
ISK Making for the Month of June

It was a pretty good month as far as making ISK is concerned, but you wouldn’t know it by looking at my chart, because I spent everything on subscribing two accounts for 6 months each – that gives me plenty of time to earn it back, at least. Before all of my spending, I earned about 4 billion ISK – which is 2 billion less than last month, but I had sold off some of my high sec items that created the influx and I knew it would be a one time thing. The ‘goal’ is to earn enough to subscribe a single account each month, and then pay for my 2nd account with real money – if I earn extra (and pay for both accounts with ISK) then that’s good too.

Anyway! The ISK came from multiple things, as it usually does. A large portion is from PI, I now have it set up on 5 of my characters. Selling PI has slowed down a tiny bit but the prices have increased, so I’m not too phased. Another portion came from industry, I’ve been making drones, ammo, and a few smaller ships. I was contemplating getting into reactions but I have no idea what I’m doing, so I’m going to take a pass on that for now. Ratting and missions made up another portion of the ISK, nothing fancy about that. A large portion came from exploration, I sold everything I collected except for datacores. I didn’t get any exceptional drops or items, but a lot of little things that moved pretty well.

I did a little harvesting this month – gas only. I wasn’t in the mood to orbit rocks, and I avoided it whenever I could (the exception being those daily quests that sometimes have you out there). Now that both accounts are situated with game time, I’m excited about just stocking up and seeing what I can get into. I don’t fly any particularly expensive or fancy ships – maybe that will change (though I doubt it).

Skill wise – my main is currently working on supply chain management so I can work on industry a few jumps away, my exploration character is working on cybernetics V because there’s a specific bling implant I want. That’s right, it’s time for the blackglass + zeugma bling to happen. My combat alt is currently working on gallente cruiser V (only 8 days to go!) and the back up mining character is working on deep core mining III, even though I haven’t been in the mood to mine (I have a bunch of MCT so I wanted to use them up and why not be skilling). Finally, my marketing character is working on gallente hauler V, because I’m trying to get her into a blockade runner. After that she’ll go back to the marketing skills, she has all of the basic ones but I’d like to expand and specialize a bit more. I’d also like to (maybe) practice running to Jita, and I need to make a bunch of bookmarks for that, too. I’m contemplating moving my marketing stuff there. I know it’s the largest market in the game, I’m just not a fan of how busy it all is.

Anyway, June was great. Let’s see what July brings! As always, fly your way! o7

That.. Is a Lot of Mobs

I’ve never actually seen a Sentient Infested Supercarrier before – until today, at least. This is one mean encounter, and not one that I was willing to get any closer to. Thankfully there’s the ‘look at’ option, so I can stay far away (cloaked, too) and just watch from a distance. Not only was there a sentient infested supercarrier, but there was another sentient matriarch in that bundle, too. Those ones I can usually defeat without any issues, but a supercarrier is well above the content I can handle. The bounty alone is 340,000,000 ISK for that single ship. Woah.

Heavy Drones V – FINALLY Completed

My main character just reached 52,000,000 skill points – and I FINALLY completed heavy drones V which feels like it took forever. I’m very glad that’s finally done, and now I’m moving on with small projectile turret V – I believe the current skill plan I have was to optimize my Stratios for Superior Ghost caches in exploration. I try not to load too many skills up in my plan because I’d like to actually remember WHY I am training what I am. It doesn’t always work out the way I’d like, though.

Character overview:

  • Main – 52,000,000 skill points
  • PI alt – 1,700,000 sp
  • PI alt – 2,800,000 sp
  • Combat alt – 6,600,000 sp
  • Mining alt – 7,300,000 sp
  • Market alt – 2,800,000 sp
  • Exploration character – 13,100,000 sp

None of my characters have *that* many skill points when compared to other characters created in 2009 but I feel like I’m at a comfortable place now with things at least. My exploration character is on an account by herself with no alts, and I may eventually let it lapse to alpha state, I’m not sure. My main can already do all the fun exploration things, so the skills double up quite a bit.

I don’t really use the mining alt any more, but I know they’re nice to have, plus things may change in the future. My PI alts barely do anything except log in, re-set the PI extractors, and deliver their PI once a week. I know activities in Eve really ramp up the more accounts you have, but two is a comfortable number, we’ll see if that changes over time.

Fly your way! o7

Let’s Try Some T0 Abyssal

I’ve always been curious about Abyssal Deadspace in game, but I’m not very good at the technical aspects of eve, so I had avoided doing them and just stayed content collecting the filaments used to enter them. How they work is quite simple. There are different tiers, with different storms going on in them. You use a filament and warp to a ‘deadspace’ (basically CCP’s version of a dungeon) – but you leave behind a trace of your adventure, which people can scan down and potentially be waiting for you when you exit. To that end, you should make a safe to run these, far away from anything already in the system. Since I was just running T0 in a Tristan I decided to not even bother, if someone wanted to wait for me and gank me in a 0.6 that is OK.

I watched some videos on how to complete them, and dove right in. I did end up losing a drone almost immediately, but the T0 wasn’t too bad. I’m not good at knowing the buildings to avoid (there was one that did damage to my drones, and I forgot to fly away from that one) but I cleared two, and made a few million ISK. It also rewarded me with more filaments so I can try other ones in the future. I don’t know if the loot is worth it, I imagine for the higher tiers it must be, but it didn’t take long and I learned a lot. I don’t know that I would go so far as to say I enjoyed running it, but that might just be because I was feeling a lot of pressure, and I wasn’t really sure what to expect. Eventually, maybe I’ll progress towards a T1. We’ll see!

Fly your way! o7

Wurm Online Gets a BIG Update

A pretty big update went live this week – and I of course had to log in and check things out. To start things off, there’s a brand new tutorial zone, with the ability to create houses and yards – then package those houses up and take them with you when you leave the tutorial and find your way in the real world. Old players as well as new can make their way to ‘Guidance’ and while you can bring things BACK from the zone, you cannot bring things there. There were a few bugs when it initially released, but I’m confident they’ll get them under control. Oh, Guidance also has quests – given by NPC with ! over their heads. I’m excited to see these changes, it’s no surprise that Wurm Online is one of my favourite games of all time.

In more QoL changes – portals were added. You can (for the first time ever) take a portal from the Southern islands to the Northern ones. You cannot bring items via this method, but now my priests who have been stuck on the Northern islands for years can finally make it do my main deed down south. The portals function as more than just a North/South crossing, though. You can actually access ANY zone from them, and if it’s one where you could typically bring items via boat, your items will go with you (ie: If you’re travelling from Xanadu to Exodus). Neat.

The action system has been completely reworked. There were also graphic / rendering improvements (metal is so shiny now!) and I have to say hats off to the team for making these changes. One thing I’ve been waiting on is the auction house features that were promised some time ago, but I’m sure they will come ‘eventually’. In the meantime, I’ve been making bricks, mortar, and more bricks, and more mortar. The castle is coming along – slowly. As it always does in Wurm.

Happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself!

Nomadic Gamer