February 15, 2020

Bring on the Marauder

I’ve played FFXIV off and on over the years, but I’ve never actually stuck with it before. The highest I’ve ever gotten in any job is 20, and even that was fairly recent. It’s a gorgeous game that has everything I like in an MMO (achievements, housing, pets, collectables) so I’ve always been a bit baffled on the lack of stay power. I think part of it has to do with the fact that I’ve never been invested in the final fantasy world. I’ve never played any of the other games, and have no idea who the characters are.

A few friends of mine suggested that it was actually the class I was playing that was causing things not to be fun. I have always played casters, my last combination was a Conj/Arcanist headed towards White Mage. They suggested I try out a warrior, smashing things with a big axe is apparently a lot of fun.

They were absolutely right. I created a Marauder on a new server with Crimson Cross, a long time guild I’ve known since WildStar days. I joined them there, and World of Warcraft when WildStar was no more, and now I join them again in FFXIV.

Swinging a huge axe IS a lot of fun, and my new character managed to reach 10 last night alongside my husband who also decided to play again. Lets see how far we get into the story this time. There are so many exp boosts (the server has one, RAF has one, being low level has one) that it’s almost impossible NOT to level.

Happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself!