
Since I didn’t bring much knitting with me, I decided to buy a little yarn while we were in the city and I’ve started a scarf to keep me sane while we’re evacuated. It’s an acrylic / wool blend, but knits up quickly enough and seems soft. Pattern is from Ravelry, I’ll link it in another post. I normally dislike knitting scarves because they take FOREVER, but this one isn’t so bad so far.

Could You Play it for a Year?

I remember some time ago when Tipa was writing about a new challenge of hers that she was making – sticking with a video game (MMO) for a year – and I envied that mind set. It’s one that I have not been able to adhere to for a VERY long time, and one I envy because I feel that in a year you’re able to really set down some roots, make friends, and get somewhere in an MMO. Jumping around from game to game isn’t fun on my wallet or my game play, if I have to be honest.

Then I went and looked back to the games I was playing in 2013 when raptr game tracking was still a thing. The games at the top of that list 8 years ago were STILL the top games I play today. They included WoW, EQ, EQ2, Sims 3 (now it’s Sims 4, but that’s close enough), Wurm, and then a few stragglers like EVE. Almost nothing has changed in which games I play. I still bounce around from game to game, and I rarely ever stick with any of the new ones.

Now I find myself back playing EverQuest, talking to the ‘locals’ and getting to know the names I see in chat. Almost all of them are older, with families like myself. Most have been playing for 15+ years. It’s comfortable. Once again I think to myself ‘is this a game I could stick with for a year?’ – and just like always, I don’t really have an answer. It’s still something I would like to do, if for no other reason than I’ve never been able to complete it before.

Erillion, City of Bronze

This outdoor zone was released with Veil of Alaris, and is around level 95 – perfect for my little team. I set the guild portal to Shard’s Landing and made my way there, and picked up two lowbies who were LFG to join my team (which consists of playing a Shadowknight, Enchanter, and Shaman). We made our way to the center of the city, in this odd record keeping type room that had a ton of mobs to pull, and settled in for a few hours of killing. I used my lesson of the devoted skill to boost the experience, and my shaman managed to get a few levels – even my level 102 guys gained a significant amount of experience which was just delightful.

One named spawned in the area, dropping a ring and I think an item that lets you get some rk2 spells. I haven’t upgraded any spells in a long time, so that will be next on my list very soon. I also need to see where I can get gear upgrades these days. The bazaar is a strange collection of high level end game items that I don’t really understand – combined with a whole lot of ornamental gear, which is appearance stuff.

Overall I think everyone had a good time, and it was nice to go back to some old school grinding. Chat was lively, and the pulls were pretty simple. I had the enchanter AOE mez any time we got any extra, and we just plowed through everything else.

Happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself!

Nomadic Gamer