Things are going pretty good in EVE Online these days, I earned enough ISK / plex with some sales to pick up 6 months of game time, so I’m set for a bit on my main account. The Equinox expansion has been a bit lack-luster for me, personally. The new ships have gotten a few nerfs, the nullsec stuff doesn’t pertain, skyhooks are not something I’ll be dealing with personally (except that my PI pilot may need to defend itself from rats that spawn at them – I think if I’m fast I’ll be alright). The new skinr system that lets you design skins for your ships is a bit out of my budget, and I’m quite content with the skins we already have available to us so I don’t know how much I’ll be spending on it besides the free components that they’ve been giving us as a login reward.

I put some skill points towards yet another PI character, ideally I’d like to have all 6 with the ability, even if I don’t keep up with it. We’ll see how that goes. The skill training is something that only needs to be completed once and then it’s set for the rest of your days, which I like.

I’ve been trying to find some tutorials for reactions. I’m still not exactly sure what they are or how they work. I know they use a combination of gas / ore and it’s to create some boosts as well as T2/T3 ship components, but that’s about as far as my knowledge goes. I know you also can’t do invention in high sec, and that one of the more difficult parts is just figuring out where to set up. I tried watching a few YouTube videos but honestly they just didn’t explain things in a way that I could understand.

In the market, people have been dumping their supplies. I imagine more stability will need to happen after the 20th, which is when the next ‘stage’ of changes takes place. If anything, EVE is teaching me to have a lot of patience. Patience for skills, patience for patches, and patience for everything in between.

Fly your way! o7

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