I had some sort of unfortunate accident when I played this the first time – I could not save or exit the game. Thus I lost all of my progress. The second time I played I didn’t have this issue (thankfully). I managed to grasp a few more of the basics of the game. You’re given a small timer in the form of ‘evil’ that marches across the top of your UI. When it gets to the end, you flee your current school and set up elsewhere. In the meantime, you’re meant to stave off evil as long as possible, and get as many students through the school as you can. There are mini goals and achievements to get along the way, and so much cuteness. Each room you place has slots for items to be placed, either on the floor or walls. As you draw cards, you get these items. Cards cost a currency depending on what school of magic they belong to. You’re also responsible for talking to the locals and working on your faction with them.

This round I opted to place the school in the woods – there happens to be a troll that lives there, so I need to worry about him as well as the regular factors. If he wakes up apparently there will be hell to pay.

It’s a cute game, still in EA, but I’m glad I gave it a try. I’m looking forward to seeing how it progresses.

Happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself!

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