I’ve been back in Wurm for a little over two weeks now, and there’s some fantastic progress being made on my main deed, Quail Cove. Moumix created a trello board for us to keep track of what we’re working on, and we’ve been slowly working through the list. One of the things I wanted to complete was the two entrances to the mine, Moumix made them even and beautiful, and I covered them with silver doors. It was my first time creating the doors, and they were a huge pain even with fairly good skill. I’m proud of them, and they look magnificent and fancy.
Inside the mines we’ve started building a brewery, and outside I completed a cottage. I’ve started a small farm, and we put down a clay tile so we no longer have to sail all the way to clay island to collect it for mortar. Right now I’m anxious for spring to arrive so that I can see the place with colour instead of the drab snow covered lands that are around right now.
I’d like to work on learning some different food recipes, and moonshine is in my future as an affinity drink. I raised brewing to 20, which isn’t much when the cap is 100 but I am hopeful that I can get closer to 50 at least. All in all, it has been a productive week!
As always, happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself.