Traffic on Cactuar

Yesterday Asmon decided to try out FFXIV on his stream (if you’ve never heard of him before, you can do a quick google search or just know that he’s a Twitch personality, typically known for some drama, and playing world of warcraft), and he just happened to create on Cactuar, which is the server I play on. It was a huge influx of people, and while I’m glad that FFXIV is getting some exposure (because it is an amazing game) I’m also very cautious about what sort of players this brings to the table. I expect most will wander off to whatever new shiny is being promoted, but maybe a handful will stay – and that’s always great. Meanwhile, my scholar was missing 6 spells for her level, so I was just trying to get some of those class quests cleared out that I had completely forgotten about.


This steam game released mid June, and I have to say it is already one of my absolute favourite releases for 2021. From the description of the game, you get this:

Wildermyth follows heroes over their whole careers, from their pitchfork days to their powerful primes, and on into old age and memory. It’s a party-based procedural storytelling RPG where tactical combat and story decisions will alter your world and reshape your cast of characters.

It’s a story heavy party-based RPG with strategy, where you move your characters along a tiled board in turn based combat, interacting with the scenery and defeating enemies. The choices you make in the story (and combat) portion of the game actually matter – and your heroes go through their entire lives, get old, die, and are remembered (or forgotten) and become part of a legacy. I’m not very far into the game yet, there’s a LOT to it and the longer you play the more involved things get. There’s also crafting on top of everything else.

Honestly, I can’t write enough good about this game, and I can’t depict how much FUN it is, you’ll have to give it a go yourself. I know the price tag is a bit hefty for an indie developed game, but much like RimWorld, this one is completely worth it.

July Gaming Goals – 2021


  • Wurm is still waiting for me, but I haven’t felt the pull. Maybe in the fall I’ll feel like playing again. In the meantime I make sure upkeep is taken care of and my stuff isn’t going to go missing.
  • I didn’t complete any older games from my steam library – but I did buy a lot of new games.
  • I played only one day of Divinity with the husband. He’s off on vacation now, so I’m REALLY hoping to get more time in so we can slowly begin to finish up the game.


  • Nothing – all of the goals I made for June fell through. I didn’t stick with GW2, I haven’t felt like playing WoW, and I didn’t get around to Divinity.

Instead I started playing FFXIV (again) with a group of people I know from twitter, and I managed to get my bard to 80! No small feat there, I’m quite happy. My tentative ‘goal’ for that game is to finish the MSQ before the expansion comes out in November. I’m thinking that SHOULD be possible given my play times. Of course, I’ve been wrong before.

July Goals:

  • Divinity Original Sin II with the husband
  • One crafter to 80 in FFXIV
  • Complete a chunk of MSQ
  • Play at least two new to me games

Knitting Goals – July 2021

Completed in June:

  • June was a pretty unproductive month as far as knitting went. My hands were sore a lot of the time which always puts a damper on my crafts. I did manage to complete 1 wash cloth, which was a goal.

Current WIPS:

  • Scrap blanket
  • For the Horde mitten liners
  • TAAT January sock club socks
  • Silver Bell Sweater

July Goals:

  • Finish my Silver Bell sweater – this one SHOULD be simple enough. I just have one sleeve left.
  • Finish TAAT January sock club socks – another one that SHOULD be alright to complete, I need to do one heel and two legs / cuffs.

I don’t want to add too many goals to July as my multiple sclerosis has been pretty bad and it just makes me sad if I don’t manage to make my goals. I know I have to be gentle with myself, so if I get my smaller goals completed, I’ll be happy. I’d also like to start tracking my yarn use. I know I haven’t bought much this year, and I want to try to make sure I use up more than I purchase. Inspiration taken from another fellow knitter, as always.

Nomadic Gamer