Timewalking, Gets me Every Time

I’ve mentioned before that I don’t have a community in World of Warcraft, I just sort of go along doing my own thing – and it has been that way for years now, since my closest friends all decided to stop playing. I’ve been contemplating transferring to a roleplay server to try to seek out some sort of community, but I’m not sure if that’s the path I want to go.
This week when I logged in, it happened to be timewalking. I love this event, and I quickly took my 80 retribution paladin through 5 of them to get her some upgrades. I’ve only got the one character sitting at 80 so far, though my demon hunter is very close, at 78. After that I’ve got a monk and a priest I’d like to max out, so that would be my 4 ‘main’ characters (one of each profession, basically). I had grand plans of one day getting ALL of my characters to 80, but I’m not sure if I have that dedication any more. I was surprised at how much I enjoyed myself, I haven’t really dedicated myself to WoW for quite some time (in part due to my lack of community as I mentioned above). I’m very excited about player housing coming sometime in the future, and I’d like to be fairly established as ‘back’ before that happens.
For once I probably won’t be focusing on gold making, but instead I’d like to focus on collecting. I’ve already got more gold than I can ever possibly use, and I feel like that portion of the game is ‘solved’ for me. There’s lots of other ‘stuff’ I don’t have completed yet, mounts, pets, transmog, and achievements. There’s never a lack of things to do, it’s just a matter of choosing which one of those things I want to work on.
In any case, it’s nice to be playing. Now I just need to find my ‘home’.