
Happy 16th Anniversary

I haven’t always been the most consistent blogger, but today marks the 16th year that I’ve had it up and running! I’m incredibly proud of this, and I love going back and reading about what my gaming was like way back then. In days before kids, marriage, and so many other life changes that have taken place. I also branched out from just writing about MMOs (you might remember that the blog used to be called MmoQuests) to writing about fiber related goodies, real life, and whatever else I was interested in at the time.

Here’s to 16 more! Maybe with a little bit more consistency than I’ve had over the past three years.

Settling In

Just over a month since I’ve written here, and absolutely everything in life has changed once again (finally). After 2.5 years we moved from our frozen home in the far North of Canada to a more moderate location in Nova Scotia (East Coast). This came after 6+ months of fighting and advocating for our family, and it was pretty draining. No one should have to fight so hard for quality of life changes against a government entity, but here we are.

We’re still moving in, furniture arrived two days ago, and there are boxes in the majority of rooms. The kids rooms are done as well as the rec room (ie: computers, TV, and other ‘essentials’) and most of the kitchen is unpacked. That leaves the bathrooms, the master bedroom, and my yarn room to assemble. All of us are pretty sick, my husband and son have been sick for almost a month straight now. We tested for covid just before we left, so it might be some sort of long drawn out recovery from that. It sucks.

That being said, already some things are so much better. We have a lot more room. A LOT more privacy. We have two day shipping instead of 2 week. Mail comes to the box at the end of our lane instead of to a PO Box. The internet is 500mbps+ instead of 5. Upload is 15mbps+ instead of 0.05. Some things are still daunting, the town has a very involved and confusing garbage collection that is once every two weeks and you have to sort absolutely everything. We’re not quite sure how to human with others any more after so long apart. The husband also has a lot to get used to at his new post, and since it’s larger and more spread out everyone sort of does their own thing and it’s not as close as our previous post. Overall, the changes are great for our family, but it will take some time.

I was able to update and patch all of my games that have been neglected since we moved, and let me tell you, I had a lot. It was amazing to see how fast everything updated. I plan on picking up with streams around June 25th – I’ll be streaming world of warcraft gold making, I know not everyone is comfortable with that game these days, but I believe in the people who continue to work on it, and it’s one of my comfort games, so I hope to have a bit of fun. I’ll also be streaming some Black Desert Online in the future, and I do plan on trying to stream a lot of fiber related stuff. Spinning yarn, preparing yarn, knitting, we’ll see what else. All in all I hope to be able to get back to a few hobbies that I’m very passionate about, and have more time and less stress in the long run. For now, we’re taking it slow and making this house a home.

Happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself!

Season 1 and Other Happenings

I’m not really sure about the how or why that made me wander back to GW2 but that’s where I’ve found myself lately, and I’m having a LOT of fun. First I had to decide which character I wanted to work on. I have one of every class at 80, but I only actively play the guardian and the mesmer (and for a brief stint, my elementalist). I enjoy the mesmer a great deal, but my guardian has a LOT more story components done. I’ve had a dream to one day complete the story fully on a single character (I have bits and pieces completed all over the place) – and so that coloured my overall decision to stick with the guardian. She has the HoT expansion done and that’s one that I don’t relish going back to. She also has her main story done. My mesmer has most of PoF done, but that expansion wasn’t too bad.

What none of my characters have done is the living world stories because these are usually in between major expansions, the times when I end up taking a break. I wanted to work on those starting at the beginning because they’ve been releasing living world season one for the first time and it would be neat to do those in order. I finished the first chapter, and am waiting for the release of the next one.

In the meantime, I also spent a HUGE chunk of coin on my character and purchased a leatherworking glyph so that I can cut trees and have a chance at leather. I need a bunch for some ascended gear I want to craft. I have ascended weapons and jewelry (from laurels) but no actual gear. I do have ascended gear on a second account. Unfortunately I can’t trade it.

Aside from that, there are a few other things I want to work on like WvW, map completion (I’m at 70% or so) and other random bits and bobs. I feel like GW2 has been absolutely thriving under the radar, every single area I went to had people. World bosses are packed, and overall I just had a very good time. It’s nice to be back.

As always, happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself!

The most popular games of 2022 in modern casinos – pokies are not on top!

All kinds of gambling sites are very crowdy these days, mainly because of COVID-19. Many people visit them because of boredom sitting at home or to get their portion of adrenaline and win some money. There are many varieties of games at this site or another, and everyone prefers something different. In this article we will look at the most popular games and give their characteristics. The games are sorted from most popular to less popular according to trends of 2022.

Blackjack. Blackjack is quite a popular game, because many gamblers have a believe that the theory of probability in the game works for the players and not the casino, which will not interfere with the latter. An understanding of elementary things can help in the game. However, in online casinos it’s pretty hard to count cards, it’s mainly possible only in live casino blackjack, since in the software version of the games – there is a random number generator, which means that all of the cards are complete random and not dependent on the quantity of decks. So, if you plan on counting cards its better to play live version of the game, where real dealer will play blackjack with you through a live video broadcast.

Poker. The first mentions of the game date back to 1526. Now poker is one of the more traditional casino games even in online environment. Its essence is that it is necessary to collect a certain combination of cards. During the game, players once given the opportunity to partially or completely change their cards to cards from the deck. The game has an element of chance, but the result will also depend on how players will bluff (however this is true only for a live version of the game).

Thus, by increasing the stakes, you can force opponents with potentially stronger cards to refuse to fight further and give up. Oasis poker has a large prevalence in live online casinos. In addition to differences in the rules, the game of poker can be played against croupiers or against other participants – so called, club poker.

Craps. The history of craps goes back thousands of years, and in modern online casinos it is represented by craps, sic-bo and the game of grand-azar.

Craps is a traditional casino dice game. Its history dates back to the nineteenth century. It originated from New Orleans, where it was invented by the Negroes of America. A similar game, sic-bo, was invented in China and is popular mostly in Asia. As for a grand-azar this is also a variety of craps which is popular in middle east.

In craps you can play with two six-sided dice, azar and sic-bo – with three. The essence of the games is to guess the number of points that fall in the next move. Bets are made on a specific amount or the number greater (or less than) a certain limit. So, this type of game can be compared more to lottery draws.

Pokies. Online pokies a.k.a. one-armed bandits. To explore the best online pokies Australia you don’t even need to register and learn complicated rules. The game consists in an attempt of players to collect, more precisely, to wait for the fall of a winning combination. The amount of winnings has a dependence on the type of combination and the size of the bets.

Sporadic Posts – But I’m Here

Yikes, it has been over a month since I posted last, right after I made a personal decision to try to be better. Unfortunately life has been hectic, and some days my hands just don’t want to type so I have to decide between a bunch of things – and blogging has fallen a bit to the side.

I am still gaming, but it has been pretty limited and sporadic. I’ve been spending a little time all over the place (yay for restlessness) including: WoW, FFXIV, GW2, BDO, Wurm Unlimited, Wurm Online, and even LotRO. I’ve also been knitting, trying to keep up with my French, and drawing when I’m able to. My last post mentioned that I was working towards completing 52+ pieces this year, and I am on schedule for that and I can see myself improving, which really makes me smile. Back to the games!

FFXIV: I never played Endwalker when it came out, but I did pick it up. I didn’t realize the level cap went to 90 instead of 80, so I’ve just been taking my time and playing through the story. I am probably 0% into the MSQ so far, but my little bard has been having fun exploring the new areas. I still have dreams of one day owning a house, for now I still reside at an apartment.

WoW: Still my comfort game of choice. I’m playing two accounts in WoW. One is just for auction house stuff so that I can continue on my main account in the meantime and I’m not tied up reposting things all the time. I finally completed leveling 12 horde characters to 60 (one of each class) and I’m working on leveling 12 alliance characters to 60 (again, one of each class). It’s a bit of a quiet time in WoW, a lot of maintenance mode. I’m not enthralled with Shadowlands or any of the grinds Blizzard wants you to take part in (the grind in korthia feels exactly the same as the grind in zerith mortis) but it’s a comfortable and familiar game. Plus there are still some lovely people who work there and I do like to support them (of course I’m also paying for both accounts with gold, so it’s not THAT much support).

GW2: I just recently updated this game, I haven’t picked up the latest expansion yet and I have no idea what I was doing / thinking. So much has changed since I last played. Still, it has always been a game I enjoyed. There’s always so much to do. I appreciate that. I also like that there’s no subscription requirement and I can just support them here and there with store purchases if there’s something I want.

BDO: Still one of my ultimate favourite games of all time – because I can play it my way (randomly, afk, etc). The new winter zone was released (free content, might I add) as well as the new class (also free) and they’re releasing a new mount is coming out shortly. I still favour my Shai as my main and I spend a lot of time fishing, crafting, and leveling mounts. This game is beautiful and I rarely ever have anything bad to say about it. It’s certainly not everyone’s cup of tea, but it suits my playstyle perfectly.

Wurm: My 1st ultimate favourite game of all time. I still have an active account on the regular online servers and I check in a few times a month. I did just purchase a huge deed on one of the newer servers, but now I’m thinking of dropping it as I simply don’t have the time (or desire) to play there. I prefer the older servers, and my older characters. I keep hoping they decide to merge the north and south servers together but so far that hasn’t happened after two years and I am beginning to doubt they will ever merge them (players prefer them separate, which is understandable). I also still log in and play the unlimited version on the Sklotopolis server. There is a dedicated community and amazing developers who continue to update the game despite the fact that official support from the main game ended years ago. I have a lovely deed there, and I log in to make sure it doesn’t get disbanded.

That’s what I’m up to in gaming these days – it seems like a lot, but I’ll log in to one or two games throughout the course of a day, peek around, maybe do something for a few minutes, and then I tend to log out. It’s a combination of being too sore, too tired, and restlessness. We are planning for a cross country move soon(tm) so I don’t imagine my posting will increase in any great amount, but we’ll see.

Happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself!

Nomadic Gamer