March 2021

Stillness Shawl – 80%

It’s really hard to get good pictures of shawls while they’re being knit. They’re all bunched up on the needles, the cloth doesn’t lay the way you want it to, and the lace doesn’t open at all. That being said, I’m about 80% of the way through my Stillness shawl, and I’m VERY excited to perhaps even get it completed within the next two weeks (end of March, if all goes as planned).

All You Need to do – Is Ask Nicely

A few people in-game suggested that I contact Dom (he helps to run Sklotopolis) and see if there might be a way I could get reimbursed for the donation items I purchased before my deed was disbanded. I should have asked ages ago, but I wasn’t confident that they’d be returned, so instead I just got frustrated – that’s not the way to get things done.

Dom was lovely about it. I sent him the receipts for my paypal orders, and within a few days the physical (digital?) items that I had donated for were back in my inventory. It included two large magic chests, two small magic chests, and a HOTA statue. I was REALLY happy to have them returned, it made me smile all day long, and now I feel much more ‘complete’ in game. My deed is almost the exact size I wanted, I just have to wait for some buildings to collapse, and in the meantime I’ve been thinking up some events to run. I had a lot of fun when I ran the Priestapalooza, and I’d like to run something after Easter, perhaps. We’ll see! Anyway, it’s been a great week in-game, and I definitely owe that to the wonderful staff on Sklotopolis. Happy gaming no matter where you find yourself!

It’s Rift Time

Shao hosted the latest Rift event on the Liberty server – and we even had some new players there, which was wonderful. I walked away with a handful of harvested rift materials, and some recipes that I already had. I really wish WU was still getting the same updates WO got, because Rift rewards have changed and instead of everyone randomly getting rewards, you earn ‘rift points’ that you can spend at a sort of vendor, so you can save up for what you really want. Everyone seemed to have a great time, and I think there were only two deaths, so that’s not too shabby at all!

The Excitement of a Story

Yesterday a bunch of deeds expired from players that were away from game for 90+ days. Myself and a whole slew of others took to the roads to see what we could pillage. I had one main goal – find some hell horses – preferably 5 speeds. Moumix got some from Shao, but I was still using no speed bison on my wagon.

There is one reason that I really enjoy pillaging fallen deeds – and it has absolutely nothing with what you can find out there and everything to do with the story behind it all.

Take the screenshot above. Found in an almost empty mine, a small box labeled ‘hardware’ with some random bits and bobs in it. Some of these items can fit in a bulk storage bin, some are parts to other things. All of it has decay. What was the owner planning? How experienced were they with the game? These are the stories that I live for, that I love discovering and adding to in my mind. I tend do wander away with whatever random tools I can find because I like to improve them and find out who created the tool.

I found a sickle today, 70ql which is pretty good. It’s labeled with ‘Duchess’ who I had not heard of – the artisan mark on the sickle is my own name, so that was pretty cool. I did also happen to literally stumble into two scale sets of gear hidden away in some saddlebags when I found those hellhorses I was after. THAT was a HUGE surprise.

All in all? It was a pretty successful trip.