
The Perfect Horse

Yesterday I was sailing around on the NFI server Cadence selling some belongings when I came across this horse. It was obviously released as horses typically don’t start with a name, but it surprised me none the less as my deed is called Quail Landing (and Quail Cove). I wanted to collect it, but I cannot tame hell horses and I didn’t have a save way to get it back to my deed. At venerable it can’t be hitched. So I just looked at it in awe.

Wurm Online Tips & Tricks, Pt.1

(note, the screenshot has nothing to do with this post, I just thought it was neat)

Wurm is a complex game and just when you think you’ve figured something out – you learn something new, even years later. I wanted to post some of these handy tricks and tips in case there were others out there, like me, who may not have even known they existed.

#1. HFC faster

  • Open settings, and under user interface, set the default shift-drag value to 1. Then make sure to enable shift-drag in the GUI which is just above it. Fill a satchel with meat, and another with veggies. Hold down control and click on the stack (don’t expand it) of meat, and then veggies. Let go of control. Hold down shift and enter. While holding those down, drag from either of the stacks, to a frying pan. Release enter. This is pan filling in a nutshell. It’s probably the fastest system out there, and it works for as many ingredients as you want, so if you’re doing anything in bulk, including moonshine and pizza, it allows you to drag 1 item from each stack you highlight to the container of your choice. Essential for grinding.

#2. Oh No, I’m drowning!

  • If you run out of stamina in water, you’ll start to take water damage and can eventually die from it. There are two things you can do in this situation that you may not know about. Number one – log out. Your stamina will replenish slowly while you’re offline, giving you the ability to move again once it has filled up. Or, if you’re close to shore, right click the bottom left icon of the ‘body’ on your character screen, and select ‘last gasp’ – this will turn on climbing, and allow you to climb up the shore to safety.

#3. Anything cloth / wool is a potential bandage

  • Got attacked unprepared? Maybe you have a cloth tent or a hat laying around! Don’t risk dying just because you don’t have actual healing material. You can use anything that is made of cloth or wool to bandage up those wounds.

That’s all for this week! I’ll be posting more tips & tricks for Wurm Online next Saturday, so be sure to check out the post if you’re interested. As always, happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself.


I can now finally make delicious food for myself! I know HFC isn’t nearly as difficult as say, WS, but pan filling is pretty boring. I made a few hundred meals, used some moonshine affinity drink and some sleep bonus, and watched the ticks happen. I might do a few more grind sessions in the future, but I’ve never really cared about going to 99 or anything like that in Wurm, so I’m quite content to be 60+ (although 90+ would be even better). I go through a LOT of food in game, it affects your skills, and even my alts eat a lot since they hang around doing nothing (well, priest things) most of the time.

I’m eager to unlock more recipes, I have a few hundred done so far, and I want to continue with that. It just requires a lot of sub-combines that are a bit of a chore (batter, passata, mayo, ketchup, those types of things). I can’t wait to see what I discover next.

As always, happy gaming no matter where you find yourself!

Nomadic Gamer