July 2, 2013

Legacy Family – Day 3 #TS3 #TheSims3

Screenshot-190I managed to get another session in with my legacy family (or rather, founder, she’s not in a family yet). It’s very slow going but I believe that’s the point. Because she doesn’t have a real house yet it’s difficult to keep her mood up, and she requires a good mood for her job – as such she has yet to be promoted but I think that may be happening the next time I play which would be great because you always get a little bonus when you get promoted.

This was the hardest play session so far because it was leisure day and she had the day before and after off. That’s a lot of days with no work, and no money. I ran to the festival grounds to try to participate in some hotdog contests and hopefully win some tickets which I could then use to buy a handful of items and sell them back to a vendor. I really want walls. However, it turns out eating hot dogs is not my forte. I came in second both times (and there was only myself and one other participating) which gave me 5 tickets, enough for the lowest prize which I immediately sold. I had roughly $160 to my name and walls are really expensive.

I left the fair and headed to a local fishing hole, which as luck would have it came with a grill where I could make hotdogs for no cost! I filled up on these and did some fishing. All my hard work really paid off when I caught two minnow that sold for $5 each.

Getting there. Slowly.

Back home after three days of eating hot dogs and fishing adventures. I was getting tired of the dishes piling up on the table I owned since I had no sink, so I got rid of the table and chair and decided I could sit on the ground to eat. I purchased a sink. Now I can at least do my dishes, brush my teeth, and wash my hands. I had just enough money left over to afford a SINGLE wall, and put a toilet against that wall. I tried just purchasing the toilet which did not work at all. You must have a wall.

So there it sits. In the middle of my housing lot. A shower. A single wall. My toilet. A sink. A stove. A fridge, and my trusty sleeping bag.

Isn’t life great.