The festival of Unity on the Antonia Bayle server kicked off with the opening ceremonies. I did some commentary during the event since the text is way too small to read – however xsplit (program I use to stream) did not play very nicely with recording it, so it cuts in and out a LOT. For future events I will more than likely not stream them, and just record with fraps and post after the event.

Still, a great time was had by everyone, and the jousting that followed was a blast! I’ve got screenshots of that part to post next.

For those of you who don’t know the history of the festival, it started 7 years ago with an Ogre paladin named Klumpp. He had a vision where for at least a week everyone would come together in unity and celebrate good friends, food, and entertainment. It just goes to show how much impact a single person can have.

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