WoW Gold Making

WoW Economy Wrap Up – December

Well, a new year begins tomorrow so I decided why not post about December’s sales. I had taken a break for most of 2024, leaving Warcraft back in April and while I did return sporadically throughout the rest of the year, it wasn’t until December that I finally fell back into my familiar patterns when it came to gold making. I knew there was a few reasons for this, most noticeably a lack of community and sense of belonging that I just haven’t been able to find in the game. I stumbled off to EVE Online, where I worked on ISK making and because I had quite a large community there, I found it easier to stick with it. That being said, Warcraft is a game I enjoy a great deal, I just need to take some time to find my people.

Back to the sales! I’m currently spread across 28 NA realms, though I do have an active EU account as well (I haven’t been playing it frequently, and I have no plans on doing any gold making there). My best realm for the month of December was Mal’Ganis (2.3 million earned), followed by Thrall (1 million earned). My least profitable realm was Agamaggan, where I only made 31k for the month. I was not particularly consistent with my gold making habits this month, sometimes I didn’t feel like reposting my items so I would just wait until the next day, and I’m still spending a lot of gold playing catch up when it comes to professions.

I deal in a lot of high end materials, mostly transmog. Even though Mal’Ganis was my top selling server as far as amount of gold goes, I still only sold 7 items there. One of those items was 1.7m gold.

As long as I make a sale here and there, it seems to balance out. I spend approximately 1h each day on dedicated gold making, which is mostly just putting items back up for sale, or stock management. I do currently have 5 active accounts, and I’ve been using a level 11 character to power level characters from my 3 main accounts. Once the 20th anniversary (and timewalking) ends, I’ll drop back down to 3 accounts instead of 5. My two ‘extra’ accounts have level 11 characters that I can use without a subscription, so it all seems to work out in the end.

I hope everyone has had a great 2024, and here’s hoping 2025 brings lots of sales and some exciting times to Warcraft. Happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself!

Leveling Up With Timewalking

Somehow I found myself activating all 5 Warcraft accounts, and running my own characters through Timewalking dungeons in order to level them up. It went very smooth, and I had a lot of fun. I have a fury warrior who is locked at level 11, wearing a bunch of Timewalking gear + TBC gear + SL gems, and then any 4 other characters. In this case I went with my 70 warrior, 70 hunter, and some low level 10 warlocks. I put 4 of my characters in a group together, and left the experience locked character out. Then I queued for a specific dungeon early in the morning, when I figured no one else would be queuing for it. Chance would have it that 5 minutes later everyone got invited to the same dungeon, and I didn’t have to worry about that experience debuff. If you try to group with someone who has experience disabled, and then queue, you won’t be able to gain experience. There’s a few other ways of working around this issue, but I went with the easiest (for me) method.

After that, it was smooth sailing. I was able to queue for the Timewalking dungeons which give a HUGE amount of experience to all characters. It took approximately 1.5-2 dungeons per level for the characters who were 70+ and the lower level ones gained levels much faster. By the end of the day, I had two more level 80 characters to add to my roster, along with two more 50+ characters. The level 11 will just sit there on the unused account. MUCH faster than doing pet battles, and I also now have the 25% bonus experience on all of my bnet accounts due to having max level characters (it caps at 25%, 5% per level 80). It’s not the most interesting method of leveling up, but once I’ve played through the story one time I just really don’t want to keep doing it over and over.

Next up? We’ll just have to see. Probably more level 80 characters. I only have while the 20th anniversary event is up (I believe it ends January 7th or there abouts) and then the regular timewalking weeks after that. I don’t imagine I’ll keep those extra accounts subscribed for too long – but I do intend to take advantage of it while I can.

As always, happy gaming – no matter where you find yourself.

Making Gold – One Sale at a Time

The good thing about making gold is once you know how to go about it, you fall back into those habits pretty easily after taking breaks here and there. Thus it was that I returned to Warcraft and am already making a few million each day, mostly with pet sales. I reached 100 in both leatherworking and jewel crafting professions, and also started leveling up my alchemist / blacksmith character. I now have 3 characters at 80, with another slowly working through pet battles today. She should be able to reach 80 by tomorrow, I figure. Paladin, demon hunter, and monk are the classes who are already there. This will create my stable ‘main’ characters, one of each profession who I play on a semi regular basis.

There’s still so much more to do, but it’s a good solid start. Rumor has it I might even start streaming again as we get closer to the new year. I haven’t come to a solid conclusion about that yet, but it is something I really want to continue to try to do. Each time I try I seem to give up, but who knows if this will be the one time it sticks.

Curious about the gold making statistics from above? They’re from the revamped site, previously known as the ledger. I absolutely love the changes they’ve made this year, and I hope other players are taking advantage of it too. I like that I can see all of the gold I’ve made per server, so if some servers are doing better than others, I can focus on them a little bit more and make sure I’m restocking.

I’ll try to be a little more consistent with updates, but no promises. As always, happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself!

Am I Still Making Gold in Warcraft?

I know I haven’t exactly been posting a lot of World of Warcraft content since the release of The War Within, and some of that is on purpose as I took a break and stepped away from the game so I could find my ‘fun’ and some of that was just life getting in the way. I played the previous expansion pretty steadily, and I enjoyed myself but by the end of it I was really longing for a community, and a steady group of people around that I could get to know – in other words, I was lonely. My long time friends have moved on from WoW, and while I absolutely support their decisions, it still makes for lonely times in game. I’m hoping to find a community on the NA servers (even though I play EU hours) that’s casual and friendly, maybe on a roleplay server. We’ll see how that goes.

In the meantime – yes, I am still making gold. My methods have shifted over time, and I may not be bringing in as much gold as I have in the past, but I like to see the numbers go up. My warbank is capped, and I’ve been stashing individual amounts of gold around on my various characters. I have NOT maxed out my crafting yet, on anyone. I only have 1 level 80 character (I also have a 78) and I’m pretty lost as far as the story goes. I’m hoping to fix all of that over time, but it will take a bit. Ideally, I’d like to get ALL of my characters to 80, and I’m not sure that’s actually a realistic goal at this time.

I am also still actively playing two accounts, and I don’t think that will change any time soon. While I have been known to multibox 8 at once, those days are past me, and I feel much more comfortable with a smaller amount. I’ve also been trying to get more involved with the streaming community, they’re pretty close knit. While I’m not personally in the headspace to be able to stream, I do like keeping others company.

So. No promises that I’ll blog more, or even that it will always be Warcraft related – but there *should* ideally be more. We’ll see.

Happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself.

WoW September (Personal) Economy Update

Have I mentioned lately how much I’m loving the newly revamped Tradeskillmaster website? Well, I am, and the improvements keep coming. I decided to do an update for September even though I’ve only been back to Warcraft since September 23 so my ledger is a bit sparse. You can see that September 29th was a great day for sales and the rest of the week was pretty steady. I did take 1 day off from posting just to get the timing all under control (I post every 24h and it has to fit within my morning schedule, if it doesn’t then I leave it be until the next day).

The next screenshot shows how much I made per server, with my top 10 (I actually sell on 22 servers at the moment) along with the sales quantity per server. The more servers you can spread yourself over, the larger chance that *something* will sell. I (currently) sell exactly 1 full inventory worth of items on each server, and I restock once a week. The more time you devote to making gold, the higher your chance at returns – but I’ve been doing this for quite some time now, and I limit myself to 1h or so a day. One full inventory of items across 22 servers hits that threshold nicely. If I started selling more than one full inventory worth, or I increased the number of servers I was on, then the amount of time it would take me would also increase. I’m not interested in that at this point in time.

The third screenshot shows where the gold went – most of my sales comes from transmog, so weapons and armor is no surprise. In third place is recipes. I purchased some TWW recipes for my blacksmith, and she also worked on her professions for the first time this expansion, so that’s why there’s so many purchases under the trade goods category. I’ve also been doing some fishing to relax, and I’ve been selling all of that back on the auction house (I expect it will drop significantly in value a month from now). The consumable category includes the haunted memento which is the only item I sold in that category, I don’t typically deal with consumables (this is a category that Blizzard has it under).

Over all, I’m pretty happy with how September went. Old items are still selling just fine (none of the items I sell are from The War Within) and if you’re looking for big numbers, that’s where you’ll want to focus – but I focus on the long game, steady sales. I’ll leave the current expansion stuff to the big players who are devoting a lot more time to it than I am.

As always, happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself!

Nomadic Gamer