Winter Season has Started!

I wasn’t sure what I wanted to make this season. Originally I went with a ranger, wanting to try out a ranged class. Playing the class didn’t feel fluid and I only got to around level 23 before deleting and deciding on a Dark Knight, instead. This lady swings a 2h sword like she’s been doing it since birth, and I feel very fluid (much like the lahn, another class I really love to play) and is a more defensive play style instead of evasion where I need to run around dodging. Right now she’s level 50, progressing through the story and enchanting armour just like seasons gone by. It turns out that I never completed the season on my first (older) account, even though I’ve participated in TWO seasons now. Third time is the charm, right? I hope to complete everything this round and still have time to get it done on my second (newer) account as well.

The plan is to let each account lapse for 30 days before returning so that I can continue to play on the Olvia servers and avoid PvP. It may seem a bit strange to spread myself between two completely different accounts, but it’s working out well for me so far, and I just focus on that one account for the month without really missing the one I’m not playing. The game has so much to do that there hasn’t been a lot of overlap for me, and I’m enjoying not having to worry about people taking down my ships/characters when I randomly AFK.

I’m hoping this gives me the confidence I need to get into bartering and sailing. Two skills I have very little experience in.

As always, we’ll see how it goes. Happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself!

Weather Systems

One of the (many) things I love about Black Desert Online, is their dynamic weather systems. It’s winter right now, and the rain that used to show up on maps has given way to snow. The towns are not always covered in snow, just like they were not always covered in rain – but when a system passes through, the towns are absolutely beautiful. I wish more games had this sort of dynamic weather in place.


The days in black desert lately have all been spent waiting for the next season to start (December 22nd, for those keeping track at home) along with the latest class changes (happening at the same time) and the hope that there are some holiday events taking place. A lot of fishing, some gathering, a tiny bit of questing, and that’s how I’ve spent 99% of my time since the last season ended.

I’m thinking of creating a ranger this time around, with a boost to tamer – maybe.