
What am I Working On?

There is never a lack of things to work on in Wurm Online – and I tend to keep a list running of everything that needs attention. What are those things these days?

  • Faralithe – Working on farming & animal husbandry. This is my Fo priest. She’s also working on mining at Quail Landing just to get some skills raised up.
  • Blesse – Working on channeling. This is my Vynora priest, she does a little bit of everything but besides the priest stuff she doesn’t really do anything major.
  • Minxes – Beginner Magranon priest, she needs to reach 70 faith so I can use her for reinforcement. All of the priests also need to work on meditation, minus Blesse who can already enchant grass.
  • Stargrace – Working on archaeology & weapon smithing. This skill takes forever (WS, that is). Oof. Also I’ve been busy building up Quail Landing, the bottom level of the deed is coming along, it requires a LOT of mortar and a LOT of sandstone bricks. Right now I’m out of bricks, so that’s where the effort lays.

Like I said, there’s never a lack of things to work on – and that’s what I love about Wurm. Even when you think you’re close to being ‘done’ something drags you (sometimes kicking and screaming) back in. As always, happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself!

My First ‘Real’ Slaying

Talk about being in the right place at the right time. I was out doing treasure maps today when Schiann walked into a red dragon (she was out doing treasure maps as well). I was pretty close by, so I offered to help. I told Moumix there was an impromptu slaying taking place, and he managed to get a summon. Faralithe (my Fo priest) was ready to help, so she received a summon and Schiann ran home to get a few more horses.

There were 35 participants, and it was a lot of fun. It was also the first time in 12 years that I got to participate in a slaying that wasn’t posted ahead of time for the public. Normally I miss out on these types of slayings, and the market is quite controlled by just a few players.

Schiann received the rare bone from the kill, and the other bits were rolled on (skull, body, meat, etc). All in all, it was not a bad way to wrap up my treasure hunting! Maybe I’ll get to participate in a few more of these in the future.

As always, happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself!

Down goes a Dragon (and a Kyklops)

There were over 300 people in local on this double slaying! Organized (once again) by Stanlee, I was shocked at how busy it was (but I shouldn’t have been, the public slayings are always quite a spectacle). I spotted a few members of the secret hat club, but not nearly as many as last event.

I’m sure a great time was had by all, and I can’t wait until the next one.

Quail Island joins the Flock

To the West of my other deeds is an island that someone had created with a wand, these islands are different than the man-made ones because they have a rock layer and thus you can create mines inside of them. The island had been previously owned, but came to rest with one of my local neighbours. At the time I first spoke to them they were uninterested in selling it though it had remained mostly unused since February. This week they noticed I was selling items off on the NFI cluster and they asked if I’d be interested in making a deal. 50s on the NFI clusters for the island.

Of course I jumped at the chance!

I have no idea what sort of deed I’ll be building here quite yet, most of the bridge to the mainland is actually deeded by another neighbour so I don’t think I can create a highway up, there’s a secondary bridge that’s almost fallen apart but I am not sure if it will decay since that too is on someone else’ property. Still, the mine is lovely, there’s a boat entrance and a walking entrance to it, and it sits on the South shore of Independence near the center, so I’m quite happy with the location overall.

I’ve been browsing different ideas on how to transform this location and we’ll just have to see how it goes. As always, happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself!

Progress on Quail Landing

I’ve been making mortar and bricks in between everything else in Wurm, and slowly Quail Landing is coming along. I need a second tall kingdom banner from the Cheese kingdom (of course I decided to try to decorate with another semi-rare PMK but this time it involves cats) but it’s getting there. I can’t wait until more of the buildings are put together. Each wall takes 20 mortar and 20 bricks, which is a huge pain but boy do you ever feel proud as you start to complete some of the larger projects.

As always, happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself!

Nomadic Gamer