Since April 15th I’ve been doing a moderated version of keto, where I don’t punish myself if I go over my carb allowance because living here in the North sometimes things happen and foods are not readily available. That being said, I did pick up a few keto-friendly items from Amazon – one of them being ‘Carbquik’ which can be used to make pizza crust, pot pie crust, waffles, and stuff like that. I made a small mini pizza and it turned out quite good. I also used it to make chicken pot pie and that was incredible.

The concern or worry with using products like this is that it can be easy to go over your calorie allotment and it can also cause cravings. I try to limit myself to using it only once a week, and I’ve cut down on other keto friendly sweets to try to curtail the massive cravings I was developing. Still, it’s nice to have some choices available.

I’m down 16lbs since starting, and I can notice my clothes starting to fit a bit better. I still have a long way to go, a lot of that weight was water weight that naturally comes with beginning keto, but I’ve calculated my macros, started tracking my meals, and I’m determined that by Christmas of this year I will be below 200lbs. I can’t remember the last time in the past 20 years I was not overweight/obese and it is time.

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