Still Not Quite There Yet #EQ2 #EverQuest2

Sony announced last week that players would be able to complete dungeons as their characters instead of having to pick an avatar to play, and I thought that this would be a fantastic way to motivate players to actually complete the dungeons – I was wrong. It’s not enough.

Player created dungeons are great in theory, but in practice there is still too much missing from them to make them worth while for players. Number one, you barely get any experience from completing them. If you run a player dungeon and then go run a regular zone or even quest for the same amount of time, you will find yourself quite far behind. As an example, I took my 90 shadowknight through a dungeon that was 90 minutes long (and rewarded 300 tokens) – gaining not even 60% of a single aa. In that same amount of time, I was able to gain 10 aa mentored down to 65 and running through New Tunaria.

Now lets take a look at the tokens. The shop is located in the station cash shop, and there’s very little motivation for players to actually spend the tokens aside from picking up the mount (500 tokens) and maybe some repair kits. The gear available is sub-par compared to items you can solo quest for, and also random from chests (and flagged as no value, so you can’t even sell it or transmute it).

There are no shinies in player created dungeons. There’s no trash loot. There’s no chest drops, no spells, no craft recipes. All of these things are reasons why players should (and will) continue to quest and explore through regular overland zones instead of the creations of other players.

You can argue that this is a good thing, forcing players to explore “the world” instead of being stuffed inside of solo dungeons – however, with the introduction of mercenary a lot of players are already exploring on their own and doing dungeons alone. Why not have them at least partaking in dungeons that are created by other players.

I really think that user generated content is incredibly amazing to have in games, but I also think SOE missed the point of them in this round. Players need more than a neat dungeon layout to entice them to do them more than once. It’s simply wasted resources other wise.

Exploring Anew #EQ2 #EverQuest2

Ah how things have changed. I’ve been spending a bit of time in EQ2 as of late – I know, big surprise right? It’s been a few years since I’ve played the game to any extent, but I found myself missing some of those game aspects that EQ2 does very well, such as crafting and housing as well as user generated content.

Game Update 63 brought about a lot of changes, and so (of course) has time. The new level cap for both adventuring and crafting is 92. There are now ‘prestige’ points, which are in your alternate advancement tab but use their own point system. The cap for aa is now 320 – and everyone was granted a bunch of ‘free’ points because they lowered the amount of experience it required to get any. This means a few of my characters (without having even logged in) found themselves at 320 already.

There’s still a few things I don’t understand. A lot of people are running a sinking sands Skyshrine dungeon for mythicals – and I don’t know what that means, but I’m sure I’ll figure it out with time. (Edit: huge thanks for the comments that cleared up the one mystery) There are new dungeons to explore, including a solo / duo one in Skyshrine (I believe). There are new crafting quests, and new crafting apprentices. I haven’t managed to pick one up yet, but I hope to soon.

In a future game update players should be able to use their own characters to run player created dungeons, which I’m pretty excited about. One of the major turn offs at the moment for me doing a player created dungeon is the fact that the avatars are rubbish. I can solo them perfectly fine as a healer avatar, but not with anything else. They’re also quite boring to do alone. The rewards that you can use your tokens to purchase are also a bit lacking (imo).

I hear that PVP is also getting an overhaul, much needed. I’m excited about that, I used to love running the pvp instances when they first came out. I’m not an enormous fan of PVP but some times you just get that itch.

While everyone is off playing The Secret World (and let me tell you, temptation is hard to resist here) I’m eagerly waiting for Guild Wars 2 to come out. I’ve pre-ordered and can’t wait. Even though I should be working on my Guild Wars 1 achievements, I know. I did manage to get a few more missions done in it. I should really buckle down – but those distractions! They’re everywhere!

As always, happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself.

Remodeled Starter Cities #EQ2 #EverQuest2

I really like the newly designed Freeport. It takes a bit of time to get used to it, especially since we’ve all gotten used to having to zone from one section to another, but the transition was smooth and it’s much easier to get around now.

The newly designed Qeynos is in the works and should be out when the next update goes live (I believe, I could be wrong). I don’t know that I have any characters who even live in Qeynos any more, but I’m sure I can find one or two to use to explore the area.

Community Effort #WurmOnline

This weekend Sincor organized a mass casting of ‘Rite of Spring‘ ‘Holy Crop‘ and ‘Ritual of the Sun‘ on the Deliverance server. Each of these spells belongs to one of the three Freedom Gods, and requires 300 favor to cast which means a lot of linking. I was only too eager to help out in any way that I could and so I volunteered a priest of each deity, and helped out with a few gems.

One of the major benefits to casting these spells is that the players online who are followers / priests of that deity will gain 5h of sleep bonus when the spell goes off. The downside to this is that too many people want the sleep bonus but don’t want to help out with the cast. I was sad to see that a few of the ‘old timers’ were unwilling to come to Green Dog to help with the cast, giving some pretty feeble excuses. All community events like this only work if they have the help of the community behind it.

For those who did come out, I was thankful, and had fun. It was nice to see parts of the community come together to help benefit the entire server, although it did not help that the following day the servers all went down numerous times so everyone (online or not) was granted 5h of sleep bonus. Some players even went so far as to complain that they already had 5h sleep bonus so they didn’t personally benefit from the 5h that was granted from server issues. Really? We are so selfish that we have to complain when others benefit from something that we already have? Honestly, it just made my head hurt.

There are a few other community events scheduled for this summer, including a summer festival of sorts on the Independence server which I am looking forward to attending. There will be games and prizes given out as well as priests casting and other good things. I love these player run events, and I think they really add character to a game – as long as they can be managed well. It’s only too easy for one person to spoil it for a group and for arguments to follow. Thankfully we don’t see too much of that.

As always, happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself!

Exploring Greystone (Dungeon level 40-45) #VGD #Vanguard

Between 35-40 I would say it is really hard to figure out where to level. Especially if you’re in a solo / duo in game. I had problems leveling my blood mage up past these levels, and now I’m finding I have the same problem with my shaman.

Hampooj and I decided to explore the first parts of Greystone, which is a dungeon suitable for level 40-45 characters. You can find it in Beranid Hills. The mobs along the bridge before the actual dungeon are level 40 and mostly 2 dots with a few 3 dots thrown in there. There is a tower on either side, with a named at the top (a 4 dot). Inside are quests, and some classes even have level 42 spells that they learn here.

The Telon Project and Silkyvenom both have partial write ups about the dungeon but one really annoying thing to note is that the quest components don’t drop from every encounter, and you need a LOT of them. They also won’t drop for every person in the group, so if you’re in a group completing the quests here you’re looking at spending a LOT of time in the area, killing thousands of mobs. I find that this is an issue with a lot of the dungeons in Vanguard, and it makes the content almost unplayable.We started to adventure here because we were just looking for something to do in between reaching 40 and moving on to newer zones. There’s a weapon quest located within the dungeon, and that would have been neat to complete.

These are the levels where dying starts becoming an issue. An issue because if you summon your corpse at an altar you lose a large chunk of xp (Hampooj died and lost roughly 25,000 experience) and if you are to wander back in to get your body you’ve quite a ways to go. Things respawn quickly depending on how long it takes your group (or duo) to kill, and it can get frustrating.

Despite all of that, it’s still why I love Vanguard. It’s complex, there are penalties, and it can be a cruel and unforgiving world. In a day where I feel that a lot of MMOs simply hand me rewards on a silver platter, it can be a pleasant change. Whether or not the game will keep this ‘charm’ when it goes free to play is something that players old and new debate on channels daily – myself, I stay out of the discussion. I’ll adapt with the changes because I see the game going free to play as a very good thing and in fact one of a few options. The other option of course being closing it down completely which is something I NEVER want to see for any video game. It’s astounding the number of times I hear “I’d rather see it closed down then see it get changed,” in local chat.

As always, happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself!