I’m slowly working my way through living world season 2 – even though I’ve already completed HoT. I decided it would be better to continue as much in order as I can (I’ve also done some of season 3, and some of PoF, but I have not completed either of them). In some ways I’m happy I’ve completed HoT before doing season 2 because I understand what’s going on a lot better and I can see where it’s leading. Of course that also means there isn’t much of a surprise.

I’m pretty close to reaching 3,500 achievement points and obtaining a new reward. I’m excited about that! I’ve been working on daily quests, along with doing the living world, and some map completion. I’m only 64% of the way through map completion so there’s still TONS to do. I’d also like to start working towards a legendary claymore, but I heard someone talking about how a new one will be released before too long (next month?) so I may hold off.

What is everyone else up to in game? Let me know in comments!

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