missions have me picking up seeds that need to be placed at specific areas to grow vine bridges. I have to pick these seeds up from all over the place, and I’m never certain if I’ll need another or if there’s a seed location just up ahead where I can get one. It’s interesting, but walking around carrying a seed slows your speed down, so it takes twice as long to get anywhere. Plus you’re followed by that gigantic NPC army trailing after you, and it can get confusing.

Another great resource I’ve come to always have open on my 2nd monitor are the Massively articles tagged with ‘The Road to 50‘ – you may not be aiming for 50 points (and I’m not, I’m trying for 30, I’ll be lucky if I get 10) but knowing what / where you can earn those points is important in the process, and it’s nice to know for future reference.

As always, happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself!

Things Have Changed #EVEOnline #Tweetfleet

It just doesn’t feel right to be playing MMO’s unless one of them happens to be a sandbox, and since I was lacking the soft feeling of sand running between my toes I decided to sign back up with EVE Online. It’s been a few months since I’ve played to any extent, and when I left the game I was working heavily with industry and PI, creating drones to sell weekly at the market as well as POS components and fuel. All of which netted me a fair amount of ISK, and kept me out of trouble (for the most part).

Since I’ve returned I’ve noticed a few changes – most notably would have to be the changes to inventory. That’s right, players now have an actual inventory – sort of. It’s a drop down menu on the left hand side along with the usual tabs (wallet, assets, etc) and when you select it you’ll see more drop down menus with your items (hopefully). It took me a bit to figure this out, I was expecting a hangar, and couldn’t find it anywhere. Couldn’t find my corporate hangar or any of my ships, or figure out how to move items about. Of course once I learned we have an inventory, things became much easier. It’s still a bit of a pain but there are ways to filter it now which are nice. It does take some getting used to, but I think I can manage.

Of course the first thing I did was fall back into old habits, take a trip to Jita and sell off the merchandise that I had collected last time I played. Jita was as busy as ever which was comforting. I haven’t decided quite yet what it is I want to do this round – there’s so many options. If you’re unfamiliar with them you should really check out this amazing post by The Ancient Gaming Noob – and in specific this image.

I’ve always stayed on the PvE side of things, I enjoy spending my time in-game mining, scanning (which I’m not good at but I’ll get better with practice) exploring, and the occasional mission run for faction. I love salvaging, and I still enjoy research and development but I’m unsure if I want to keep producing drones or move on to something else. They’re good income but I’ve been crafting them for so long now it’s getting a bit boring.

No matter what I decide to do, it’s nice to be back flying the skies. As always, happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself!

Into The Wilds #GuildWars #GW

As the release date for Guild Wars 2 (quickly) approaches, I’ve been meandering my way through prophecies in Guild Wars 1. Completing all of the major story lines as well as the bonuses you can find in each mission. So far I’m not very far, I’ve completed up to the wilds, which is mission 10 out of 25. Still, I’m pretty happy with my progress, and the story is getting quite interesting.

My Mesmer / Ranger (I went back to my original character) is level 18, and since I’ve dipped a toe or two into Eye of the North already I have a few heroes at my disposal which makes doing these missions MUCH easier. Even though I am using the wiki as a guide the cut scenes and story are still really great and I haven’t skipped through any of them yet.

One ‘difficulty’ I’ve had (if you can call it that) is reading the map to follow along with where I should be headed. Because the map is partially blurred until you traverse over the land, it makes reading it and comparing it to the wiki map quite difficult. Combine that with the fact that I simply get lost by turning around in most cases, and it’s a wonder that I’ve gotten this far at all.

You can add me to your friends list in-game (N) as Silhouette Reveur, I’m still looking for a lot of mini pets if anyone has any duplicates they wouldn’t mind sparing. I’ve got three of my own collection but for once I’ve no alts so I have none to spread around.

Now that I’ve adventured through a significant chunk of the prophecies chain I’ve come to really appreciate the game a lot more than I did when I first purchased it. I don’t even miss the ability to jump (much).

As always, happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself.