February 25, 2013

The Great Divide #EverQuest #EQ


It was time to move on from Blightfire Moors, and explore a ‘new’ zone. Well. Not especially new, but new to these characters at least! The next zone we headed off to was The Great Divide, which is a great little zone. It was time to smack down some Frost Giants, and smack down we did.

There’s only one issue we’re running into lately, and that is we’re almost leveling too fast. By the end of the night my beastlord was sitting at a comfortable level 37. She’s missing a lot of gear, and I haven’t purchased my spells since 30 or so. I did pick up my pet at 30 but I didn’t stock pile on anything past that. Technically I didn’t really need to. The mercenaries are holding their own, we have one dps (melee I believe) mercenary, and I also have a healer one. So while I’m not doing a lot of damage at the moment, it’s not noticeable. Leveling so quickly on a new server where we’ve nothing to our names is also proving to be an expensive endeavor. Mercenaries are almost 10 plat every 15 minutes now. I’m baffled at how a new player would be able to afford them for very long especially not knowing locations to spend grinding.

I have managed to sell a few pieces of gear at the bazaar in offline mode, which I really like. It’s not much, but it’s a start. When I watch general channel it amuses me to see pieces selling for multiple MILLIONS of platinum. I’m unsure if that’s because this is FV, or if it’s like that on all servers. On my home server of Drinal I don’t remember seeing people charging millions of plat for an item.

I still haven’t gotten into crafting yet, but I do want to. I’ve been selling bits and bobs to vendor for now, I figure I have lots of time to farm the materials I need to level over 50. I’m thinking of starting with food and drink to start, as it would be very helpful for our characters to be able to afford good food and drink. I may work towards tailoring from that, and in specific the barbarian cultural armor. It would be neat to be able to afford my own gear. Since it’s been so long since I’ve worked on any of that, we’ll just have to see.

Nomadic Gamer