
Unpacking – A Review

My husband actually brought this game to my attention, and even though the price was a little bit more than I initially wanted to pay ($22.79 CAD) I decided to splurge and pick it up – and I’m really glad I did. This little pixel game is about exactly what you think, you unpack objects and place them around some rooms. It also tells a story, you start off by decorating a child’s room (your room), then you’re decorating a college age house, and then a room with roommates, and then you seem to move in with your partner. Without spoiling the story, I will say it was unexpected and relaxing.

The higher ‘level’ you go the more ‘stuff’ you have to place. There’s little details like at first you can’t move objects that don’t belong to you, but eventually you can organize and move other non-boxed items around. Eventually you’ll find it difficult to find a space for your belongings, and the ‘goal’ is to place things where they ‘belong’ so to move on to the next phase you can’t just shove all the underwear under the bed, they will glow red until you put them where they should go (within some pretty large boundaries).

There’s something therapeutic about opening up these boxes, rummaging through the packing paper, taking out a precious object, and finding the exact place for said object to go. As someone who has moved more than 20 times (I’ve moved all of my life growing up as a military brat, and now that my husband is RCMP we continue to move) this game is an old comfort to me, though I can certainly see how it might not be for everyone.

I’m only a few hours in, and I’ve been taking my time placing these objects. I see that it has very positive reviews on steam, and I tend to agree – minus the price that (IMO) is a bit high. Still, there’s far more customization and options than I initially thought, and it is incredibly relaxing. The negative reviews on steam mention that it is the high cost of the game that coloured their opinions, and they mention that you’re paying $20 for about 3 hours of game play. Again, I agree, but I also know that I have no issue paying $20 to go to a 3 hour movie, so that value isn’t exactly abnormal especially in this age of high stress. Maybe it will go on sale from time to time in which case, I highly suggest giving it a look.

Happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself!

DailyCreative Goals – December 2021


November was a pretty good month as far as knitting goes. I finished four socks on my circular sock knitting machine (gifts for Christmas) and I also knit a Christmas ball (I know the goal was two, and technically I DID knit two, but the second one just wasn’t working at all and I frogged it) – AND I made progress on my cable crush hoodie. I just have one sleeve and the hood left to knit. I decided to chart out how much yarn I used over the year vs. how much yarn I purchased, and I was pleasantly surprised. If I manage to finish my cable crush hoodie that’s another 2100 yards of yarn out vs. in, and that will put me in a pretty large deficit for this year. That’s going to be the goal for December. Of course I also didn’t make that many purchases this year, and I don’t have any advent calendars going or anything like that, so even with minimal knitting, I would not be far behind. My goal for this hobby is to use more yarn than I bring in – or at least keep it equal. Granted, I already have quite a yarn stash from previous years, but I’d like to keep it (somewhat) under control. I’m also not including spun yarn in this math, because that’s a whole other ball game.


  • Cable Crush Hoodie

December Goals:

  • Complete cable crush hoodie
  • Complete 1-2 more Christmas balls
  • Complete one or more other creative pieces (drawing etc)

I know December tends to be pretty hectic and I don’t expect this one to be any different – but I do have all of my gifts completed, so we’ll just have to see. I hope everyone has an amazing month, no matter what it brings.

A New Horse (of course)!

Rumor has it a new horse event is going to be taking place after maintenance, and I could not be more excited! I love taming, training, breeding, and all the rest. Pictured above is my latest mount, a T6 male that I got from a T5 female and a T1 male. Males can breed twice before needing a re-set coupon, females once. I typically use up the breeding slot and then sell them to the imperial market as I’m working my way towards enough tokens to purchase a manos set of gear. I’m getting close!

Speaking of Functions..


It’s not often I find an amazing in-game function that deserves its own blog post – but I have to say, in Black Desert Online I have come across just such a function.

At first, it seems simple enough. It’s a notepad function, you can shortcut to it or you can find it in a few menus. Every game should have some sort of in-game notepad, where players can type out information they don’t want to forget, or want to have readily available. I adore games that have this function. BDO takes it even further.

You can log to a different character, and the note will stay up.

You can drag said note to a second monitor, OUT of the game window. It will continue to stay up.

You can change the colour

You can change the transparency.

More games need this function! The fact that it persists across relogging characters, and you can put it on a second monitor just absolutely blows my mind. A function that SEEMS simple, and yet it’s obviously not, because if it were more games would have included it (or so I like to think).

Have I mentioned yet how much I (still) love this game? Well, there’s one more reason added to the pile.

Cable Crush Hoodie Progress

It’s a lot of ribbed stitches which are really slow for me to get done, but I’m loving how this sweater is turning out so far! I can’t wait to get both sleeves done and then work on the hood. I’m hoping to get this completed in December so I can mark the ‘yarn used’ off of my list, too. We’ll just have to see how it goes.

Nomadic Gamer