Yesterday I hit level 48 on my marauder thanks to the daily roulette, and I’m working through the main story though I’m only in the 30’s for that. I know you can purchase a boost that will unlock all the story stuff from the mog station but I wanted to experience it myself, otherwise what’s the point in playing.

I reached level 35 in mining and I’m learning how much I dislike harvesting 99 nodes for NPC only slightly less than I enjoy harvesting 15 high quality nodes. It’s nice brainless work at least, so I can relax from the daily grind of smushing mobs.

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Health Goals: Details

I mentioned I want to lose weight and get healthy in my previous post, so here’s a bit more of an in-depth look at what I’m doing to accomplish those goals.

I’m going back to portion control by means of meal prep. This is what I did when I lost 75lbs last time, and I know it works for me. My issue is not eating unhealthy so much as it is eating way too much. With mean preparation I don’t need to figure out what I’m going to eat each day, it will already be cooked. I also don’t need to worry about how MUCH of it I eat, because I have it all divided up in handy little containers. This also leaves me with more time during my days NOT focused on food, which is great because I have little time due to my kids anyway. Less chance of making unhealthy choices.

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Goals n Stuff

I’m not one for resolutions, and it’s already well on the way to March, but I do have some goals I want to work on this year, so I thought I’d post them here.

  • One completed craft a month, for a total of 12. That means doubling up one month and then skipping a month is fine as long as by the end of the year I have at least 12 crafts total.
  • Track meals on myfitnesspal for at least 3 months in a row.
  • Reach below 200lbs
  • Reach gold cap in WoW on at least one character
  • Reach 80 in at least one job in FFXIV

It’s not a huge list, but I hope that makes it more reasonable to expect from myself. I might add to it as time goes on if it’s not enough of a challenge. It really depends on how much ‘free’ time I have this year (which is typically just about zero except for brief spurts when the kids are in bed, and even then I’m with my smallest every 30 minutes or so since she’s still restless and nursing these days. I constantly remind myself it’s just a phase, it’s just a phase).