
Why Track Sales/Gold?

A frequent question I get is – why bother tracking my earnings. Especially now that I have my Brutosaur. There are a few answers I have, but honestly the main reason is just because I find it fascinating. Making gold in world of warcraft is just plain fun. I like knowing what I’m spending, where gold is going, and where it’s coming from. It’s a great sense of accomplishment for me to see the graphs and charts and earnings.

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November(?) Sales in Review

I did graphs of my sales back in November, but I didn’t blog about it (whewps) so I decided why not post it now. November was a GREAT month for glyph sales – which have slowed down a bit since then due to competition, but is still one of my main crafts. My greatest sales came from my ‘misc’ category, which is all transmog, pets, mounts, and supplies for crafts that I don’t actively participate in (such as ore, from blacksmithing). How did I do? Lets go over the results…

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5 Million Gold? Goal Obtained!

It has been FAR too long since I posted last, and I honestly don’t have much of an excuse except to say that things got busy. Really busy. On top of that, I got sad. Really sad. I’m hoping to change all of that, to try to pull myself out of the rut I have been in, and get back to things I love to do which includes posting on my site. I’m hoping to have a remodel done in the future and I’m hoping that it inspires me to write more often. A shame, because I had ALMOST posted every single day for all of 2019 until November. I was quite proud of that, too.

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