Weekly Review [Mar17-23]

Well, March isn’t nearly as profitable as February, but things are starting to trend upwards again which is always nice. Plunderstorm (I hate it, there’s a post on it around here somewhere) grinders are completing that and moving on to the next thing, maybe spending some gold here and there. I still really dislike the fact that Plunderstorm takes players OUT of the regular warcraft world (whether it is classic or retail) and puts them in a lobby instead. Splitting the player base EVEN FURTHER is a bad idea. Anyway, that’s not what we’re here for. Let’s get back to making gold!

The biggest sellers were my originals – pets and recipes. Transmog moved VERY slowly with only a few moving this week. I do have a bunch of pets I need to get to 25 some time, but the weather has been pretty sporadic and I have been losing power, so I’ve been doing non-online activities (gasp).

Unstable Frostfire belt, Frostfire legguards of preparation, titanic leggings, and steelgrip gauntlets – all of these were popular recipes. The most popular pet this week was the enchanted broom & bush chicken. I always love to see those selling.

Most of my ‘free’ time in game has been spent trying to earn my 1 renown & posting auctions, so I haven’t had a lot of other stuff going on. I’m looking forward to season 4, but things are absolutely in slow mode as far as sales and game play at the moment.

I do not like Plunderstorm

Blizzard released a new ‘feature’ for Warcraft – Battle Royale. If you’ve ever played Fortnite before you’ll know what I’m talking about and you’ll probably also wonder how many Warcraft players were hoping for a battle royale in their MMORPG – let me tell you, that number is low.

I dislike PVP. I dislike the us versus them mentality. If you look at statistic tracking sites, PVP achievements are the LOWEST earned by players. I do not have quick reflexes, I struggle with my hands and vision. I do like collecting things and low pressure events. This is not that. I feel jaded that 10.2.6 actually gave very little to Dragonflight in any sense of story, quests, etc, and instead offers a new game all together where you can level up renown and earn items for Warcraft (both classic and retail). There are pets, transmog, and mounts as well as the tenders currency. There is also zero items a gold making goblin can make use of. These items are purely for collectors.

“If you don’t like it, then don’t play!” – sure, this is something I’ve already heard but then I miss out (as a collector) on pets and mounts. Instead I am forcing myself to gain at least 1 renown a day, which (for me) on average takes between 1-1.5 hours. What this means is that I’m doing VERY little else in game, because that eats up almost all of the free time I have to play. I also dislike how this new feature removes players from the world, and so things are looking empty. I imagine when they earn their rewards and when Season 4 releases it will get busy again but it’s really not fun to see a once active server reduced so much because everyone is out there grinding for their 40 renown. It’s not fun. I do not enjoy it. I realize lots of people DO enjoy this style of game play, and that’s fantastic for those people, but that doesn’t disqualify how I feel about it.

Weekly Wrap Up [Mar10-Mar16]

Another week, more sales. I was seeing things in the normal range once again, and it looks like the TSM ledger site has fixed itself too after the hiccup that came with leap year.

Sales this week came mainly in the form of recipes, a handful of pets, and some NLA transmog (we’re talking shirts). I also decided to change up how I had been posting my auctions, just to see if it made any difference. I have about 5,000 items in stock, across 28 servers. It takes me approximately 2 hours to post everything, using two accounts posting. I normally do it first thing in the morning in between doing my RL chores (getting the minions some breakfast, etc) and I normally just post everything for 24h and check once a day, never doing cancel scans. Sometimes RL gets in the way, or I have other obligations, or I simply don’t feel like spending 2h posting auctions so I’ve been trying to think of ways to split things up a bit and ease the time it takes me to post. I’ve been doing this daily since December 2022, with very few breaks between. It has been fantastic for making gold but let’s face it, sometimes we all need a bit of a change.

10.2.6 releases tomorrow – I’m not overly excited, but I think it’s because we really know very little about the event that has been hyped up above and beyond what we’ve seen in the past. I’m excited for TWW, but that’s because I know what we’re getting into. I’m even excited about Season 4 (though I’m feeling pretty cautious about the season changes they’re making). 10.2.6 is a beast of a different nature though, Blizzard having decided to go with no testing (this worries me) and no data leaks. We’ll just have to see what it brings for the gold making community, if anything.

As always, happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself!

10.2.6 Announced – Finally

Blizzard has finally told us that 10.2.6 releases this Tuesday, March 19th – unfortunately that’s pretty much all they would say except that it’s going to be a time limited event that has never been done before in Warcraft. Something to do with pirates. Maybe?

Will there be gold making opportunities with this? Maybe! With no way to test any of it before it goes live (and with no indication of what ‘it’ is) we really will just have to wait and see. Any speculation out there as to what it could potentially be? Let me know in comments!

Making Gold with the 10th Anniversary Hearthstone Event

By now people have figured out you can actually sell the Hearthstone toy – and it is selling (screenshot is from the WoW Econ Discord).

The achievement you get from the event is account wide, so you can’t obtain that again – but to get multiple toys, just log in to your WoW accounts (if you have more than one) BEFORE you complete the achievement, and every character that is online will receive it.

** IMPORTANT** This COULD be changed in the future, it’s probably meant to be BoP – so be aware of that fact.

Save them until after the event and they become more rare, or sell them off before any changes happen, that’s up to you.

Happy gold making!