Betraying to Inquisitor #EQ2

Petites (pictured left) is my templar – well. WAS my templar. She is now a proud inquisitor, sporting her enervated mythical thanks to guild mates last night who ran cella and research halls. Level 88 (almost 89) this will be my 8th level 90 character. She’s also my level 90 jeweler but more importantly she’s my very first EQ2 character that I created back in 2004. In fact she still has quests on her from early 2005 (screaming mace and another heritage quest) that I’ve never gotten around to completing. Now I keep them in there for nostalgia sake.

The bruiser is level 84, and I also have an 84 coercer, eventually I’ll have each of those to 90 as well I imagine. Last night I boxed with my new 2nd account, and moved a 90 necromancer over to AB so needless to say I have more then enough characters to fill whatever roll I happen to have my heart set on for the day.

The guild is doing great. We’re a small jump from 57, three more levels and we’ll have new bank tabs. We can always use those. It actually feels busy (during the weekends at least) with 6+ of us online, something I’m not used to. I enjoy our twisted sense of humor, and while we’re all typically doing our own things (we are far more of a social guild then anything else) it’s comforting to know friends are around. Plus amenity come in handy.

For those who may not have heard the announcement – EQ2 is going to be offline tomorrow for 7 hours for an update:

Beginning July 12, 2011 at 1:00 a.m. US Pacific Time, we’ll be performing maintenance on all games and services. During this maintenance, our forums, websites and games will also be unavailable. The estimated downtime for the maintenance is 7 hours.

We apologize for this interruption and will resume the affected services as soon as the maintenance is completed.

I wonder if this is to fix gifting (which has been disabled this past week due to heavy exploits) or any of the other numerous bugs that have shown up over the last little while. Two off hand (besides the station cash exploit) is guild halls and multi housing. If a player is inside the guild hall and relinquishes their home from the portal that takes you to your house, it will actually relinquish the guild hall. NOT a good thing. On that same note, if you happen to own multiple homes and transfer to a new server, all of those homes except your last purchase will vanish, along with everything inside of them. This one I know from personal experience as I have been waiting for the return of my home (via petition) since June 25th. No luck yet.

I hope everyone had a fantastic weekend, no matter where you found yourself. Happy gaming!

Look Ma- I can Leap, and Glide! #EQ2

When leapers and gliders released I decided to hold off because I knew everyone and their dog would be headed to Butcherblock and TT in order to start the quests. Yesterday I figured enough time had passed that I too should quest and join the ranks. The quests were pretty simple. You can obtain your leaper at level 30, the quest starts in Butcherblock Mountains. I really love how this mount works and unlike the glider it is easy to control (yes, I realize they’re working on a fix for the gliders but in the mean time.. watch out). The glider mount begins in Teneberous Tangle, and you can obtain it at level 60+. This mount is a pain to control but it’s also a lot of fun to move around with. You can quite literally glide across entire zones.

With the other half giving up EQ2 for good in order to play Rift, he passed his account on to me. I ended up server moving his 90 shadowknight and sex changing it to a female (as well as obtaining a name change). It feels really weird to have him officially give me his account because he’s been playing since release. After so much time spent in game he says he just doesn’t have the desire to spend that much time playing any more, plus there have been numerous SOE issues that he’s not content with. He’s been playing Rift since release and seems to enjoy it – and I can understand why. For me the game lacks “other” stuff to do – but for a casual player with limited play time, it offers exactly what he’s looking for. I’m now boxing the shadownight along with my alts in order to level them up (the bruiser is level 83, the templar 84) and it’s quite fun. Yesterday myself and Shamah took our alts on a guild raid run, there are 5 in total and it was worth a lot of guild status. We’re closing in on level 57 – and from there just a short jump and skip to 60 and more bank slots. Excited? Yes, yes I am.

Wiqd and his wife recently joined our team of guild mates as well, so we’ve become a guild of a few more which is fantastic. I like growing casually, with friends that I’ve known for a while. We’re still tiny but it’s a lot of fun.

Happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself!

Tradeskills and Housing Information: Fan Faire Day 2 #EQ2

Day two of Fan Faire was filled with a lot of panels for EQ2, including tradeskills and housing, art an animation, and information on Freeport and Beyond. While they all provided some pretty awesome information, I want to chatter a bit about the tradeskill and housing changes that are going to be going in. First of all we learned there will be two upcoming prestige homes added and they’re pretty awesome:

  • Felwithe mansion
  • Tenebrous Island Refuge: an empty floating island with two waterfalls. Completely empty for players to build from the ground up

Home owners have been asking for a ‘blank’ lot for quite some time now, actually ever since the layout editor came out I can remember these pleas, so this announcement was VERY well received. Player creativity and user generated content is something EQ2 has finally managed to get a grasp of – players WANT this sort of thing. More games need to implement this.

There will be a house rating system added to the game. It will allow home owners to submit houses for ranking on a server-wide leaderboard. You’ll be able to allow vistors to rank your house and you’ll be able to publish your house with a screen shot. The rated houses will also have a new window you can use that allow you to search for houses by type and layout. You’ll be able to visit your friends homes, and port directly to them.

Along with houses changes are the new crafting changes that will be added. There will be crafting aa which is something I’m really looking forward to. There will be three rows of abilities on their own page, and you’ll be able to spend points to increase the chance of harvesting a rare item, or make items without consuming materials like the prayer shawl.

Finally tradeskill apprentices are being added. There is a lot of discussion on what exactly these apprentices will do in the future, so I’m not going to talk too much about it until they’ve finally settled on something.


We’re talking about more options for AA mirrors or being more portable.

Q: Instead of mannequins, can we provide some way for players to know what recipes our crafters can make? Maybe a display that shows the items you can make. It’s easy for a carpenter to make a furniture store that shows all the items.
A: What if mannequins didn’t require the rare to make the item to put on it? We can look at that.

When you unpublish a house from House Rating, you lose the awards and it drops off the list. So once you have a house set up, we want to be sure that what they see is reflected by the Ratings. Since you can own multiple homes, we think players can use their additional houses for showcasing, and keep a functional house that’s not Rated.

Q: When will we see New Halas guild hall design or other unique guild halls?
A: We want to do this but it comes down to time commitment. If we did this, it couldn’t just be New Halas, it would have to be all the cities.

Q: Searching through Recipes. Can we get a better interface?
A: We agree. We’d like to see. We just have to work it into the schedule.

Q: Does the Bountiful Harvest and Shawl increase chance of rare?
A: It just gives you a double harvest. You have the same chance of a rare off each harvest.

Q: Are you aware that the Far Seas crafting gear 5% success chance is bugged?
A: We’re under the impression that this has been fixed 2-3 game updates ago.

Q: Adornments for crafting gear?
A: We’ve talked about this but not a lot of detail at this time.

Q: Convert in-game screenshots to paintings?
A: We’ve talked about this kind of thing before as far as user-generated content. We open ourselves up to potential abuse. The other issue is Assets. Every time someone comes into your house they have to download the artwork. It could make the download size of EQ2 quite a lot.

Q: Can we get a quest to help the figure skaters in Frostfell and get a pair of skates and be able to ice skate?
A: This might take a lot of animation time. We can take a look at it.

Q: Can you increase House Item limits?
A: We have to maintain a balance so the zone will load on people’s computers. We just raised the limit not too long ago.

Q: Can we have some other way to acquire limited time, unique items?
A: We don’t want to take away the uniqueness of certain live event items.

Q: Transmuting and Adorning. When you transmute an item with an adornment, it doesn’t increase the chance of getting a better product. Is there any way we could de-augment crafted adornments and get components or rares back?
A: It’s not a bad suggestion, but the idea is Adornments take that money out of the economy. We can look into it. We want to balance the game economy and combat inflation. One problem is, if an item with an adornment has a higher chance to give a rare, then people would put cheap adornments on everything before they break it down.

Q: As an Armorer, with the level cap parked at 90, tradeskilled armor is pretty useless.
A: Every item in the game is being reitemized to use the new stats. Handcrafted is being bumped up to quest rewards level. Mastercrafted is not changing a whole lot. As part of the revamp, there will be more desire for crafted gear.

Q: Is there a way to move a bunch of items to the Guild Harvest Depot?
A: We’ll write that down.

Q: Since Tradeskill AAs come from the same pool as Adventure AAs, can we have it so once you are level 90 tradeskiller, any extra XP goes to AA?
A: Because the pools aren’t separated, you could grind a bunch of AAs by doing crafting writs.
Domino: If you do all the crafting quests you should have enough AAs, even if you don’t go out and adventure, you should have earned quite a few AAs from that. If we directly allowed tradeskill writs to turn into AA, we’d have major problems.

(retort: Players can grind AAs through all sorts of exploits, why can’t we get AA via crafting?)
A: In general, we want to avoid AFK crafting = AAs. Just because some players can cheat doesn’t mean we want to lower the entire game to that.
Domino: We have 25 crafting AAs, and there are ways as a crafter to earn AAs via crafting quests.

Q: 2 years ago, I asked about more room for our housing. You not only delivered but exceeded the expectations. I’m very thankful. As was said earlier, Mannequins require a rare for 20 plat to make. Can we get this removed.
A: Yes we have this written down to do.

Q: Can we get Prestige Houses via a quest?
A: Not currently planned. We have given some away at Fan Faire, LoN decks, StationCash, other events, one drops from Tallon Zek. We have a variety of ways to get them. Who knows we might have a way in the future.

Q: Can you make some adjustments to sitting in chairs?
A: We’re going to talk to our art team.

(of course this is just what the EQ2 devs were afraid of, each chair needing modifications to support sitting)

Q: Tradeskill Raids to get a tradeskill charm?
A: No immediate plan.

Q: Can we name our houses with the Ranking system?
A: Yes you’ll be able to name your house.

Q: I have 6 prestige houses. Can we have more than 10?
A: I’ve already talked to SmokeJumper about this.

Q: In other houses, if I fall through the world, I just get ported. If I fall through the Maj’dul house floor, I die.
A: I will pass this on to our Art team.

Q: I am an EQ2 hoarder, and StationCash is the devil. Last year I raised the issue about Appearance items taking over my bank space. Can we have a Wardrobe house storage item?
A: We want to do this. It’s crazy how fast a year goes by. It’s on our big To Do list.

Q: Can we make House Pets permanently Stay?
A: We don’t have any problem doing this, we just have to find time to do this.

Q: It’s hard to decorate the really large Stadium housing.
A: The Dojo is of course really small, some houses are really Large. We have a lot of different styles coming up.

Q: Can we get more Painting choices? Most Carpenter paintings seem to be Orcs.
A: Somebody loved Orcs. ;)

Q: I’m glad I can craft provisioner food and drink for myself as stacks. Can we get music in New Halas housing?
A: We can certainly bring that up.

Q: Can we get stone walls crafted that match Thurgadin walls?
Domino: OK (laughter)

Q: I’m a Decorator. The doors don’t really scale properly. They won’t fit in doorways. They open on the wrong axis. The Kelethin doors don’t fit Kelethin houses.
A: The doors were something we tried out to see if people liked them and what people would do with them. They were never planned to fit into the doorways in city housing because even in a single house the doors are all different sizes. It was always our intention if people like them to add more of them and more options. No promises on themes.

Q: Is there a way to get rid of all Training Dummies in a guild hall with a single click?
A: We could do this. By the way, your Boston in Karaoke last night was awesome.

Q: Is there any way we can buy city housing on StationCash just to have them rent-free?
A: We can talk about it. We currently take money out of the game with house rent.

Q: Rush orders at level 20 are very difficult.
A: At higher levels, you get better tradeskill arts to make items more easily. We don’t want rush orders to be really difficult at higher levels.

Q: Can we get a way to mail multiple items?
A: We can look into this. Mail goes through the universal uChat system who we don’t like to mess. We could maybe crate them in a box.

Q: I stayed at level 9 on a PvP server, with 90 tradeskill so that I don’t get ganked. Is there any way we can earn AA once we are level 10 tradeskiller?
A: Can look into it.

Q: Can we customize walls or floors in Guild Halls?
A: This question has come up a few times. The biggest problem is it’s very time-consuming. The system was very difficult to do. They haven’t done it with any new housing beyond Qeynos or Freeport.

Q: Cragmore Estate is so difficult to put paintings on the walls. I have to create walls. There are bookshelves that we can’t place books. There are geometry problems.
A: We can follow up with our art team on this. We weren’t aware of specific problems with the Cragmore Estate.

Lots of information to take in, and I’m pretty pleased to see there was such a great turn out to a side of MMO gaming that a lot of other game companies seem to ignore. EQ2 has an enormous community of crafters and decorators, and it’s a shame that other games don’t take this aspect of gaming seriously. So. With all that information out there, what do you think? What are you most looking forward to in the future of EQ2 crafting? Thoughts and ideas? Share them in comments below! As always, happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself.

Beastlords, Player-Made Dungeons, and Other Fan Faire Updates #EQ2

By now we’ve all heard that Beastlords will indeed be the 25th class added to EQ2. I’m not really surprised but I am curious as to HOW they managed to get to Norrath since we have no Luclin. Perhaps they took a space ship. Other news we heard:

  • Authenticators are coming, keychain versions as well as Andriod/iOS
  • Player-made dungeons are in the works (very excited about this feature)
  • No level cap increase in the next expansion – aa only (just like DoV, a little sad that I have to go so long at level 90)
  • Mercenaries are coming (Just like EQ1 already has) turning EQ2 into much more of a single player game (mixed feelings on this)
  • Tradeskill apprentices are coming, they use a new craft table and can make new items
  • Reforging is coming (a la WoW)

The expansion is slated to go live in November of this year, which is a pleasant surprise to me since I was expecting it to go live in February (which is when DoV released). I’m very excited about player-made dungeons as there is SUCH creativity in EQ2. I think it will be a really neat thing to see. I’m also excited about the EQ1 expansion, and of course I was not surprised that again this year there was absolutely 0 information on Vanguard. In fact I don’t even think they mentioned it once.

What do you think about the announcements we’ve heard so far? Excited about any of them? It will be interesting to see what other details come out of Fan Faire as the day progresses, and in the mean time, happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself.

Dungeons, Achievements, and Hot Zones – Oh My! #EQ2

Yesterday was spent working on my neglected templar, who managed to reach level 83. She was my first EQ2 character ever and thus holds a special place in my heart. I’ve been contemplating betraying her to an inquisitor because they’re the flavour of the month at the moment, but I would want to complete my enervated weapon first which I can’t do until 86. That way I don’t need to completely re-do the inquisitor mythical. The inquisitor possess one skill that no other healer gets, and it’s quite over powered. Their mythical allows them to group cure while moving, and it’s incredibly fast casting with an almost instant recast. This is incredibly valuable in raids and dungeons where players may be moving all over the place to avoid certain locations, as well as being bounced and thrown through the air. Not to mention they’ve got a very nice amount of DPS, and help all melee classes quite a bit. It was a relaxing run to get her to 83, and I’m looking forward to continuing on with her leveling as the mood strikes me.

Yesterday the hot zone was also Ascent, so my guild mates and I ran it twice, with various alts. A few fabled dropped each time, and my shadowknight managed to pick up a nice bow. The first time through I ran the instance on my swashbuckler who is doing quite well as far as gear goes, and then the second time I ran it on my defiler. Both times were nice and relaxing which is the great thing about going with guild groups, even if we did only have four people.

The rest of the evening was spent going on achievement runs, we (the guild mates and I) headed to Loping Plains and decided to do Evernight Abby, Mistmore Manor, and Ravenscale Repository for achievements. My swashbuckler had never been there before so I went from 211 aa to 217 with little trouble. I’ve finally started working on the heroic side of things, although I’ll need to reach 225 aa spent before I can work on the 2nd tier.

I know everyone is eagerly awaiting the beginning of Fan Faire to see what amazing news comes out of it, and I’ll try to post any big announcements here. In the mean time, happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself!

Nomadic Gamer