Too Many Choices

It’s Tuesday and that means the second round of gifts were waiting for me in my mailbox since I bought it last week. This week included a bunch of weapon and outfit skins – along with 2 vouchers for mini pets. I bought a chicken mini that swirls around inside of a tornado with some eggs because it’s just too damn cute.

As far as black lion outfits go, I don’t have the slightest idea which to choose. They all look amazing.

A new 2 handed sword was also revealed, my mesmer is drooling for this one. The chances of me getting it are pretty slim to none, but it’s always nice to dream and have goals.

A little Farm

Unfortunately there was a massive crash that wiped out all of my inventory (and the inventory of anyone who was online at the time of the crash) but we’re re-building and things are coming together. Thanks to Ogur (my partner in crime) I’ve got a set of dark steel tools, and some iron armour. Moumix replaced my amulet and inventory expanded item, and I’m back to collecting different types of cows, sheep, and chickens. I managed to turn my mountain into a large farm area, replacing stone with grass, and I’m hoping eventually I’ll build a barn. I also need to work out some sort of storage idea.

It’s nice relaxing fun – until night arrives and I spend it hunkered down in my house, waiting for the zombies to vanish with the sun.

A Skimmer Mount (finally)

I don’t tend to look ahead when it comes to story lines, and that included the how-to in obtaining mounts in GW2. I have owned the springer and the raptor for quite some time but I held off on the skimmer not knowing what was involved.

I should have gotten it a lot sooner.

It’s a very easy quest chain (probably one of the easiest) and before I knew it I was gliding along the sands (and water) with the new mount. While I was at it, I decided to look up the requirements on the next mounts. Those ones, will be a while, lol. Still, progress is progress!

Happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself.

A Little Minecraft

It has been a while since I played any minecraft, but a new patch came out and with it a renewed interest in the game. Moumix set up a server and himself along with a few friends have started playing there sporadically. It’s a modded server with a few packs that I’m familiar with, but it has been so long since I played last that I’ve pretty much forgotten anything I know about the game.

One thing I do like quite a bit is that there are quests in this mod bundle, and the UI has improved a thousand times compared to how it used to be. I spent yesterday making a house not too far away from the spawn spot so I would have a place to run to. Then I went exploring.

There are some ancient golems that are pretty painful, but besides that my only real danger were some pirates hanging out on ships in the ocean. I had never seen them before and I was reluctant to get a closer look, so I kept my distance. I’m still deciding what I want to create next, probably an entrance to a mine, and then some better tools. My stone ones are OK but they wear out quickly.

As always, happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself!

Hours Upon Hours

There are very few games out there that I have played as long as I have played Wurm Unlimited (Wurm Online would probably surpass) and I always wonder if that’s a good thing or not. It’s great that I’ve found a game that constantly captures my attention, with a community that can rarely be beat (granted the community also comes and goes in waves, Wurm is not for the faint of heart, even in the Unlimited version) the problem my nomadic gaming lifestyle is not constructive to a game like Wurm.

If you log out your animals die, and if you continue to avoid the server you could lose your entire deed. This helps free up land for newcomers, but it’s also condition on current players that can potentially cause stress. Thankfully the GMs for the specific server that I play on are understanding in these cases, and they grant players a variety of days (depending on how developed the deed is) before it disbands.

I have tried over the years to quit playing, to give up and let my deed disband (it has, once) but I always end up returning. It’s probably the best $5 I’ve ever spent, there were some sales where it dropped down to $1, and for 4,000 hours of gameplay, I certainly have no complaints.