Challenge Yourself

Entrelac2I tried for years (unsuccessfully) to teach myself to knit. I could do the basic stitch, but I couldn’t purl and I had no idea how increases or decreases worked. I kept at it off and on over the years, never progressing past flat scarf / blanket like objects, until September 2015 when it just all suddenly clicked. In that short amount of time I moved from knitting flat blankets to doing socks, lace, hats, and other items. One thing I try to do as I progress through my knitting is teach myself new techniques, and to challenge myself.

Learning these techniques is always much easier if you have someone else trying to learn it with you, someone you can ping ideas off of. When a friend suggested we start up a KAL together, I was ecstatic. I found some great videos on YouTube about this particular entrelac scarf, and before the day was out, we had learned this new technique. It’s not the most professional looking piece, but I really love the way the colours shift.

We then discovered a downside. Knitting entrelac, especially on a scarf, is very boring. The pattern is not complicated enough to be interesting but not easy enough to be mindless (so that you can do other things, like watching TV). I’ve got the squares down but still need to pay attention and look at the instructions for the left and right triangles. Plus I’m doing mine in fingering weight yarn, with two extra repeats. Lovely? Sure, but I am having a difficult time keeping myself interested in the piece, and that doesn’t bode well.

Still, we learned something new, and that’s awesome. Not every new stitch or project has to be something you love to the moon and back. On occasion you’re going to try a technique only to find that it just isn’t the one for you.

There’s absolutely nothing wrong with that.

Druid Dings 100, and Other Ramblings


My night elf druid FINALLY made it to level 100 over the weekend, and I couldn’t be happier. I’ve had this character for ages now but I just never found the time to level her, instead I would focus on … well, anyone else. The amusing thing is that I LOVE playing druids. It’s the character I originally started out with in EQ2 and then decided to give up because at the time pretty much everyone and their dog was playing a druid. I moved on to other characters, and deep inside continued to long for the heal-over-time way of life.

Now that I’m at the level cap, it’s time to decide what comes next. Since I can already fly in Draenor that cuts down a lot of the grinding that I would normally have to do. I also managed to stock up a nice supply of leather baleful gear, not a huge amount, but enough to get started. What I’m lacking is the garrison resources to upgrade my town hall to rank 3, which is top of my list. Once that’s completed I’ll move towards Tannan jungle and unlocking my docks.

I also completed the Proving Grounds on silver as a healer, eventually I’d like to do them as DPS. I’ve started my legendary but I need to collect all of the cores as well as apex crystals. My professions are slagging behind so that’s also something I’ll want to concentrate on.

New end game characters are exciting. There’s just so much to do that it almost feels like an entire new game for me. Of course, I also want to level someone else up now, so I’ll have to start thinking about alts. I do love my alts.

That brings my total characters at 100 to 5 (one of them being the free one you get when you pre-order Legion). On the horde side I have a priest, paladin, and hunter. The alliance side is my shaman, and druid.

Maybe I’ll level up my rogue next, or even better, my warrior.

As always, happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself!

Why Marvel Heroes Is Worth Your Time


Somehow, Marvel Heroes (which is now technically named Marvel Heroes 2016) doesn’t seem to generate a lot of discussion among fans of MMO gaming. To be sure, it stands apart from some of the classic themes and atmospheres associated with the genre. But it still caters to a huge community of online players and involves seemingly limitless characters from the biggest name in modern entertainment. And the truth is, it’s actually a pretty well-rounded game.

If you’ve been skeptical, as some are, that this can stand as a strong MMO and not just a fun shoutout to Marvel cinema, consider some of the following.

First and foremost, this is one of the more prominent online MMOs that actually falls into the ARPG category. That may or may not matter to you depending on your particular style and preference, but I think a post in a discussion on Reddit nailed why it works for Marvel specifically. Basically, it discussed how an RPG is all about “us” whereas an ARPG is “inherently more heroic” than the standard RPG, because of the ability to build up an individual character to take on a group. This works both for and against Marvel in a way. Part of the fun for fans is gathering a variety of characters they love from comics and films. However, the chance to take up a single favourite and build him to genuine superhero status is really appealing. The ARPG status of Marvel Heroes alone helps the game stand out, but it’s worth mentioning given the character and subject matter.

With all that said, a lot of the additional fun in Marvel Heroes is that it ropes in characters from Marvel who are meaningful to a lot of comic book fans, regardless of the films—and that’s unique in Marvel gaming. Generally speaking, fans of these more obscure Marvel characters have to go digging for chances to find them in video games. The jackpot options at Betfair have really been the best bet for a while, thanks to the platform’s tendency to use Marvel themes as a way of making casino content more interesting. Jackpot and slot machine titles revolving around Blade, the Fantastic Four, Daredevil, and others have been a bit of an oasis for folks who are tired of Avengers-only games that don’t live up to the splendour of the films anyway. But at Marvel Heroes, not only are pretty much all noteworthy Marvel comics characters involved, a lot of them are playable. It’s just a wonderful, rare collection of iconic characters rather t
han those created just for an MMO experience.

Perhaps best of all for a lot of regular MMO gaming fans is the scope of this game. I’m not sure it can be put any better than it was in a write-up at Ten Ton Hammer when the site gave Marvel Heroes 2015 its Game of The Year award: Marvel Heroes offers “an unparalleled amount of raw gaming fun, deep progression systems, and a seemingly never ending stream of meaningful gameplay updates.” In simpler terms, this game is big, deep, and constantly being updated either with new editions for each year (as now seems to be the pattern) or simply with new characters, upgrades, and areas. In a sense it’s a very fluid MMO, and that keeps it interesting no matter how often you play.

Marvel Heroes 2016 is also free to play, which means it’s very easy for you to give it a shot and decide for yourself if all of the above makes it a worthwhile game! But don’t just discount it because of Marvel fatigue—it’s actually a pretty impressive experience.

Legacy Family Woes

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Last night I decided to relax with a little Sims 4 – and play my legacy family, the “Little’s”. When we left off, Emily was about to age to a young adult, and Jessica was quickly approaching elder status. Yep, my legacy family is still only on the 2nd generation. The “goal” is to reach the 10th. I’ve never made it past the 2nd before, I normally start a new family or I lose my save or something happens to the family. In the screenshot above you can see deceased Alonzo hanging out, having dinner with his wife. Even in death the Little’s are nothing if not persistent.

Emily got a job as a hungry artist. She spends a lot of time covered in paint. Jessica is still writing novels, but she’s contemplating retiring. Emily also has a boyfriend, but the relationship is a bit awkward because he’s not a young adult yet, he’s still a teenager. It means they’re restricted to hugs and watching TV together. She may have to move on to someone more her own age before too long. I’m hoping to see him age up.

I grew frustrated with their house yesterday so I removed the important items (Alonzo’s urn, Emily’s birth certificate) and I demolished the lot, then re-built something I enjoyed more. The rules of the legacy family state that they have to live on the same lot the entire time, but it’s perfectly fine for you to build and re-build the place. After all, families grow with time.

Besides work, neither Little has much free time. I know there are vacation days, but I rarely take them. I haven’t explored much outside of the lot, but I know with more game time that will change. Especially as the family amasses more money and it becomes less of a requirement to work. If I ever make it to that point.

The Sims 4 is still one of those games that I can play for hours and discover new things all of the time. Plus, it’s entertaining. Both Emily and Jessica had franks and beans as a dinner and the entire evening was filled with odious clouds of green toots that they would then waft towards each other, while giggling.

Sometimes, this game emulates real life just a little too much.

Happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself!

Field Photographer


When World of Warcraft came out with the S.E.L.F.I.E. camera, of course I thought it was one of the weirdest gimmicks added to the game in a long time. Your character poses as though they’re taking a picture of themselves, and you get to choose from a number of filters before taking the shot. There’s even an achievement for doing this in various locations, and that’s what I’ve been working on lately. You get the title “Field Photographer” if you complete them all.

When I talk about “other things to do” in an MMO – this is exactly what I mean. Sure, it’s fun to go around defeating the evil creatures of the world, but sometimes you just want to play the game and relax while doing it. Sometimes that means crafting, harvesting, doing houses (not in WoW), or flying around getting updates for random achievements that offer very little ‘progression’ to your character. These little advancements are what keep me gaming when I’m done my dailies, and they’re essential to my gameplay.

I believe I only have one or two more locations to hit before I’ve completed them all. I’ve posted all of the screenshots in an album over on Google Plus for anyone who wants to take a peek.

As always, happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself!
