February 22, 2020

Health Goals: Details

I mentioned I want to lose weight and get healthy in my previous post, so here’s a bit more of an in-depth look at what I’m doing to accomplish those goals.

I’m going back to portion control by means of meal prep. This is what I did when I lost 75lbs last time, and I know it works for me. My issue is not eating unhealthy so much as it is eating way too much. With mean preparation I don’t need to figure out what I’m going to eat each day, it will already be cooked. I also don’t need to worry about how MUCH of it I eat, because I have it all divided up in handy little containers. This also leaves me with more time during my days NOT focused on food, which is great because I have little time due to my kids anyway. Less chance of making unhealthy choices.

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