

I can now finally make delicious food for myself! I know HFC isn’t nearly as difficult as say, WS, but pan filling is pretty boring. I made a few hundred meals, used some moonshine affinity drink and some sleep bonus, and watched the ticks happen. I might do a few more grind sessions in the future, but I’ve never really cared about going to 99 or anything like that in Wurm, so I’m quite content to be 60+ (although 90+ would be even better). I go through a LOT of food in game, it affects your skills, and even my alts eat a lot since they hang around doing nothing (well, priest things) most of the time.

I’m eager to unlock more recipes, I have a few hundred done so far, and I want to continue with that. It just requires a lot of sub-combines that are a bit of a chore (batter, passata, mayo, ketchup, those types of things). I can’t wait to see what I discover next.

As always, happy gaming no matter where you find yourself!

Wurm Online Streams

I’ve been trying to get back into streaming for some time now, but I haven’t really felt enthralled with World of Warcraft, so I decided why not go back to my roots. I’ve been playing Wurm Online – what about streaming it. Last night was my first stream, and I had a ton of fun (though I did not get much accomplished). I travelled to the Northern part of Independence to work on my 83ql map, and found some pillage along the way.

I stream Mon/Fri/Sat from 7:30 EST to 9:30 and you can find me over on Twitch. If that’s not your thing or the time doesn’t work out for you, there’s always YouTube where I tend to upload my broadcasts after. I’d love to one day be able to do this full time, but we’ll just have to see. It has been ages since I’ve done any real streaming, and I’m pleased to see how Twitch has added alerts to their own dashboard so I don’t have to fiddle around with third party sites. That was always something that I seemed to struggle with, and this should make it easier for me.

I imagine I’ll continue to remain a ‘variety’ streamer for now, with some fiber arts thrown in there from time to time, and maybe some traditional art too. In any case, it’s certainly nice to be back.

The Second Stage of Capybara Assimilation

Thanks to a very kind player who sent me TWO lavender pegs, and Moumix, I have my very first lavender sailboat – which I am planning on dying pink (over top of the already pink layer) and turquoise – to match my capybara sultana themed deed. I can’t wait to see how it all looks. I’ll post screenshots once I get it set up but in the meantime here’s the boat in comparison to the wood colour of other boats, against the backdrop of my docks on Independence.

Happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself!

Cartography? Sure!

Pictured above is my VERY rough cartography map of the little corner of Hermit Island that I live on. Because my cartography skill is VERY bad (we’re talking less than 5) it’s more a series of mashed up blobs and vague colours instead of anything that actually looks like my deed. The act of cartography is pretty neat, it reminds me a lot of smaller version treasure chest hunting. You follow some little glowing balls to a POI (point of interest) and mark things down with some dye. Eventually when you’ve completed the survey and imp’d it to as high as you’re willing to go, you can take it back to your map table and turn it into a map. You can also make copies of them and hang them up or keep them in an atlas. The skill itself doesn’t seem to lend very much to me as a player, but I’m always happy to have one more skill to work on to prevent burn out in a game that is INCREIDIBLY grindy.

Have you worked on cartography yourself? What’s the highest skill you have in it so far? Let me know in comments and as always, happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself!

Nomadic Gamer