Happy Birthday To Me

Today I dinged, level 38. It feels a lot like 37. I don’t mind leveling up at all, my 30s have been so much better than my 20s, and I’m proud of the life I have.

I did get some awesome gifts. My good friend Moumix bought me Farming Simulator 2019 which I have had on my wishlist since it came out. I’m so excited to give this a try.

I also decided to spoil myself and bought Anno 1800 on steam before they remove the sales and it goes to the Epic Launcher as an exclusive. They are accepting payment until release, which I thought was neat to see. It doesn’t make much of a difference to me which platform I play it on, but I do like trying to keep most of my games in one place.

Anno releases the 16th, and I’ve never played any of the series before, but I did spend some time watching videos on it. I can’t wait to dive in.

As always, happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself.

Leveling the Alts

Earlier this year I ran Priestpalooza, and I finally reached 100 faith on my Sklotopolis main, Stargrace. I have a priest for each faith just because I’m some sort of weird completionist. I got close to 100 on my Fo priest, but I was just out of reach (90 faith). This week I’ve been camped out at an alliance mate’s deed, frantically doing sermons every 3h and providing listeners for everyone else doing sermons. Right now my priest is at 99.3 faith, and I’m hoping I’ll be able to complete it and reach 100 by tomorrow.

100 faith means I no longer need a battery link to cast Lifetransfer, something that I am very much looking forward to. My Vynora priest can cast Mindstealer without the need for a battery too, and it’s fantastic.

Linking with other priests is required for an achievement, but it ups the difficulty of the spell you’re casting. Eventually I’d like to work on the priest achievements, but there’s so much to do and so much going on in game that I’m not in any rush.

Still, it will feel nice to reach 100 on the alt, that’s for sure. I am undecided if I want to continue leveling up the Magnaron and Libila priests, we’ll just have to see.

As always, happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself!

Feather and Fan Scarf

I needed a new project now that I finished the socks I had been working on, so I decided next up would be a simple scarf. It’s a bit hard to tell the pattern in my picture because it’s all bunched up and you won’t be able to see it until I block it at the end.

The colour is actually a deep green too, I’ll have to get a better picture in the future.

About that Legacy Family..

It has been a while since I played Sims 4, I installed it once I got my new video card (I’m now sporting a 2080 instead of the gtx 760 I had been using for years) but the itch came back and I re-started for the billionth time. I created my legacy Sim, and plopped her down on an empty lot.

I always seem to get about four generations in when something goes horribly wrong and I have to give up. It will be a computer issue, or a bug that stops all progress or wipes my entire family out or something like that.

I’m hoping to make it past the 4th generation this time. A new game pack has been announced, and I own everything up to that point thanks to some sales in the past. Of course once I bought everything I have barely played it, so I have a lot of new to me content to explore.

Bowling?! Don’t mind if I do.

As always, happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself!

It’s Here It’s Here!

I have been waiting for the latest update to come to wurm unlimited for about a month now. You know the one that changes how priests work, allowing them to no longer require linking, revamped fishing, and a bunch of other awesome changes including adding cache to archaeology?

Well it’s finally here, and I have been having a ton of fun with it. First up, archaeology. I have a few deeds on my own deed, so I dug up the cache from those (I had no idea it was a physical cache) and then found a place to keep the miniature tokens. Problem is I’m going to end up with a TON of miniature tokens, and a lot of duplicates. I’m hoping to trade people for tokens that they don’t have and then expand the collection. Maybe creating an entire building for them eventually. I haven’t quite decided.

It’s a fantastic bunch of changes to the game, and I can’t wait to explore them in more depth as time goes on. Have a favourite change? Let me know in comments!