Joining a Guild and Other Goodies #EQ #EverQuest

My apologies for the lack luster screen shot this morning, but I actually forgot to take a better one, so this was all I had in my folder, hehe.

I have been playing EverQuest off and on for some time now, and last night I decided to make some pretty big changes. Well, big for me in any case. The first thing I did was – apply to a guild. That’s right, even though I’ve been in a personal guild for years now I decided that if I really wanted to get back into EverQuest good and proper, the first thing I should do is find others to play with, or at least others to talk to. I checked out the guild lobby and noticed a few family guilds recruiting, and I also submitted an application to the boards. It wasn’t long before I found myself speaking to a member from Pak’Cafan, and before I knew it I had applied.

Once that step was taken care of, I headed out to a group in a zone I had never been in before. It was fun, but the experience was lack luster because we barely killed anything and spent more time debating how to pull a named than anything else. This may annoy some people, but I was quite happy. It reminded me of how EverQuest is played. You spend a lot of time talking and getting to know your group mates. When you are LFG again you tend to remember who you were with previously because of this. People are not just randoms who have joined your group for a few minutes, but folks that you’ve had discussions with, and shared many wipes with. Well, hopefully not too many wipes.

Anyhow, the group was fun and I had a good time getting back into the swing of things. I spent the remainder of my evening in Halas, harvesting mushrooms so that I can continue working up my brewing (286 and counting). There was one time during the evening where I was discouraged because my enchanter was having a very difficult time in Veil of Alaris trying to charm solo. My charm only works up to level 89, even though I am level 90. Most of the encounters in the beginner zones are also higher than 90. In the end I decided to stay determined. There’s a LOT to do in EverQuest and just because I’m not quite ready to run out and start soloing the current expansion (until Rain of Fear goes live next month) doesn’t mean that it’s impossible for me to do anything. House of Thule is still a great expansion to play in, and even the expansion before that. There are shrouds that I can use to do older content and SOE added a ‘heroes journey’ which grants achievements for completing zones like Crescent Reach and other 1-85 zones. I haven’t done any of that yet, especially not on my ancient enchanter (CR came out well after I created my enchanter) so there’s a lot to explore.

As always, happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself! If you happen to pop back into EverQuest you can find me as Kameeko on the Drinal server. Be sure to say hello!

Trips Down Memory Lane #EQ2 #EverQuest2

One of my absolute favorite things to do in EQ2 (well, in any game I suppose) is to travel through old zones doing old content. In EQ2 this is very easy to do with the self mentor system (which I adore, by the way) so that no matter what level I am, I can always go back to old content.

Last night I was looking through my defiler’s achievements (my current ‘main’) when I noticed that she had never completed Halls of Seeing before. So of course I decided to pay Venekor a visit and see how he was doing. The mobs in the zone varied from 72+ so I mentored down to 80 which would give me the ability to still obtain loot and aa from encounters. I do have my trusty shadowknight mercenary (nothing fancy, just the basic one that you can get from cities) and off I went.

One nice thing about HoS is that all of the loot is lore attuneable, which means you can sell it on the broker. I earned a handful of gear, some masters, and I had an absolute blast. I inched my way to 299 aa and 70% through by the time the evening was done – but of course it wasn’t just Venekor that I paid a visit to.

I also headed to Steamfont, and from there Klak’anon and paid a visit to the Clockwork Menace. The raid was a LOT easier than I remembered it being back when I was actually raiding current-tier content. You’ve basically got 8 minutes from start to finish, and I felt that I had a lot left over.

There was one more stop to make before I called it a night. The deserted Isle of Refuge, where Darathar resides. This really took me down memory lane. The Isle of Refuge used to be where you would start your character in EQ2. I remember it took me a WEEK to get my templar to level 7 when EQ2 first released. Back then I was still playing EQ1 pretty heavily, and I had no inclination to switch games at all. Little did I know.

The Isle of Refuge has since been removed as a starting point, in order to let the newer zones shine. So Darathar has it all to himself, and his minions. Darathar was also my first ‘real’ EQ2 raid. I remember so many details about that first raid. We stood in the water to avoid getting kicked. I was the lowest level character there. We were raiding well before fabled were ever added to the game, the Prismatic 1.0 (as it’s called these days) was legendary. I remember the script for Darathar, it has been tweaked over the years. He used to fly away and return, stunning the raid three times. Now he stays put on the ground. I raided with an Australian guild on the Najena server, and it was awesome. I miss it.

So that’s why I continue to go back to these older zones. The content holds strong memories for me. Plus, it was a really nice way to earn some aa.

As always, happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself!

Ghouls Just Want to Have Fun #VGD #Vanguard

It’s that time of year, where games everywhere have events to celebrate Halloween – and of course Vanguard wasn’t about to be left out! You can log into game and help celebrate  the Festival of the Grim Harvest, and while you’re doing that why not head to the forums afterward and share your scary screen shots with the rest of the community.

I eagerly picked up two quests from outside of New Targonar, including ‘Ghouls just want to have fun,” and “Tempted by the Treats of Another.” You can also head to Misthaven Crossing for more festivities, and keep your eyes open for more events and scary happenings all over Telon.

As always, happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself!

More For EQ2 From SOE Live #SOELive #EQ2

More news trickled out yesterday at SOE Live and I thought I’d post it below with a few comments here and there. I’m commenting on notes that Feldon has written up on EQ2wire, as he live blogged the panels.

  • If you buy Chains of Eternity, you get an item you can claim 2 per account (not 1 per character) that if you are level 90 it dings you to 280AAs. [A lot of people are upset about this, and a lot of people are happy. I don’t think grinding 280aa takes any skill and most people simply grind older zones and don’t actually obtain AA the way they were ‘meant’ to be obtained. The 280AA cap in order to reach level 92 is steep for people who have been away from game, and unless they remove that requirement – OR – use this item, I can see people not returning. Honestly, if someone doesn’t want to use it, they don’t have to. I don’t personally see it as game breaking.]
  • The addition of incremental spells. These are new abilities that have stages. It was a bit confusing but basically the more you cast a spell, it will enable you to eventually cast a new bigger / better spell. Perhaps completely different than the spell you had been casting to begin with. [Sounds neat, and I wonder if the quality of the spell you’re casting affects the result of the new spell (ie: adept, mastercrafted etc).]
  • Traderskillers are getting prestige abilities, and tradeskill AA will be their own point system now and not tied to the adventuring total AA. They’re also adding mass production, but no idea if this will be for everything, or only certain items, or consumables, or what. Will wait to hear more information. [VERY happy to hear this]
  • Spirit Stones. Items that grow in power when you do what it says on them (ie: the more you heal your allies, the more passive abilities the stone gains). These sound neat, like a new type of adornment.

Of course there’s a lot of content coming, two massive overland zones, a bunch of dungeons, raids, solo and group content. Beta apparently starts on Monday, and a tentative release date has been set for November 13th (that seems quite soon, so I would expect this to change). Are you excited about the expansion? The last few have been slightly lack luster for me, and I haven’t decided quite yet how I feel about this one. The EQ expansion on the other hand, I am VERY excited about.

As always, happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself!